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Risks of Vitamin B Deficiency

Worried Senior Woman The Journal of Neurology recently published a study conducted in South Korea that took 518 elderly people under their wing to test their theories about the effects of Folate deficiency. Folate is also known as Vitamin B9 and many people could be suffering from Vitamin B deficiency and not even know it. Folic acid is an important component when it comes to building and maintaining new cells in the body. Folic acid or Vitamin B9 creates normal red blood cells to prevent anaemia and other deadly diseases such as dementia.

Researchers in South Korea took 518 elderly participants into their study which had never before experienced signs of dementia and watched their progression and health states over a 2.4 year time period. Forty-five of the patients developed dementia and thirty-four of these patients developed Alzheimer’s disease. With factors taken into account such as age, weight gain, alcohol consumption and disability the tests still showed that the lack of folic acid or Vitamin B9 in their system was the key factor to bring on the onset of dementia almost three times as fast as a person with high Vitamin B9 levels.

Vitamin B9 is a compound that can be found through natural resources such as bananas, cantaloupe and leafy vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce, peas and turnip greens. You can also find this vitamin source through fortified cereals and grain products to help you further increase your folic acid levels. If you are not one who consumes these types of vegetables or foods, there are Vitamin B supplements that can be taken to help compensate for any deficiencies that are lacking in the diet. You can find many different natural supplements for folic acid through any natural food store and the guidance of a naturopathic professional.

There are so many natural benefits of Vitamin B intake that you will want to keep your levels up during and before a planned pregnancy as it can help ensure your child does not develop brain or spinal cord defects through the birthing or development process. Vitamin B can also help increase your short term memory and mental agility. By taking a daily dose of 800 micrograms a day, you can experience these benefits and further step away from the fatal risks folic acid deficiencies can create for your health.

By maintaining a healthy diet and choosing to maintain your Vitamin B levels through the proper supplements and dosages you are taking control of your future and protecting not only your brain function but many other aspects of your health.

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