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March 2025
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Statin Drugs Are NO CURE for High Cholesterol…I’m About To Share The REAL CURE With You…

If you visit a conventional medical doctor and it’s determined that you have high blood cholesterol, I’ll bet the doctor will almost immediately tell you that a statin drug is necessary for you to lower cholesterol. Your doctor may even tell you that a statin drug will be good for you. PLEASE! DON’T BELIEVE SUCH NONSENSE.

Statin drugs may do more harm than good. For starters, these types of drugs can cause muscle pain and mental disorders which includes brain fog and memory loss. There is also scientific evidence that statin drugs deplete levels of coQ10, which is a fat-soluble, vitamin-like substance that exists in every human cell.  Coenzyme Q10 is involved in key biochemical reactions that produce energy in cells.

If you currently use statin drugs you should HIGHLY consider using a high-quality coenzyme Q10 supplement to replenish Co Q10 levels. Not all Co Q10 supplements are the same so be sure it’s Vitamin E based for proper absorption. I recommend using Co Q10 by Jarrow Formulas (I have no financial ties to this supplement company), which I’ve found to be of the highest quality.

And now ladies and gentlemen, for the real cure. The REAL cure for high cholesterol is proper diet and exercise. Who would have thought! There’s a study published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” which shows that eating certain foods such as soy protein, tofu, various other soy products, almonds, cereal fiber and plant sterols can lower total cholesterol and especially LDL cholesterol, better than statin drugs.

Another powerful food you can consume to lower cholesterol naturally without these chemical poisions is blueberries. An antioxidant found in blueberries and grapes appears to lower cholesterol as effectively as a commercial drug, according to a study presented at the 228th national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia. investigators found that the blueberry compound, called pterostilbene, activates a cellular structure that helps lower cholesterol, which is the same mode of action as the cholesterol-lowering drug ciprofibrate.

The bottom line: You don’t need to use statin drugs to lower cholesterol. There are natural foods that exist which work better than these drugs with no side effects. Don’t be fooled into believing the hype about statin drugs.

- Frank Mangano 

Exercise can dramatically reduce YOUR chances of heart disease, even if started later on in life…

If you live a sedentary lifestyle then this is your wake up call! It’s not too late to start exercising to beat heart disease even if you’re middle aged, according to the research team at Heidelberg University.

Dr Dietrich Rothenbacher, who lead the research team, said: “Our results suggest that a more active physical activity pattern is clearly associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

“We also concluded that changing from a sedentary to a more physically active lifestyle, even in later adulthood, may strongly decrease coronary heart disease.”

Alison Shaw, from the British Heart Foundation, said: “This research suggests that being more physically active throughout your life is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

“The earlier you adopt a more physically active lifestyle, the bigger the rewards will be on your heart, helping to reduce your risk in later life. So don’t wait until you reach 40 to get active.”

“The heart, like all muscles, requires regular physical activity to ensure it functions well.”

“We recommend that everyone does 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days a week. You are never too old to start being active.”

“But people who are unaccustomed to physical activity and not sure of what activity is right for them should discuss it with their GP.”

This is good news folks! I’m not at all surprised by the results of these studies and this further validates the heart healthy benefits of good old exercise. 

If you’re a couch potato and this doesn’t give you an incentive to put down the remote, get up and get moving then I don’t know what will. You don’t have to join a gym or buy expensive exercise equipment. As a matter of fact the best type of exercise you can do on a daily basis won’t cost you a cent, walking!

That’s right friends. Just 30 minutes per day will have an astounding impact on your health and your heart will thank you for it. I do it and if you don’t already then I HIGHLY recommend you start today! I invite you to share your tips on staying active by posting your comments here.

- Frank Mangano

The health risks of Beta-Blockers to lower blood pressure outweigh the benefits…

Are you taking beta-blockers to lower blood pressure? If so then you need to be aware of a new development. There is now evidence that shows these types of drugs to lower blood pressure increase some health risks, including strokes and heart attacks.

As a matter of fact, health authorities in Britain have told millions of patients to STOP taking beta-blockers, which are widely used in Australia.

In a report released on June 28th, The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence said beta-blockers would no longer be prescribed for high blood pressure after studies found newer drugs were safer and more effective.

Here’s my question folks, why will “newer” types of drugs be pushed when there are completely safe, natural and healthy alternatives that exist right now like drinking more pure water and taking a high quality omega 3 fatty acid supplement to lower blood pressure? That’s something to think about!

- Frank Mangano

Books Authored by Frank Mangano

The Blood Pressure Miracle The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure Alzheimer's Defense You Can Attract It Power Of Thin Power Of Thin
Discovering The Truth About
High Blood Pressure May Save
A Life...It Could Be YOURS
Win The War Naturally
Against High Cholesterol
Learn How You Can Prevent,
Slow And Even Halt
Alzheimer's Disease
You Can Attract It ...
Using The Law of Attraction
to Get What You Want
Power Of Thin
Change Your Thinking
Change Your Weight
The Mangano Method:
An All-Natural Approach
To Fight Gout