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October 2024
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Reishi Mushroom Slows Prostate Cancer Growth, Study Shows

Reishi Mushroom The Reishi mushroom holds medicinal properties and has been used for hundreds of years in traditional Chinese medicine to treat many health conditions. According to a study conducted by Israeli scientists, the Reishi mushroom is also beneficial for those suffering from prostate cancer.

The researchers discovered molecules within the mushroom that repress certain mechanisms associated with the advancement of prostate cancer. The in-vitro trials that were performed demonstrate the mushroom’s ability to directly attack cancer cells.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

This study indicates good news for those at risk of developing this common form of cancer. Statistics show there are more than 543,000 new cases of prostate cancer being diagnosed every year. Don’t become another statistic.

This “miracle mushroom” as I like to call it has also shown to combat numerous types of cancer by activating interleukin-2, which is a chemical of the immune system. 

Aside from that, reishi can lower blood pressure. A study reported by Burton Goldberg in “The Definitive Guide To Heart Disease” found that patients who had hypertension that was unresponsive to traditional medications were able to lower their blood pressure significantly by taking reishi extract three times a day for just four weeks!

The mushrooms are also an effective treatment for allergies and asthma and can prevent cirrhosis.

Prior to consuming the mushrooms be sure to boil them, which will destroy any bacteria that may have accumulated on them. The wild reishi mushroom is also widely available in tea and tincture form.

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