Archive for 'Energy Drinks'
The Adverse Effects of Caffeine in Energy Drinks to Children
// A group of medical professionals who reviewed data from case reports, scientific literature, and data from interest groups and government-funded studies say that the potential adverse effects of drinking caffeinated energy drinks include strokes, seizures, heart palpitations and even sudden death. They added that energy drinks are overused, under-studied and may be harmful to [...]
Posted: February 23rd, 2011 under caffeine, Energy Drinks.
Tags: adverse effects of caffeine to children; health hazards of drinking energy drinks; healthy alternatives to energy drinks
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Study Highlights the Risks of Energy Drinks
Drink at Your Own Risk Energy drinks are all the rage these days. Whether it’s Red Bull or Amp, Rockstar or Monster, 5-Hour Energy or Bawls, all of them promise to deliver amazing amounts of vitality and dynamism…so much so that you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it! Claims like these sound truly [...]
Posted: November 16th, 2010 under Energy Drinks.
Tags: dangers of energy drinks, effects of energy drinks, health risks of energy drinks
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The High Cost of Energy (Drinks)
Risk-Taking Behavior Linked to High Consumption of Energy Drinks With another year of school coming to an end and another year of summer fun just around the corner, your high school and college student can finally get some rest. Or will they? During the school year, the stresses of after-school jobs, finals and looming project [...]
Posted: June 2nd, 2008 under Energy Drinks.
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