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October 2024
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Prevent Premature Aging with Daily Vitamins

Vitamins A nutritional expert, Bruce Ames has completed several different series of tests and studies to reach his newly published conclusion that taking certain vitamin supplements on a daily basis can not only prevent premature aging but can also help prevent the illnesses which are commonly experienced through our elderly years. Many illnesses including heart disease and aging itself have been found to be
related to vitamin deficiencies. With the constant reliance on fast food today many people are not getting the nutrients they need to combat the signs of aging and future ailments.

Dr. Ames has stated to address this problem everyone should be taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement on a daily basis. His studies have shown these relations between vitamins and late-life diseases:

  1. Low magnesium intake related to bowl cancer, low blood pressure, osteoporosis  and diabetes
  2. Lack of vitamin D has been linked to breast, bowel and prostate cancer
  3. Calcium deficiency has been linked to diabetes
  4. Lack of potassium related to heart disease
  5. Low vitamin B12 has been linked to multiple sclerosis

This is not the end of the Dr. Ames studies; he has also found that daily vitamins increase the energy and memory of elderly rats used for this study. This is significant information for our society which focuses so much on quick and easy meals that have been known to lack vitamins and nutrients which are required to live a healthy life throughout our elderly years.

When it comes to choosing the vitamins and supplements you need to increase your nutrients and get away from any vitamin deficiencies it is important to speak to a naturopathic professional before buying or taking any vitamins. There are so many different supplements on the market today that it can be easy to lean towards the cheapest bottle and hope it does its job but this can be quite dangerous to your health. Without taking the time to conduct proper research on what you are putting into your body there is a good chance you are not improving your health but possibly harming it.

Alive! Multivitamin is a great place to start with your research as many naturopathic professionals will recommend this Multi-Vitamin/Whole Food supplement to you. Research what is best for your current health conditions and your diet so you are enhancing your nutrients and health for your elderly years.

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  1. Study Shows Daily Exercise Can Prevent Colds
  2. Can Vitamin E Prevent Cataracts?
  3. Supplementing With Calcium Daily May Help Ward Off Colon Polyps, Study Suggests
  4. Risks of Vitamin B Deficiency
  5. Vitamin E and your Physical Decline

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