Tag: type-2 diabetes
Vitamin D Deficiency May Contribute to Metabolic Syndrome
Researchers from the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam state that insufficient amounts of vitamin D in seniors may be one of leading causes of metabolic syndrome. The study involved 1,300 respondents (men and women) over the age of 65. A staggering 50% of all the respondents had vitamin D deficiency. Thirty-five percent of this [...]
Posted: July 12th, 2010 under Metabolic Syndrome, Vitamin D.
Tags: Adult-onset diabetes, Cancer, cancer prevention, High Blood Pressure, hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome, rickets, Stroke, type-2 diabetes, Vitamin D, vitamin d deficiency, vitamin D supplementation
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Resveratrol May Help Save Diabetics’ Eyes
In a recent study by researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine, it was found that resveratrol, a key compound in red wine and fresh foods such as peanuts and fresh grapes, may be able to save the diabetics from vision loss in the near future. Published in the American Journal of Pathology, researchers [...]
Posted: July 12th, 2010 under Eye Health.
Tags: age related macular degeneration, benefits of resveratrol, caloric restriction, cancer prevention, natural pain reliever, resveratrol, type-2 diabetes, Weight Loss
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Coffee Can Prevent Certain Types of Cancer, New US Study Says
According to a study published in the medical journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, it was found that people who drank three to four cups of coffee per day reduced their risk of neck & head cancer by as much as thirty-nine percent. According to Dr. Mia Hashibe, a researcher from the University of Utah, [...]
Posted: July 4th, 2010 under Cancer, Coffee.
Tags: Adult-onset diabetes, advanced prostate cancer, antioxidants, benefits of coffee, Breast Cancer, Coffee, head and neck cancer, oral cancer, Polyphenols, Prostate Cancer, throat cancer, type-2 diabetes
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Pectin Found in Kiwifruit May Give Prebiotic Advantage
In a recently published Journal of Functional Foods, researchers from the NZ Institute of Plant and Food Research claim that pectin that has been derived from kiwifruit may help improve the levels of good bacteria in the digestive tract. The humble pectin… was actually a health superstar! The same pectins (the researchers found a total [...]
Posted: June 13th, 2010 under Probiotics.
Tags: Actinidia deliciosa, Adult-onset diabetes, age related macular degeneration, arginine, benefits of kiwifruit, blood glucose level, Cancer, Depression, fiber, Heart Disease, inositol, inulin, kiwifruit, pectin, prebiotics, Probiotics, serotonin, soluble fiber, type-2 diabetes
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Chili Peppers May Combat Extra Flab
In a recent report from Science Daily, a new study suggests that chili peppers may just be the missing key to increased weight loss. The new study shows that a compound in chilies called capsaicin, which also makes a chili hot to the taste, is responsible for initiating specific changes in protein. According to lead [...]
Posted: June 10th, 2010 under Obesity.
Tags: capsaicin, chili pepper, chilies, Exercise, heart diseases, High Blood Pressure, low carbohydrate diet, Obesity, orlistat, type-2 diabetes, vinegar, visceral fat, Weight Loss, weight loss medication
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Study Identifies Link Between Smoking and Urinary Health
In a recently concluded study presented in the annual conference of the American Urological Association, researchers pointed to a vital link between smoking, exercise and urinary health. The study involved two thousand individuals (males and females). The respondents were interviewed about their smoking habits and were also given questions regarding their urinary health. It was [...]
Posted: June 10th, 2010 under Exercise, Smoking, Urinary Health.
Tags: benefits of exercise, Breast Cancer, chronic diseases, Colon cancer, Depression, hypertension, osteoporosis, Smoking, smoking cessation, Stroke, type-2 diabetes
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Air Pollution May Spark Adult-Onset Diabetes
In a new study that will appear in the journal Environment Health Perspectives, air pollution was linked to increased incidence of diabetes 2 or adult-onset diabetes. The study involved respondents in Germany who lived in heavily polluted industrial areas. The study was first initiated in the eighties. After sixteen years, researchers made a follow-up study [...]
Posted: June 1st, 2010 under Air Pollution, Diabetes.
Tags: Adult-onset diabetes, Air Pollution, type-2 diabetes
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