Archive for 'Supplements'
Vitamins: Can You Have Too Much of a Good Thing?
It’s time to go back in time. Think back to when you were in your high school health class. At some point during the semester, I’m sure you learned about vitamins and how all of them fall into one of two classes: Fat soluble or water soluble. Water soluble vitamins—like vitamin B complex, and vitamin [...]
Posted: January 6th, 2010 under Supplements, Vitamin E.
Tags: fat soluble vitamins, Vitamin E, vitamin E supplementation
Comments: none
On the Price Patrol
Major Differences Between Online and In-Store Prices at Vitamin Shoppe   Just about every store in the world these days has a website from which consumers can purchase products online. The Vitamin Shoppe is no exception. I literally spend thousands of dollars at the Vitamin Shoppe every year – both online and in-store – for they [...]
Posted: January 22nd, 2009 under Supplements, Vitamin Shoppe, Vitamins.
Comments: 15
Supplement Shopping with Frank Mangano!
When it comes time to go to the Vitamin Shoppe and buy the different vitamins and supplements you need to maintain your health, it can be an overwhelming experience for those who do not know what to look for. I’m going to guide you in the right direction by offering a simple guide to help [...]
Posted: January 22nd, 2008 under Supplements.
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