FDA To FINALLY Issue Warning Labels on Over-The-Counter Acetaminophen Products…
Many people believe that over the counter drugs are not as harmful as prescription medications. . In my opinion, drugs are drugs and no matter which way you slice it or dice it drugs come with side effects and possibly long-term consequences.
The FDA, which supposedly regulates the use of prescription drugs in our society just recently began proposing putting labels on over-the-counter pain relievers, which warn patients of the potential for stomach bleeding and damage to the liver.
This week, Dr. Peter Lurie, Deputy Director of the Health Research Group at Public Citizen questioned the length of time the FDA took to be proactive in issuing these recommendations for issuing warning labels on over-the-counter acetaminophen products.
Dr. Lurie sates: “Finally, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to put labels on over-the-counter pain relievers warning of the potential for stomach bleeding and liver damage,” I think he was spot on when he asked: What took the agency so long?”
The FDA’s Advisory Review Panel recommended in 1977 that products with acetaminophen have warnings that read statements like “Do not exceed recommended dosage because severe liver damage may occur,” according to Lurie. The problem as usual, is that the FDA ignored the panel’s advice for nearly 30 years. Why? Simple. Warnings may decrease sales in these drugs which are a for-profit business with which a relationship with FDA exists, in my opinion.
The FDA’s Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee received testimony from Lurie’s Health Research Group in 2002, which stated that more than 26,000 hospitalizations and 458 deaths each year are linked to acetaminophen overdoses. Even though more than 50% of the overdoses were intentional (suicide attempts), a reduction in the acetaminophen content of pills and selling a smaller quantity of pills in each package could help prevent such overdoses. Plus, advising consumers of potential overdose damages could also help according to Lurie.
I agree with Dr. Lurie 100%. This again, is just another example of the FDA’s procrastination of educating the public in attempt to keep the pharmaceutical companies earning cash.
The only problem is that the cash earning process of these companies involves people’s health.
Posted: December 28th, 2006 under FDA.
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