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July 2024
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Chinese Rice & Your Heart Health

Human Heart A study conducted in the People’s Republic of China focused on over 60 hospitals and 5,000 patients between the ages of 18-70 over a 5-year period. This study recently publishes its findings that the purified extract; Xuezhikang, which can be found in Chinese Red Yeast rice, is beneficial for preventing repeat heart attacks in patients with heart disease. With a 45% decrease in a repeat heart attack and decreased total mortality rate of 1/3 this study was more than successful with the research. People in China have been consuming Red Yeast rice through their diets for thousands of years, but this is the first time it has been clinically studied.

It is important to note here that for people in North America, many of the over-the-counter Red Yeast rice supplements cannot be trusted and are not what was used within this study. These supplements have not yet been regulated and it is impossible to know the amount of Xuezhikang within them. This study looked at patients who had experienced a heart attack within the year and provided them with dosages of two-300-milligram XZK capsules or a placebo per day to be tracked over a 5-year term. The goal of this study is to continue research to allow people throughout the entire world to utilize this natural ingredient to help control their heart disease.

Remember, not all Red Yeast supplements will produce the same results because not all brands are manufactured the same way. It is important to conduct your own due diligence prior to purchasing any supplement. If you are looking to help prevent repeat heart attacks within your future, there are many other natural supplements on the market today available to help keep your heart healthy without the long list of side effects found on prescription medications.

  • Alpha-Lipoic acid helps to lower your high cholesterol levels with its antioxidant powers.
  • Coenzyme Q10 improves the function and strength of your heart muscle to prevent a second heart attack in the future. This should be taken in dosages of 100 mg daily.
  • Grape Seed Extract is an essential antioxidant that prevents the risk of blood clotting, which can result in another heart attack.
  • Potassium is required to maintain a regular heart beat rhythm and also aids in lowering your cholesterol levels. A potassium supplement is available in dosages of 99 mg. It is recommended to consume an adequate amount of potassium through food sources.
  • Vitamin E has been proven to thin the blood and improve the circulation throughout your body. Be sure to purchase a natural form of vitamin E.
  • Calcium and Magnesium when taken together can control your blood pressure and rhythm of the heart for proper functioning.

This is just a small list of the different natural methods you can utilize when it comes to treating and healing your heart after a heart attack. Repeated heart attacks do not have to be in your future when you visit a naturopathic professional to help you develop the perfect natural supplement regime for your current health and future health goals.

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