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Archive for 'Eye Health'

Resveratrol May Help Save Diabetics’ Eyes

In a recent study by researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine, it was found that resveratrol, a key compound in red wine and fresh foods such as peanuts and fresh grapes, may be able to save the diabetics from vision loss in the near future. Published in the American Journal of Pathology, researchers [...]

For Predicting Alzheimer’s, the Eyes May Have It

Poor Eyesight in Later Years May Be Precursor to Alzheimer’s Development The problem with Alzheimer’s disease is that once it’s identified, the damage has already been done.  Treatments exist that slow its debilitating effects, but precious little can be done to reverse them. As such, much of Alzheimer’s research is devoted to identifying Alzheimer’s disease [...]

Pining for Pine Bark, Extract

Study:  Pine Bark Extract Improves Eyesight in 75 Percent of Diabetics Say you fall victim to some mysterious illness.  The illness is such that it renders four of your senses useless.  What’s the one sense that you’d want to keep more than any other? For me, hands down, it’s eyesight.  I can’t imagine not being [...]

Kids See the Light: Outdoor-Dwelling Kids Have Better Eyesight, Study Finds

For parents wanting to avoid spending hundreds of dollars on their kids eyes, lend me your eyes for a moment. According to new research, one of the easiest ways to keep them from having four eyes (i.e. glasses) is to keep them outside!  We know that keeping kids’ active and healthy means they need to [...]

Sight For Sore Eyes…Study Reveals Certain Food Compounds Improves Eye Health

I recently read about an exciting finding that has my hopes up for my elder years! Although science hasn’t found a way to turn back time (yet), this latest scientific discovery in the world of natural health tells how certain compounds found in various vegetables can help prevent macular degeneration—a common eye problem that tends [...]

Books Authored by Frank Mangano

The Blood Pressure Miracle The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure Alzheimer's Defense You Can Attract It Power Of Thin Power Of Thin
Discovering The Truth About
High Blood Pressure May Save
A Life...It Could Be YOURS
Win The War Naturally
Against High Cholesterol
Learn How You Can Prevent,
Slow And Even Halt
Alzheimer's Disease
You Can Attract It ...
Using The Law of Attraction
to Get What You Want
Power Of Thin
Change Your Thinking
Change Your Weight
The Mangano Method:
An All-Natural Approach
To Fight Gout