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Pregnant Women Taking Nutritional Supplements Positively Influence Future Generations

According to a new study from researchers at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, a woman’s diet while pregnant not only affects her child, but her grandchildren as well.

Dr. David Martin, and colleagues conducted the study and divided a group of genetically identical pregnant mice into two groups. Both groups were fed a standard laboratory diet, but group two’s diet was supplemented with folate, choline, zinc and vitamin B12 as well.

When the mice in both groups gave birth, an examination for coat color was conducted on the offspring. The female babies from both groups were then mated and fed a diet without supplements. According to researchers, when the offspring gave birth, the genetic coat color of the children as well as the grandchildren was affected by the original mice’s supplemental diet.

“The idea that some sort of toxin or nutrition could affect not just individuals but future generations is very powerful,” Martin said.

Kenneth Beckman, an assistant scientist at Children’s Oakland, says the way in which the study was formatted led to a more conclusive result because it gave the researchers reason to eliminate most uncontrolled behavior in the mice.

The National Cancer Institute and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia funded this research as is part of a growing field of research which examines the long-term genetic effects of the environment known as epigenetics.

Epigenetics studies have previously indicated that future generations’ risks of breast cancer, obesity and heart disease can be affected by a pregnant woman’s environment — including diet and nutritional supplementation.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

It’s essential that women take the necessary steps to educate themselves on nutrition and supplementation and take action.

The well-being of future generations as we now learn, is dependant on the choices that pregnant women are making today.

The first step begins with taking a high-quality, high potency multivitamin to ensure that all necessary nutrients and minerals are provided to you, which in turn will benefit your child. My advice is to go with a superfood/supergreen combination supplement.

I personally recommend Alive! Whole Food Energizer by the company Nature’s Way. This supplement provides outstanding nutrition, which includes not only essential vitamins and minerals but also “superfood” ingredients such as Fruits & Veggies, Green Foods, Amino Acids, Digestive Enzymes, Essential Fatty Acids and Organic Mushrooms.

As always I have no financial ties to Nature’s Way. I recommend them because I believe they provide a superior product.

Essential Mineral Lowers Osteoporosis Risk by Raising Bone Density, Research Shows

According to new research appearing in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, potassium citrate supplements taken by older women can reduce the risk of osteoporosis by increasing their bone density.

The study, which was conducted by Dr. Reto Krapf of the University of Basel in Switzerland and colleagues, consisted of 161 post-menopausal women at an average age of 59. The women were split into two groups: One receiving a daily supplement of potassium citrate for up to 12 months, and the other given a daily supplement of potassium chloride for up to 12 months.

The researchers were aiming to prove that the acidic body pH in the participants, which is generally caused by poor lifestyle and dietary choices, could be raised by potassium citrate which is a base chemical. The control group was given potassium chloride because it is a neutral chemical that does not affect body pH.

After six to 12 months, bone mineral density tests were conducted on the participants’ lower spine and hips. A one percent increase in bone mineral density in the lumbar spine area as well as the hips occurred in the group taking the potassium citrate (base) supplements. Conversely, a one percent loss of bone density at both test sites occurred in the group taking the potassium chloride (neutral).

“Both the spine and hip are critical regions where osteoporosis and low bone mass result in debilitating fractures,” according to the American Society of Nephrology.

Less calcium was lost through urination as well in the women taking potassium citrate according to the researchers.

Krapf’s team of researchers say the amounts of acidic foods that lower the body’s pH, such as dairy products, refined grains and meat products are much too high in the typical American diet. Diets such as these cause alkaline calcium to be pulled from the bones by the body to help buffer the high levels of acid. When this happens, bone loss and other health disorders such as cancer are likely to develop.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

Always remember to avoid processed and refined foods and pay attention to the acid/alkaline levels in your body. Diseases such as cancer thrive in acidic environments and conversely, cannot survive in an alkaline environment.

Make sure your diet is high in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, which raise the body’s pH to healthier levels. Chlorella and Spirulina are also alkalizing superfoods.  I recommend consuming a whole food supplement such as “Super Green Formula” by Garden of Life, which contains chlorella, spirulina and a host of other nutrients that promote an alkaline environment.

Study Shows Omega-3 Fats Reduce Cancer Tumor Growth Rates

A study in the August issue of the journal Clinical Cancer Research indicates that prostate cancer tumor growth as well as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels were reduced by consuming a more balanced ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids.

The study was performed by researchers from UCLA and involved mice with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, which is closely related to the disease in humans. The mice were split into two groups: Group one received a diet with a healthy 1:1 ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids, and group two received a diet with omega-6 as the source of most of the fats.

When the study concluded, group one experienced a 22 percent decrease in the rate of tumor cell growth as well as PSA levels that were lower than that of the second group by 77 percent. According to the researchers, the omega-3 fatty acids reduce tumor growth because the DHA and EPA are converted into anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, whereas omega-6 fatty acids promote tumor growth because they are converted into pro-inflammatory prostaglandins.

Lead researcher Dr. William Aronson says “This study strongly suggests that eating a healthier ratio of these two types of fatty acids may make a difference in reducing prostate cancer growth, but studies need to be conducted in humans before any clinical recommendations can be made.”

Aronson also mentioned that the typical Western diet generally consists of a 1:20 ratio of omega-3s to omega-6 fatty acids, which come primarily from corn oil, safflower oil and red meat. Because of the study’s results, a clinical trial testing balanced dietary ratios of the two fatty acids on men undergoing prostate removal, which could lead to a larger clinical trial and possibly mainstream treatment in the future is now being conducted by the researchers.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

You might say omega-3 fatty acids are the next best thing to sliced bread. I say they’re better. The evidence that has surfaced on omega-3 makes it seem almost miraculous.

Consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids provide a long list of health benefits, which include desirable effects on blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. They help improve the skin and hair as well as aid in the prevention of arthritis.

However it is very important to make sure your diet consists of a balanced ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids, just as this study suggests.

Some good sources of omega-3 include chia seeds, salmon, flaxseeds, grape seed oil and primrose oil.  If you plan on taking a fish oil supplement I highly recommend using Carlson’s liquid fish and cod liver oil by Carlson Laboratories.

I have no financial ties to this company. I personally use Carlson’s Fish and Cod Liver Oil and recommend it simply because I believe it’s the best on the market. This is due to the optimal amounts of EPA and DHA, the strict guidelines they follow for purity (keeping their oil free of chemical modification and contaminants like mercury or lead) and the addition of extra vitamin E to protect the freshness and potency of the oil.

Read my article on Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease here.

Vitamin D Significantly Lowers Cancer Risk, Researchers Conclude

Researchers at the University of California performed a study that found by naturally stimulating the production of vitamin D in the skin, solar ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation can significantly reduce 16 different types of cancer.

Cedric Garland and William Grant, the study’s authors says “Enhancing vitamin D status appears to be the single most important simple thing people can do to reduce their risk of cancer, apart from avoiding tobacco and moderation in the intake of alcohol.”

The researchers recommend natural sunlight as the best source of vitamin D. With only 10 to 20 percent of their body is exposed, people who are fair-skinned and live in sunny regions of the country can produce about 1,500 IU of vitamin D in 20 minutes of exposure to sunlight at noon. The study says people should try to expose more of their skin surface for a shorter amount of time, as opposed to staying in the sun for longer periods of time with minimal skin exposure.

It may take darker-skinned people up to four times as long to produce the same amount of vitamin D as fair-skinned people. A theory exists among the researchers that this may be the cause of higher cancer rates in African-Americans.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

What else can be said? Vitamin D is one of the best forms of protection one can equip him or herself against cancer.

Why is it that the media and the FDA say the sun causes cancer when in fact, exposure to natural sunlight does just the opposite? Simple. Natural sunlight is free. It can’t bottled up and sold for a profit. Anything that can’t Big Pharma can’t make money from becomes a danger by default. They make attempts to deter people from using such resources because they feel it’s money lost to them.

Don’t believe the hype! While over-exposure to the sun or anything is not recommended either, natural sunlight produces sufficient vitamin D which has been shown to prevent cancer. Best of all, it can do in just 20 minutes a day.

You can also increase your intake through supplement form and shoot for 1,000 to 1,500 IU per day, as the study warns that the 250 to 300 IU Americans typically get through their diets is not enough to protect against cancer.

Intake of Prenatal Vitamins Drastically Reduces Children’s Cancer Risk, Study Finds

A study published in the journal Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics on February 21st from a Toronto children’s hospital suggests taking folic acid and multivitamins during pregnancy can reduce the chance of a child developing a common cancer before the age of 18 by almost 50 percent. 

What prompted the study was the notice that officials from Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children took regarding a drop in neuroblastomas five years ago, following the Canadian government’s requirement for flour manufacturers to add folic acid to their product in 1998.

Some of the conclusions regarding folic acid were as follows:

Chances of leukemia in children were lowered by 39 percent and risk of a child developing a brain tumor was reduced by 27 percent. Neuroblastoma, which attacks the nervous system risk, was lowered by 49 percent. Risk of developing spina bifida, a spinal condition, was lowered by a staggering 80 percent through supplementation with folic acid.

“To our amazement and surprise, all available studies today from different parts of the world … showed a similar trend (to the one in Ontario),” Koren told the Toronto Star.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

In many cases, birth defects can be prevented if the right steps are taken during pregnancy. By participating in a wholesome regimen which includes supplements like folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, chances of birth defects can be greatly reduced and the health of newborns can be greatly increased.

Don’t rely on your doctor for everything. While he or she may play an important role in the delivery of the baby, their knowledge when it comes to carry him or her may be limited. Can you believe that most doctors still don’t advise pregnant women to stay away from hydrogenated oils, MSG and artificial sweeteners?

Knowledge is key. You must take the necessary steps to educate yourself on the facts backing the benefits associated with taking natural supplements such as folic acid as well as vitamin D, zinc and magnesium, which most pregnant women are deficient in.

Natural Plant Demonstrates Benefits for Treating Diabetes

Chinese, Korean, and Australian scientists at Sydney’s Garvan Institute have come together to uncover findings that the natural plant product berberine could be a valuable new treatment for people suffering from type 2 diabetes.
Found in the roots and bark of a number of plants, berberine has been an alternative treatment for many conditions including healing wounds and diarrhea. Chinese literature has also documented berberine to lower glucose when administered to diabetics. The method in which it does so has remained a mystery, until now that is.
“Our studies in animal models of diabetes show that berberine acts in part by activating an enzyme in the muscle and liver that is involved in improving sensitivity of the tissue to insulin – this in turn helps lower blood sugar levels. In addition, it seems berberine can help reduce body weight” said Garvan scientist Dr Jiming Ye.

Metformin and the TZD group of drugs are currently being used by many medical professionals to treat Type 2 diabetes. The problem however, is that many patients cannot tolerate metformin and the TZD patients can gain unwanted weight. For these reasons, many experts are in search of alternative treatments.
“Berberine has been used for decades, if not centuries, with few reported side effects. Given the limitations of existing medicines we are excited to have evidence that berberine may be a helpful new treatment for type 2 diabetes; however, despite its widespread use in traditional medicine practices, it will still have to be evaluated properly following the defined clinical trials process”, said Professor James, head of the Garvan’s Diabetes & Obesity Research Program and co-author of the Diabetes paper.
Next on the agenda is an investigation to understand how berberine activates the enzyme that mediates these ‘insulin-sensitising’ effects.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:
Diabetes is a serious problem worldwide. One of the reasons why it becomes a bigger problem is because of the conventional methods used to treat it, which in reality aren’t solving the problem. 
Here’s a partial list of natural supplements one can take to help treat
Alpha Lipoic Acid (treats peripheral nerve damage and helps control blood sugar levels), Spirulina (helps control diabetes), Chromium Picolinate (improves efficiency of insulin), Garlic (increases immunity and stabilizes blood sugar), L-Carnitine (mobilizes fat), L-Glutamine (decreases sugar cravings), Stevia (a healthy substitute for artificial sweeteners). We can now add berberine to the list!

Low Fat Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Relapse in Women, Study Suggests

A study published in the “Journal of the National Cancer Institute” on December 20 suggests eating a diet low in fat may reduce the risk of breast cancer relapse in women.

The study involved 2,400 post-menopausal women who had been successfully treated for breast cancer. Their condition was monitored for five years. Standard treatments for the cancer such as surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy or radiation therapy were administered to the women previously.

The women were divided into two groups. One group was asked to consume less than 33 grams of fat per day or 20 percent of their total calorie intake. While the control group ate a standard diet of approximately 51 grams of fat per day, or 30 percent of their total daily calories. After a five year period, the group who had consumed the low-fat diet had a elapse rate of 9.8 percent which is 20 percent lower than the control group which had a relapse rate of 12.4 percent.

The researchers also divided the breast-cancer cases based on whether or not the tumors contained receptors for estrogen hormones. Among those with estrogen-receptor-negative tumors, a 41 percent lower risk of recurrence was evident in women who ate the low-fat diet. In the women with estrogen-receptor-positive tumors, however, no statistically significant difference in relapse risk resulted from eating a low-fat diet.

The cause for the link between reduced fat intake and reduced risk could not be determined by this study.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

Folks, what have we learned here? Just another reason to maintain a diet low in fat.

Many times I here about people participating in diets high in fat & protein & low in carbs to lose weight. While eating a low-carb diet can help you lose weight, you will gain it back as soon as you start eating them again.

Aside from that, the health risks are endless. Back to my point. While prior studies have shown that gaining 22 pounds can increase a person’s risk of contracting breast cancer by 18 percent, losing weight by in taking large amounts of fat isn’t the answer either as this study shows.

Consume a diet low in saturated fat but be sure your diet contains adequate amounts of “healthy” fats or essential fatty acids. Omega-3 EFAs reduce cancer risk and have been reported to possibly slow tumor growth.

I also strongly suggest cardiovascular exercise 3 – 4 times a week. You’ll get a healthy heart in the process as well!

A partial list of things to avoid include processed foods, refined sugar, red meat, dairy products, alcohol, and caffeine.

“Cloudy” Apple Juice Contains Higher Level of Antioxidant Activity Than “Clear” Juice

A recent Polish study appearing in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture reports that apple juice, which is less processed apple juice and cloudy contains up to four times the antioxidants found in highly processed apple juice which is clear.

Dr. Jan Oszmianski headed a team of researchers from the Agricultural University of Wroclaw in Poland who created four juices using two apple varieties. They then tested the juices for antioxidant activity.

Both cloudy and clear juice were made from the Champion and Idared varieties of apples and tested for levels of plant antioxidants called polyphenols. The results you ask?

The cloudy juice contained as much as four times the antioxidants as the clear juice says Oszmianski & his team.

Clear juice, which for a along time has been preferred by consumers because of the appreciation of it’s beautiful and pure appearance, actually appears that way because extra processing takes place to remove any apple solids. Clear juice has been a favorite among apple juice manufacturers and retailers as well because it has a longer shelf life than cloudy juice.

While the shelf life may be longer, what does that do for your health?

According to Oszmianski and his team, the potency of antioxidant properties in cloudy apple juice to “scavenge” free radicals, was higher than that of clear juice. That is particularly true of Champion apples. In fact, the researchers found when cloudy juice from either Champion or Idared apples was clarified, the juice’s antioxidant activity was significantly reduced.

Highly processed foods are always a no-no. The best way to figure out if a food or beverage is processed is by simply reading the label. The more ingredioents you see, the more likely it contains processed ingredients.

If you see words that have a “scientific” appearance, they’re probably not natural either.

For certain foods or beverages, the label may not be enough. So the next step is to examine the product itself.

Apple juice for example, as we learned today should be cloudy. Avoid very clear versions of the juice as the clear appearance suggests the juice has been processed and stripped of its antioxidant properties.

If you’re truly interested in the health benefits of apples, one way you can’t lose is to simply just eat apples with the skin. Just make sure they’re organic.

Chronic Back Pain Linked to “Pain Processing” Area in The Brain

Researchers in Germany have discovered a link between chronic back pain to changes in the areas of the brain which process feelings of pain.

According to the researchers, within the brains of people with chronic back pain are higher stimuli in the microstructure of the pain-processing area. This discovery may actually shed a light of hope on the possibility of chronic back pain being a treatable condition, the researchers say.

A brain image-mapping technique called Diffusion Tensor Imaging was used during the study to compare the brains of those suffering from chronic back pains with healthy volunteers.

To accurately assess whether simulation in the microstructure is created by back pain or the cause itself, the researchers said more information was needed.

The pain-processing area of the brain is located in the part of the primary sensory cortex within the parietal lobe of the brain known as the somatosensory system, which also affects feelings of emotion and stress. Congruent to that, people who suffer from chronic back pain are at higher risk of depression.

“DTI may help explain what’s happening for some of these patients, and direct therapeutic attention from the spine to the brain,” said study co-author Gustav Schelling of the Department of Anaesthesiology at Munich University.

Perhaps we can now take steps toward focusing some of attention on our brains to help people who suffer from chronic back pain.

Folks, this could be a big breakthrough in the methods used to treat chronic back pain effectively. Until the necessary information is obtained with regard to this matter, some natural supplements you can take for back pain include:

Calcium (need for strong bones), Magnesium (works with calcium), Vitamin D (aids absorption of calcium and magnesium), Zinc (required for proteim synthesis), L-Proline (amino acid that heals cartilage), Essential Fatty acids (helps keep muscles flexible), and Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids (essential for collagen formation).

Grape Seed Flavonoids Shown to Have Numerous Health Benefits

Did you know that the grapes sitting on your kitchen table may actually be beneficial in preventing cancer? Just be sure they contain the seeds!

According to the web site, grape seeds actually offer a wide variety of benefits in addition to anti-cancer properties.

The potent ingredient that can be extracted from the seeds is a type of mixed flavonoid called proanthocyanidins, which have been shown to have powerful antioxidant properties.

In addition, lab tests reveal the possibility of grape seeds to have possible anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-atherogenic properties.

Through in vitro tests, grape seeds also have been observed to help combat cancers of the lung, breast and stomach.

Grape seeds may even be beneficial in treating varicose veins, arthritis and some allergies according to anecdotal evidence.

The brands which you should be looking for include: “Proanthodyn Grape Seed Extract (Source Naturals), Activin Grape Seed Extract (Natrol), Grape Seed Power (Nature’s Herbs), Grape Pips (Nutricology), Grape Seed Phytosome (Enzymatic
Therapy) and Grapenol (Solaray).”

Folks, grape seeds are an excellent and safe alternative to any prescription drug for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. Proanthocyanidins also protect the brain and spinal nerves from free radical damage, protect the liver from damage caused by toxic doses of the non-prescription pain reliever known as acetaminophen, support immunity and slow the aging process.

To take advantage of the wonderful benefits of grape seeds & proanthocyanidins you can simply pick up a bottle of grape seed extract or you can chew some grape seeds.

Books Authored by Frank Mangano

The Blood Pressure Miracle The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure Alzheimer's Defense You Can Attract It Power Of Thin Power Of Thin
Discovering The Truth About
High Blood Pressure May Save
A Life...It Could Be YOURS
Win The War Naturally
Against High Cholesterol
Learn How You Can Prevent,
Slow And Even Halt
Alzheimer's Disease
You Can Attract It ...
Using The Law of Attraction
to Get What You Want
Power Of Thin
Change Your Thinking
Change Your Weight
The Mangano Method:
An All-Natural Approach
To Fight Gout