Archive for 'Garlic'
Reap Health Benefits from Fresh Garlic
If you love cooking Italian food it is time to learn what garlic can really do for you and the differences between fresh and bottled garlic. A new study was published in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry demonstrating that fresh garlic may actually be better for you than bottled garlic. [...]
Posted: June 9th, 2008 under allicin, Garlic.
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Study Shows Garlic Relaxes Arteries And Increases Blood Flow
For centuries, garlic has been recognized for its healing properties and numerous studies with varying results have been performed to confirm the abilities of garlic to ward off colds and lower cholesterol levels among many other things. Recent research now suggests that garlic can increase blood flow, reduce blood clots and prevent oxidative damage by [...]
Posted: November 17th, 2007 under Garlic.
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