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November 2024
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Boost your Brain Activity with the Coffee Aroma

Coffee Many people have believed for years that drinking coffee first thing in the morning and breathing in the rich aroma was enough to get them going for the day. Today a recent study not only supports this theory but states that simply inhaling the fragrance of freshly brewed coffee is enough to jump start certain genes within our brains. In an experiment done with
laboratory rats, the aroma of coffee promoted the activity of more than 100 genes within the brain and some changed in protein expressions as well. This allows a reduction of stress, which is caused by lack of sleep. Although there have been hundreds of studies done on the health benefits of coffee, this is the first one to study the pure aroma of coffee.

In our society, sleep deprivation is becoming a way of life and because of this; studies are constantly being conducted to find a solution to this problem, which does not include slowing down our lifestyles. When we are short on sleep it is fair to say that we are more likely to be stressed during the day and this study is taking this common occurrence to a scientific level. The researchers within this project allowed lab rats to inhale coffee bean aroma and tested their results. One group was left without the influence of coffee aroma. The results showed that 17 of the genes within the brain showed different expressions than the rats who did not inhale coffee bean aroma.

When it comes to drinking coffee, there are many health benefits that can be associated with this brewed beverage including:

-Control of asthma

-Reduce the risk of colon cancer with 2 or more cups per day

-Decrease your risk of gall stones

-Cures certain types of headaches

-Reduce your risk of Parkinson’s by 80%

There are many different reasons to drink coffee, although you will find some reports that state drinking coffee is actually bad for your health; this is another controversial subject in the medical world. There are health benefits with drinking coffee but there are health risks if you drink too much coffee. This is where a happy medium comes in to play. You want to drink coffee consistently at 2-3 cups per day. Many people take studies like this and choose to drink entire brews of coffee in order to get the health benefits but this is not necessary, in fact it is more harmful than beneficial.

Watch for more and more follow-up studies to this research so you can learn the dosages of coffee, which should be consumed in order to boost the function of your brain.

Can Red Wine Control Obesity?

Red Wine Researchers from the University of Ulm in Germany have taken what we already know about red wine and tested it on a different platform. Resveratrol is a compound found in grapes and red wine and has been apart of many different studies in the past. Within this study, Resveratrol has been found to reduce fat cells and could potentially be a future treatment for obesity, which seems to be sweeping our country today. Research from the past shows that resveratrol can protect lab mice from conditions like obesity when fed a high in calorie diet. This is possible because resveratrol literally creates the illusion that calories are being restricted.

The researchers from Germany wanted to take this research one step further. They wanted to test resveratrol to see if it could do the same mimicking for humans by changing the actual size of the fat cells. Within this study pure fat cells were used called preadipocytes. As these cells mature and expand they become nothing more than fat. In this study with only these cells in question, the researchers from Germany found that resveratrol could not only inhibit the growth of these pre-fat cells but also prevent them from becoming mature, pure fat cells. Also found in associated with this study was that resveratrol promoted the creation of a protein that has been known to decrease the risk of heart attack in obese men and women.

The leader of this research project stated in the recent publication that the resveratrol found in red wine can be used in the future as a way to treat or prevent obesity. With their research showing how resveratrol works directly with the fat cells causing the obesity, their results are quite promising for this chronic health condition and the many conditions that can be created from obesity. Right now unfortunately, there is not nearly enough information to promote long term treatment plans using resveratrol from red wine and therefore you are not being encouraged to include more red wine in your diet just yet.

Obesity is becoming a common problem in our society today and in order to avoid this condition altogether there are many steps that can be taken:

1. Be conscious of what you are putting into your body. Eating healthy foods and drinking a great deal of water is the key to a healthy diet.

2. Exercise at least 30 minutes per day, whether moderate or intense. This will keep your metabolism working sufficiently and strengthen your immune system as well.

3. Although there is nothing wrong with snacking throughout the day, choose wisely. Fresh fruit and veggies are smart choices.

4. Make sure to never skip meals. Eat smaller portions more frequently.

Make the decision today to start living a healthier life so obesity never becomes a problem you or one of your family members has to deal with. Remember that you lead by example and if you are close to someone who is obese do what you can to help them get back on track for the sake of their health.

Attention Coffee Drinkers

Coffee A recently published study states that contrary to popular belief, the constant drinking of coffee does not increase your risk of death, but instead lowers your death risk. If you are someone who drinks more than 6 cups of coffee per day you could be benefiting from this decreased death risk. The leader of this study states that although their research has found evidence that regular coffee consumption can help decrease
your risk of death, there is still a great deal of research yet to be done. There is a possibility as well of a slight benefit related to the decreased risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer and other common causes of death that coffee may be able to promote.

Within this study, 84,214 women were studied and followed through the period between 1980 and 2004. Within this follow-up period, the research showed that women who drank anywhere from 2-3 cups of coffee per day decreased their risk of death by heart disease by 25%. Additionally, an 18% decrease in risk of death of anything other than cancer or heart disease was found within these participants in comparison to those who do not drink coffee.

For men on the other hand, 41,736 participated in this study from the years 1986 to 2004. The research associated with men who drink 2-3 cups of coffee per day found that they received neither a higher or lower risk of death; providing evidence that women are the most vulnerable to the health benefits of coffee. It is important to note here that the participants within the study were free of heart disease and cancer during the entire research project.

The participants within the study also completed a generic questionnaire every 2 years, which included lifestyle questions such as if they smoke, diet habits, current health conditions, how frequently they drink coffee, etc. The researchers then took these questions and applied them to the study so their findings would be nothing less than accurate. Taking all these factors into consideration, the above statistics were found. In the women’s participant group, 2,368 deaths occurred due to heart disease, 5,011 were due to cancer and 3,716 were associated with other causes. Within the male group, 2,049 deaths were caused by heart disease, 2,491 were due to cancer and 2,348 were associated with other chronic conditions.

It has not yet been determined as to what it is about coffee that prolongs the lives of the people within this study, however further testing is required. If you are currently a coffee drinker, this study is not stating that it is healthy to drink 12-20 cups of coffee per day. This study simply states that there are health benefits to be taken advantage of from coffee from moderate, consistent drinking habits. Caffeine can be one of the leading causes of weight gain and other health problems as well so make sure to keep your consumption moderate to receive the best of both worlds.

Prevent Physical Decline with Vitamin E

Vitamin E Supplements A study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association conducted by a group of researchers from Yale University has found that an adequate amount of Vitamin E may help reduce the physical decline that comes with age. 698 people were involved in this study and the researchers measured their Vitamin E levels. Each of the participants were over the age of 65 and residing in
the vicinity of Italy. The study lasted 3 years and Vitamin E levels were tested regularly as well as their physical abilities analyzed closely.

The findings from this study stated that the risk of physical decline was 1.62 higher in those participants who had lower levels of Vitamin E. Therefore, the results of this study show that an adequate amount of Vitamin E consumed through your daily diet can help prevent the physical decline that can come with the aging process. When the term physical decline is used this is referring to the ability to take a simple brisk walk or stand and sit down without pain or feeling out of breath. These are the simple activities and actions that may not be simple for men and women as they get older.

This study found no additional connection between the tests and the participants energy or blood levels, which implies that the benefit is derived from Vitamin E. Although the study could not directly discover what exactly the presence of Vitamin E does to promote physical abilities and decrease the risk of immobility, there will be more studies to come. Now you may be wondering how you can first learn what your Vitamin E levels are and how you can consume the right amount of Vitamin E in order to reap these natural health benefits. First, visit your own personal physician to have your levels tested. This will give you a good idea as to where your health currently stands.

The next step is to learn how to consume Vitamin E through foods before turning towards natural supplements. Some of the foods that contain high levels of Vitamin E include:

-Dark, green leafy vegetables



-Whole grains

-Brown rice




-Sweet potatoes

As you can see there are dozens of different ways to make sure you are getting enough Vitamin E in your diet without having to use supplements. Simply pay attention to what you eat throughout the day. You will find that this will take an unhealthy diet and spin it around for healthier eating as well!

Lower Risk of Eye Disease with Omega-3

Fish: A Good Source Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids The leading cause of extreme vision loss in elderly men and women today is age-related macular degeneration. A study published in the journal Archives of Ophthalmology states that the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of this age related vision condition. Researchers from Australia have taken numerous studies done on AMD that included a total of 88,974 people and 3,203 of them who already had AMD. The studies and observations found that those who had a high intake of Omega-3 through their diet had a 38% decrease in their risk of developing late AMD. On the other hand eating fish twice a week was found to reduce the risk of early and late AMD. 

Researchers from the University of Melbourne found that an Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency may be the cause of AMD. The reason for this is that Omega-3 acids form an essential layer within the retina and the outer cells of the retina are continually shed and regenerated. With this being said if you are deficient of Omega-3 then you may not have the necessary cells within your retina to see clearly. The researchers conclude their study to state that although their study was successful it is just the beginning of the research. They not encouraging anyone to boost their Omega-3 intake solely for this reason as there is not quite enough evidence yet to support their theories.

On the other hand, Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial in more ways than one:

  • A decreased risk of heart disease.
  • Crucial role in brain function and development.
  • Essential for pregnant mothers.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Help prevent chronic conditions such as cancer.
  • Decrease high cholesterol levels.
  • Control diabetes.
  • Assist in weight loss goals.
  • Cure depression.

This is just a small example of the different health benefits that can be derived from Omega-3 fatty acids. You can obtain Omega-3 from more places then just fish. Supplementation is optimal for those who do not like to eat fish or are vegetarian. On the other hand it can also be obtained through nut oils, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and walnut oils. It is important to make sure that you have an adequate amount of Omega-3 fatty acids within your diet in order to make sure you do not begin to experience a deficiency. Visit your doctor today to find out your levels so you can know exactly how to alter your diet or supplement.

Exposing the Truth about Milk

Glass of Raw Milk There have been so many studies and research projects throughout history regarding the benefits and negative effects of milk that today as the consumer it can be hard to know the truth from a marketing ploy. The owner of Organic Pastures Dairy explains the benefits of what is known as raw milk. Raw milk is milk that comes right from the cow and is not heated, or pasteurized. For anyone who is an avid milk drinker this may sound unsafe and perhaps even dangerous but the truth about raw milk is that it offers a great deal of nutritional and health benefits. 

The heat treatment and pasteurization done to milk is meant to purely extend the shelf life of milk and eliminate harmful bacteria. The owner of Organic Pastures Dairy tries to explain to the public that although we are currently obsessed with eliminating bacteria from every aspect of our lives, there are certain forms of bacteria that can benefit us when consumed through raw milk. What many people do not realize is that we have been benefiting from this natural form of bacteria for thousands of years. It is natural for milk to contain some level of bacteria and when it is completely eliminated you are quite literally eliminating any health benefit you may have received.

Fermented milks for example, contain high values of nutrients and the ability to digest foods easily. Today you will find within the supermarket that these forms of milks are advertised as probiotics. It may be new to many people but this is the same milk we have been drinking for centuries with a new marketing spin.

Over the years the government has made consumers believe that if you consume a product that contains bacteria in it you will be sick and therefore it should be avoided. The truth is that bacteria are found within milk for a reason. As long as the milk we drink comes from healthy cows, the good bacteria will keep the bad bacteria in check so it will not harm you. Although the FDA has made their statement that drinking raw milk is dangerous for your health, as a consumer you may already know that their statements are not always true or made for the right reasons.

Now that you know a little more about milk, it is time to take the first step. There are millions of Americans today drinking and consuming the benefits of raw milk but they are not stopping there. When you have the ability to drink raw milk you also have the ability to consume raw dairy products as well such as yogurt and more. There is nothing dangerous about this form of milk and many people agree that it tastes great! Why not choose a healthier version of milk and utilize the natural benefits within it?

As we begin to more and more discover the dangers we have created for ourselves by trying to eliminate every form of bacteria or natural substance, we then begin to see why our health is where it is today. The problem is that raw milk is not easily available in the United States. If you find it difficult to obtain raw milk, a highly nutritious alternative is almond milk, which I personally prefer over dairy milk.

Cocoa: The New Mainstream Medicine?

Unsweetened Powder Cocoa New research has just been released stating that cocoa may very soon be released as a new form of treatment for diabetics suffering from cardiovascular disease. The research study included diabetic patients who drank a highly concentrated form of cocoa every day for one month. The results could not be argued. The patient’s blood vessel function went from inadequate to completely normal. The natural 
plant compound, Flavanols are responsible for the healing properties within cocoa as well as other fruits and vegetables.

There are many different forms of cocoa available and although you may be thinking you have some in your home right now, the form used within this study is not yet being sold within supermarkets or to the public. It is important to understand that cocoa comes in many forms:

  • Raw
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Commercial cocoa drinks

Each of these forms of cocoa contains different levels of antioxidants. Commercial cocoa for instance is incredibly low in antioxidant levels and contains more sugar than other forms. This makes these commercial cocoa drinks bad for you although many people believe they are healthy. In order to receive the heart healthy benefits from cocoa, you will have to use the unsweetened powder form. By choosing to add sugar to this powder you are sure to be outweighing the health benefits with the insulin abuse tied to the sugar.

For anyone who is diabetic it is important to understand that treating your diabetes, choosing to control your weight as well as a heart condition all go together. Your diet is the first place you should begin. This means you need to severely cut and limit the amount of sugar you consume within a day. Speaking with a dietician is a great way to learn what you can and cannot eat so you are not further sabotaging your health without knowing it. Begin to exercise regularly and limit your trans fat intake as well. Paying attention to what you put into your body through diet can be difficult at first but this new form of consciousness is what can prevent heart disease.

This study is not to encourage diabetics to eat chocolate in order to prevent heart disease. Chocolate is a form of cocoa but as we stated above not the form of cocoa that can be beneficial for you. Take the time to learn the types of cocoa and it will begin to make sense of what you should and should not eat. Based on the increase of natural solutions for health you will find there are natural supplement retailers and naturopathic professionals everywhere today. With this in mind take the time to visit one and learn what natural supplements and herbs can do for you and other aspects of your health as well.

Mercury Dental Fillings: Groundbreaking Lawsuit

Dental Fillings Mercury is by far one of the most toxic heavy metals known in the science world. With this being said for over 100 years, the FDA and dental associations have ignored the truth about Mercury and continued to place toxic fillings in the mouths of children. What is the reason for this ignorance you may be asking yourself now? Money. Not only the FDA and the dentists themselves but also the filling manufacturers and the
entire American Dental Association are guilty of this. Finally today, the use of toxic fillings is about to stop as researchers like Charles Brown force the FDA to be accountable.

Unfortunately the reason for this large scale deceit is nothing less then financial and political motives on behalf of the FDA. This is a position they should have taken decades ago if they were practicing honesty in this field of medicine. Mercury is a heavily toxic metal and although the FDA chose to ignore this fact for many years, it is has never been false. Based on this long line of deceit over the years, the Consumers for Dental Choice teamed up with Moms Against Mercury to sue the FDA for what they have done to millions of children throughout the years.

The lawsuit was concluded one week ago. The FDA has already changed the text on their website regarding their support of Mercury fillings to a warning of its real dangers. Aside from this act they have agreed to reclassify Mercury within one year but there are no doubts this will be dragged out as long as possible. Although the new statement on the FDA’s website still uses words like “may” to make consumers think they are still not sure if their own statement is true, it is a step in the right direction.

Keep in mind that although the Moms Against Mercury won the lawsuit this does not mean that Mercury will be immediately replaced with alternative methods. It will take years to actually eliminate the use of Mercury and with this being said it is important that you as a parent understand your options. Simply speak with your dentist and you will find that there are alternatives to Mercury dental fillings and you can take advantage of them when requested. I did.

Composite fillings are the most common. They were originally marketed for people who were embarrassed by their silver fillings and looking for something more attractive; white fillings. Of course more importantly these fillings do not contain mercury and should be considered as the alternative for your children in order to avoid any neurological damage in the future. Although composite fillings are more expensive it is an investment that is more than worth it.

Millions of Americans have not even been aware there are other options at their disposal and because of this the Mercury filling industry continued to grow bigger and bigger. Now with this lawsuit in the media and parents beginning to learn the severe damages that can be done to their children, the money making industry is finally beginning to fade.

Controversy over Inactive Herb Usage

Student with ADHD A psychiatric professional, Dr. Joseph Biederman and fellow colleagues have been working together to try and bring down the stature of the herb, St. John’s Wart. This herb has been used in a bogus study to discredit its ability to aid in children suffering from ADHD. Dr. Biederman and his cohorts have stated to the media that this herb is useless for treating children with ADHD trying to promote it as a scam in order to
therefore promote their own research. The problem with these reports is that within the study used to come to these conclusions, the active ingredients were taken out of the herb before given to the children, making it useless.

The controversy begins when you begin to understand the position of Dr. Biederman. He is not only being paid millions to promote and sell certain prescription medications from the drug companies but he also lies continuously about the money he is being paid. As you can now see the financial interests behind Dr. Biederman motives are quite strong. This is not the only study Dr. Biederman has released trying to state that the natural herbal remedies are useless and therefore promotes the use of his prescription drugs in order to continue to fill his pocket.

Aside from the fact that the herb was used within its inactive state to make sure no results were found, are these psychiatrists testing an herb on what is nothing more than a false disease? We really need to ask ouselves if ADHD is a condition created by psychiatrists in order to once again make them more money. There are no legitimate forms of testing to establish if a child has this condition and the symptoms vary greatly from child to child. This may very well be another example of the dishonesty that can be found within the medical world today and as a parent you should be aware of these facts.

Unfortunately, the medical world has become a quest for money and this means the goal to resolve health issues and save lives has been pushed to the curb. When natural remedies come to the surface, which provide no dangerous side effects and real results, the medical community wants to do nothing else then destroy the credibility. As a consumer who keeps up with the media it can be impossible to really know the truth about anything when reports are constantly written biased and you never receive the entire truth about any given subject.

This is the reason natural supplements and remedies have kept out of our reach for so many centuries. The media pushes the benefits of Western Medicine and we accept. Now is the time to take control over your health and make the decision that can change your life. By finding a naturopathic professional you can trust and count on you can then learn what natural remedies can really do without the media sales pitches to blind you.

With many different herbs and supplements at your fingertips, open your mind to a new world of healing. A world of healing that involves no dangerous side effects or unexplained deaths. Natural supplements simply heal and resolve the issue, leaving you healthier than ever before.

Could Heart Medications Have Contributed To Tim Russert’s Death?

No to Prescription Drugs Tim Russert was an NBC commentator who died on Friday, June 13th of a heart attack. At the time he was taking prescription medications for his heart condition. Although the media is constantly reporting the cause of his death, no one is reporting the cause of the heart attack. According to the American Medical Association over 100,000 people are killed every year by FDA approved prescription medications. Unfortunately, it is rare to see any of these deaths accurately reported; instead we only hear the biological reasoning for their deaths.

This is why to date, we have only heard on the news and within the media that Tim Russert died of a heart attack. It is quite obvious that his heart was failing and the immediate failure of the organ is the cause of death. However, to look a little deeper, could the breaking point of this heart failure have been contributed by the FDA approved prescription medications he was taking to control his coronary artery disease? This is certainly a strong possibility, in my opinion. This is where it becomes important to learn that pharmaceuticals do not solve or cure heart disease, they are meant to simply control the symptoms.

No health improvements can be found with prescription medications. They superficially control your symptoms. This can be astonishing news for anyone who is relying on their pharmaceutical drugs to prevent heart attacks in their future. They simply create the illusion of health and this is the biggest problem. The illusion of health causes the person taking the medications to live as if they have no heart problems to worry about and this in turn creates more serious problems along the way.

Of course we cannot be sure just yet that the heart medications Tim Russert was taking contributed to his death. There were many other factors that could have participated in the results seen on Friday such as his diet and other health problems he may have thought were solved by his prescription drugs. Millions of Americans think this way as well and now is the time to learn how to actually control your heart disease symptoms through natural therapies that provide results, not further risk. Some beneficial alternatives to take into consideration are the following:

Alpha-Lipoic Acid is used to lower your cholesterol levels naturally.

Chinese Red Yeast Rice Extract helps promote blood circulation throughout the body and regulate your cholesterol levels as well.

Coenzyme Q10 should be taken in dosages of at least 100 mg daily since statin drugs deplete Coenzyme Q10 levels in the body. This natural supplement literally improves the function of the heart muscle.

Grape Seed Extract is an antioxidant that eliminates the risk of blood clotting.

In order to maintain a regular and steady heart rhythm, an adequate amount of potassium is needed on a daily basis.

As you can see there are many different natural ways to deal with your heart disease and this is only a taste of what is out there for you to try. A naturopathic professional can help you create a healthy supplement routine to control your symptoms and strengthen your heart to prevent heart attacks in your future. It is time to stop relying on prescription medications that only mask the problem.

Books Authored by Frank Mangano

The Blood Pressure Miracle The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure Alzheimer's Defense You Can Attract It Power Of Thin Power Of Thin
Discovering The Truth About
High Blood Pressure May Save
A Life...It Could Be YOURS
Win The War Naturally
Against High Cholesterol
Learn How You Can Prevent,
Slow And Even Halt
Alzheimer's Disease
You Can Attract It ...
Using The Law of Attraction
to Get What You Want
Power Of Thin
Change Your Thinking
Change Your Weight
The Mangano Method:
An All-Natural Approach
To Fight Gout