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April 2024
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Prevent Physical Decline with Vitamin E

Vitamin E Supplements A study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association conducted by a group of researchers from Yale University has found that an adequate amount of Vitamin E may help reduce the physical decline that comes with age. 698 people were involved in this study and the researchers measured their Vitamin E levels. Each of the participants were over the age of 65 and residing in
the vicinity of Italy. The study lasted 3 years and Vitamin E levels were tested regularly as well as their physical abilities analyzed closely.

The findings from this study stated that the risk of physical decline was 1.62 higher in those participants who had lower levels of Vitamin E. Therefore, the results of this study show that an adequate amount of Vitamin E consumed through your daily diet can help prevent the physical decline that can come with the aging process. When the term physical decline is used this is referring to the ability to take a simple brisk walk or stand and sit down without pain or feeling out of breath. These are the simple activities and actions that may not be simple for men and women as they get older.

This study found no additional connection between the tests and the participants energy or blood levels, which implies that the benefit is derived from Vitamin E. Although the study could not directly discover what exactly the presence of Vitamin E does to promote physical abilities and decrease the risk of immobility, there will be more studies to come. Now you may be wondering how you can first learn what your Vitamin E levels are and how you can consume the right amount of Vitamin E in order to reap these natural health benefits. First, visit your own personal physician to have your levels tested. This will give you a good idea as to where your health currently stands.

The next step is to learn how to consume Vitamin E through foods before turning towards natural supplements. Some of the foods that contain high levels of Vitamin E include:

-Dark, green leafy vegetables



-Whole grains

-Brown rice




-Sweet potatoes

As you can see there are dozens of different ways to make sure you are getting enough Vitamin E in your diet without having to use supplements. Simply pay attention to what you eat throughout the day. You will find that this will take an unhealthy diet and spin it around for healthier eating as well!

Related Posts

  1. Vitamin E and your Physical Decline
  2. The Link Between Physical Activity and Vitamin E
  3. Can Vitamin E Prevent Cataracts?
  4. Vitamin D: The Versatile Vitamin
  5. Risks of Vitamin B Deficiency

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