Pregnant Women Taking Nutritional Supplements Positively Influence Future Generations
According to a new study from researchers at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, a woman’s diet while pregnant not only affects her child, but her grandchildren as well.
Dr. David Martin, and colleagues conducted the study and divided a group of genetically identical pregnant mice into two groups. Both groups were fed a standard laboratory diet, but group two’s diet was supplemented with folate, choline, zinc and vitamin B12 as well.
When the mice in both groups gave birth, an examination for coat color was conducted on the offspring. The female babies from both groups were then mated and fed a diet without supplements. According to researchers, when the offspring gave birth, the genetic coat color of the children as well as the grandchildren was affected by the original mice’s supplemental diet.
“The idea that some sort of toxin or nutrition could affect not just individuals but future generations is very powerful,” Martin said.
Kenneth Beckman, an assistant scientist at Children’s Oakland, says the way in which the study was formatted led to a more conclusive result because it gave the researchers reason to eliminate most uncontrolled behavior in the mice.
The National Cancer Institute and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia funded this research as is part of a growing field of research which examines the long-term genetic effects of the environment known as epigenetics.
Epigenetics studies have previously indicated that future generations’ risks of breast cancer, obesity and heart disease can be affected by a pregnant woman’s environment — including diet and nutritional supplementation.
Frank Mangano’s commentary:
It’s essential that women take the necessary steps to educate themselves on nutrition and supplementation and take action.
The well-being of future generations as we now learn, is dependant on the choices that pregnant women are making today.
The first step begins with taking a high-quality, high potency multivitamin to ensure that all necessary nutrients and minerals are provided to you, which in turn will benefit your child. My advice is to go with a superfood/supergreen combination supplement.
I personally recommend Alive! Whole Food Energizer by the company Nature’s Way. This supplement provides outstanding nutrition, which includes not only essential vitamins and minerals but also “superfood” ingredients such as Fruits & Veggies, Green Foods, Amino Acids, Digestive Enzymes, Essential Fatty Acids and Organic Mushrooms.
As always I have no financial ties to Nature’s Way. I recommend them because I believe they provide a superior product.
Posted: March 14th, 2007 under Nutritional Supplements.
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