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Low Fat Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Relapse in Women, Study Suggests

A study published in the “Journal of the National Cancer Institute” on December 20 suggests eating a diet low in fat may reduce the risk of breast cancer relapse in women.

The study involved 2,400 post-menopausal women who had been successfully treated for breast cancer. Their condition was monitored for five years. Standard treatments for the cancer such as surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy or radiation therapy were administered to the women previously.

The women were divided into two groups. One group was asked to consume less than 33 grams of fat per day or 20 percent of their total calorie intake. While the control group ate a standard diet of approximately 51 grams of fat per day, or 30 percent of their total daily calories. After a five year period, the group who had consumed the low-fat diet had a elapse rate of 9.8 percent which is 20 percent lower than the control group which had a relapse rate of 12.4 percent.

The researchers also divided the breast-cancer cases based on whether or not the tumors contained receptors for estrogen hormones. Among those with estrogen-receptor-negative tumors, a 41 percent lower risk of recurrence was evident in women who ate the low-fat diet. In the women with estrogen-receptor-positive tumors, however, no statistically significant difference in relapse risk resulted from eating a low-fat diet.

The cause for the link between reduced fat intake and reduced risk could not be determined by this study.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

Folks, what have we learned here? Just another reason to maintain a diet low in fat.

Many times I here about people participating in diets high in fat & protein & low in carbs to lose weight. While eating a low-carb diet can help you lose weight, you will gain it back as soon as you start eating them again.

Aside from that, the health risks are endless. Back to my point. While prior studies have shown that gaining 22 pounds can increase a person’s risk of contracting breast cancer by 18 percent, losing weight by in taking large amounts of fat isn’t the answer either as this study shows.

Consume a diet low in saturated fat but be sure your diet contains adequate amounts of “healthy” fats or essential fatty acids. Omega-3 EFAs reduce cancer risk and have been reported to possibly slow tumor growth.

I also strongly suggest cardiovascular exercise 3 – 4 times a week. You’ll get a healthy heart in the process as well!

A partial list of things to avoid include processed foods, refined sugar, red meat, dairy products, alcohol, and caffeine.

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Comment from julie
Time January 28, 2008 at 1:09 am

Hi Sir Frank, this is julie anne fernandez from the philippines. Im 27 years old, married and a mother of a 3 year old baby boy.

My mother died of breast cancer last february of 2007. she was diagnosed with stage 3b breast cancer last 2005 undergone breast mastectomy, chemotheraphy, and radiation theraphy. The cancer spread in her lungs, bone and in the brain. The doctors and medicines didn’t save my mother, it made the cancer cells spread tremendously and made my mother suffered very painfully ’til death.

I’ve seen my mother’s sufferings and it did a big impact on me. I became paranoid and worried that i can get cancer too. As of now, I think i have a little pea size cyst on my right breast. I havent confirmed with a doctor if its a real cyst, because im scared of what might be the result.

If just in case the doctor might tell that its a cyst, is it ok if i let them remove it? Is there natural medication that would dissolve the cyst?

I love to drink Green Tea but they say it has caffeine in it, and caffeine by products is listed in your column under things to avoid. How many glasses of green tea should i take?

Is it true that i could also develop breast cancer because my mom has it, and because its in the genes that i might inherit?

Books Authored by Frank Mangano

The Blood Pressure Miracle The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure Alzheimer's Defense You Can Attract It Power Of Thin Power Of Thin
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Win The War Naturally
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Learn How You Can Prevent,
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Power Of Thin
Change Your Thinking
Change Your Weight
The Mangano Method:
An All-Natural Approach
To Fight Gout