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October 2024
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Cancer Risk Drastically Reduced by Vitamin D and Calcium Intake, Research Concludes

Vitamin D and calcium can reduce cancer risk by as much as 77 percent according to recent research conducted at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Nebraska. Types of cancer included in these findings are breast cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer and other forms of cancer.

The study consisted of 1,179 healthy women from rural Nebraska that were split into two groups. One of which was given just about 1500 mg of calcium and 1100 IU of vitamin D every day while the other group received a placebo. Over a four year period, a 60 percent decrease in cancers was evident in the group given the calcium and vitamin D supplements.

When considering just the last three years of the study, an impressive 77 percent reduction in cancer due to supplementation is revealed.

What’s interesting here is that these phenomenal results were achieved by what is considered by many nutritionists to be a low dose of vitamin D. Vitamin D is most produced in the body through natural sunlight and that was not tested or considered.

Aside from that, the quality of the calcium supplements more likely than not could have been higher than it was during the study.

The point is this. While this study reveals results that are truly remarkable, by getting more natural sunlight and taking high quality calcium supplements you can achieve cancer fighting results that are almost supernatural.

I’m personally a huge advocate of natural sunlight. The trick is not to get burned. You can do so or should I say not do so by taking in plenty to antioxidant-rich superfoods such as chlorella, spirulina, quinoa, avocados, raw cacao and berries.

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