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April 2024
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Vitamin D: The Versatile Vitamin

Oatmeal You may already know that Vitamin D can help prevent the onset of osteoporosis and fractures but for many people this is the extent of what they know about this vitamin. More and more studies are beginning to uncover a number of new benefits related to Vitamin D such as its ability to prevent cancers, heart disease, MS, arthritis, infections, Type 1 Diabetes and even chronic pain. As you may know if you are a sufferer of any of these conditions in the past they were thought to be without a cure and certainly without a method to prevent them.

A study published by the Mayo Clinic in the journal, Pain Medicine took a closer look at Vitamin D and found its ability to prevent and control many different forms of chronic pain. Their study looked closely at those suffering from different forms of chronic pain and found that those who did not have adequate levels of Vitamin D required almost twice as much pain medications as those with higher levels. This study clearly shows that a deficiency in Vitamin D is directly related to not only the type of chronic pain that is being suffered from but the extent of the pain as well.

The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study, which looked at reducing the risk of falls in older women and how Vitamin D can help. Three hundred women from Australia between the ages of 70-90 were given dosages of 1,000 IU of Vitamin D per day for this study. Prior to this study they were all prone to falls or had fallen within the past year. This study found that the supplementation of Vitamin D reduced their risk of falling; especially in the winter months of the year when the sun is less prominent and they receive a less amount of Vitamin D naturally. 

As you already know sun exposure is the number one source of Vitamin D but this is not the only way you can receive Vitamin D. Food sources include:

· Cod Liver Oil
· Fatty salt water fish
· Dandelion greens
· Oysters
· Vegetable oils
· Parsley
· Sweet potatoes
· Oatmeal
· Salmon

There are many different foods you can consume on a regular basis in order to help make sure that you do not suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency. It is a good idea to have your Vitamin D levels tested so you know exactly where you stand in this matter. From here you can know whether supplementation is required or you simply need to adjust your diet during the winter months to compensate for the lack of sunshine.

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  2. Benefits of Vitamin D for Heart Disease
  3. Cancer Risk Drastically Reduced by Vitamin D and Calcium Intake, Research Concludes
  4. Heart Disease Death Risk Lowered by One-Third Through Vitamin D, Study Says
  5. Prevention of Cancer Associated with Sunshine

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