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Higher Intake of Omega 3 Fatty Acids Linked to Positive Mood and Outlook, Study Concludes

Research indicates a more positive outlook and a better regulation of mood may be achieved through higher intake of Omega 3 fatty acids.

According to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, a link exists between intake of omega-3 fatty acids and better mood having a more positive outlook on life. They may also contribute to improving the structure of the areas of the brain associated with emotions.

The study, which involved 55 healthy adults that were questioned about their omega-3 intake, had magnetic resonance images of their brains taken. In the areas of the brain associated with the regulation of mood and emotion, higher intake of omega-3s was significantly linked with a higher volume of brain matter.

The same researchers conducted a previous study in which a link between blood levels of omega-3s and a positive life outlook were revealed. In people with lower omega-3 levels impulsive behavior and a negative outlook were evident. Conversely, people with higher levels were more likely to have a positive mood and outlook.

Based on the results of the new study, the researcher’s say that omega-3s may play a role in the structuring and improvement of mood-regulating areas of the brain.

Omega-3s and omega-6 are the two types of fatty acids that exist. Experts recommend a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 intake to be between 3:1 and 5:1.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

Folks, this study clearly provides more evidence that a higher intake of Omega-3 EFAs will have desirable effects on your health. There’s a reason why Omega-3s are called “essential fatty acids” and that’s because they are necessary for health. The body cannot make them so EFAs must be supplied by the diet.

The typical omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in the modern Western diet however is between 10:1 and 30:1, which is not very beneficial to say the least. In fact, it’s extremely low.

These severe deficiencies can lead to a host of problems including an impaired ability to learn and recall information, diabetes, breast cancer, depression, ADHD and heart disease.

Some great sources of omega-3 fatty acids include chia seeds, flax seeds, various nuts and seeds and certain fish oils. One of my personal favorites is salmon. It is important to remember that wild caught salmon is better than farm caught. As an added tip, most salmon from the Pacific ocean is wild and most from the Atlantic ocean is farm caught.

If you’re taking a fish oil supplement, be sure it’s high-quality. I recommend Carlson’s liquid fish and cod liver oil by Carlson Laboratories, which contains high levels of EFAs. Not only is it free of mercury and other contaminants found in fish but it also has a natural and pleasant lemon flavor.

I have no financial ties to Carlson Laboratories and I don’t earn any kickbacks for recommending their product to others. I do so because I believe they offer a superior product.

Natural Antioxidant Slows Oxidation of Frying Oils, Study Suggests

New research published in the January issue of the International Journal of Food Science and Technology from Cairo University suggests that by reducing the production of peroxides in frying oil and thereby slowing the oxidation of the oil and making it healthier to consume, the juice of olive leaves could make an effective antioxidant to help frying oils last longer.

This is great news for anyone who wants to slow down the oxidative deterioration of food by using natural preservation and reducing the use of chemically synthesized preservatives.

The Egyptian researchers found that when used as natural frying oil with olive leaf juice added, the creation of peroxides in sunflower oil were reduced.

Olive leaf juice is created through a process that involves pressing the leaves of olive trees which are rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are a class of natural chemicals found in plants that work as antioxidants, which can help fight heart disease and prevent damage from free radicals throughout the body.

According to a 2007 study by the University of Thessaly in Greece, waste from composted olive oil has also been found to be useful as a biofertilizer, as well as a biofilter for toxic metal removal.

“One has to point out that the main goal of this work was to use a very cheap natural source as an antioxidant agent. It is of interest to note that olive leaves used as a natural source for antioxidants in the present study are obtained by the annual pruning of olive plants,” lead researcher Radwan Farag wrote in the study.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

Anyone interested in reducing oxidation in cooking oils and preserving foods as well as preserving their health should greatly consider using plant extracts, which slow the oxidation of oil when fryed.

Synthetic chemicals only remain a popular choice among food companies because they generally cost less than plant-based extracts. Keep in mind that the primary focus of the large food corporations is to maximize their profits.

The toxicity of chemical food preservatives is an issue many food manufactures are trying to turn a deaf ear to but the fact of the matter is that these chemicals are extremely dangerous.

Sodium nitrite for example, contains potent cancer-causing substances (nitrosamines) yet it continues to be used as a preservative.

Diets High in Healthy Fats and Proteins Slash Heart Disease Risk in Women, Harvard Study Indicates

A recent Harvard study indicates that women can reduce their risk of heart disease by as much as 30 percent by eating diets low in carbohydrates but high in vegetable-based fats and proteins.

A study of more than 80,000 nurses was examined by researchers, which found that heart disease can be reduced by as much as 33 percent in women who eat healthy fats from foods like avocados, nuts, seafood and liquid vegetables.

According to the study, increasing consumption of less-processed carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and whole-grain bread and cereal products seems to be beneficial to women as well.

The researchers’ findings, which were featured in the November 9th, 2006 issue of New England Journal of Medicine, indicate that replacing processed carbohydrates that come from foods like white bread, bagels, candy, cookies and animal fats with healthy plant-based oils “can help reduce the risk of heart disease,” according to Tufts University professor Alice H. Lichtenstein.

The scientists did make mention that their research was not fueled by the desire to enhance weight loss. While reducing carbohydrate intake was once the weight-loss method popular among many, the researchers say their conclusions advocate a more moderate approach to carb intake than zero carb diets such as the Atkins diet.

“We didn’t really design the study to look at weight loss,” said lead researcher Frank Hu, an associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Lichtenstein says “there’s no magic formula for weight loss.”

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

A healthy diet means avoiding processed foods that promote chronic disease and offer no nutritional value. These foods include (but not limited to) cookies, cakes, candy, refined sugars, white flour, and fast food. A healthy diet consists of consuming plant-based foods such as raw fruits and vegetables.

An effective way to increase your intake of greens and healthy fats is by taking a high-quality whole food supplement on a daily basis. I recommend Alive! Whole Food Energizer by the company Nature’s Way, which contains fruits, vegetables, bioflavonoids, enzymes, amino acids, green foods, herbs, essential fatty acids and mushrooms. I take 6 capsules on a daily basis.

Also, I couldn’t agree more with professor Alice H. Lichtenstein’s statement, “There’s no magic formula for weight loss.”

As I’ve always said, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. There aren’t too many short cuts with achieving anything worthwhile in life and weight loss is no exception.

If you truly desire a better physique, a healthy diet and daily exercise is the way go. Aside from losing weight, you’ll make an investment in your overall health.

Breastfeeding Gives Children Better Vision Than “Bottle-Fed” Babies, Study Finds

A study published in the January issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that babies who are breast-fed have significantly better vision as young children than formula-fed babies.

The study, which was performed by researchers in the United Kingdom, included 262 children that were observed from birth until four to six years old. Seventy-eight of the children were breast-fed, while 184 were fed with formula.

In the past, scientists have hypothesized that a chemical known as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) enhances the vision of developing children. Because DHA is found in higher concentrations in breast milk than in formula, the researchers randomly added DHA to the formulas of some of the formula-fed children.

In an attempt to market many brands of infant formula as being similar to breast milk, DHA, which is an omega-3 fatty acid, is added. Some studies have suggested that children whose formulas contain DHA such as these have higher cognitive function than children who drink formula without DHA. These studies however, have not compared DHA-fortified formulas to breast milk itself.

The study concluded that children, who were breast-fed were significantly more likely to score higher on tests of stereo-acuity (depth perception) than those fed formula. No significant difference in stereo-acuity between the formula-fed children who had received the DHA supplement and those who had not was evident.

Frank Mangano’s comment:

Breast feeding is the most natural form of food a child can receive. It is also the healthiest and provides many benefits to your newborn including more resistance to bacteria and illness. Breast-fed infants have also been found to be more intelligent than formula-fed or “bottle-fed” infants.

Don’t depend on cow’s milk or artificial bottle formulas for your newborn.

If this study, which shows how beneficial breast feeding is, isn’t enough to convince you, perhaps other studies which link consumption of infant formula to a higher risk of asthma, eczema and insulin-dependent diabetes, as well as higher rates of respiratory, intestinal, middle-ear and other bacterial infections are enough to change your mind.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Cut Colorectal Cancer Risk in Men, Study Finds

A recent study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention suggests omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of getting colorectal cancer by two-thirds in men.
The primary basis for these studies comes from other research, which suggests that omega-3 fatty acids prevent omega-6 arachidonic acids from promoting cancer in the body.
Fatty acids make compounds called prostaglandins, which either become omega-3s that suppress the inflammation of cancer or omega-6s which promote them.
178 men with colorectal cancer and 282 cancer-free controls were observed in the study which found that the lowest risk of colorectal cancer was evident in the men with the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood.
Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of death among Americans and represents roughly one-tenth of all new cancer cases in the U.S.
Blood levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids were associated with decreased risk of colorectal cancer among men not using aspirin,” the researchers wrote.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:
Omega-3 fatty acids are in my top 10 supplement recommendations. They have shown to be beneficial in protecting the heart, improving cognitive function, as well as preventing depression, strokes and cancers.

Some great sources of omega-3 fatty acids are flaxseed, hemp seed, chia seed and especially oily fish.

Carlson’s liquid fish and cod liver oil by Carlson Laboratories is the brand I personally use to supplement my diet with the optimal amount of omega-3 fatty acids. I recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality fish oil supplement.

Pomegranate Juice Yields Heart-Healthy Benefits, Study Concludes

A recent Israeli study published in the August issue of the journal Atherosclerosis suggests that drinking pomegranate juice may provide protection from developing heart disease to people with diabetes.

Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is the term used to describe arteries with thick and stiff walls. An estimated 80 percent of all deaths of patients with diabetes are linked to atherosclerosis.

Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology conducted a study which involved examining the effects of pomegranate juice on the development of atherosclerosis when consumed daily by 20 participants.

Professor Michael Aviram of the Technion Faculty of Medicine and his team found that people with diabetes experienced a lower risk of developing atherosclerosis when drinking 6 ounces of pomegranate juice every day for 90 days. These findings were linked to the team’s conclusion that the juice inhibited a process that can trigger the development of atherosclerosis where the oxidized “bad” LDL cholesterol is up taken by immune cells.

The researchers also noted that while pomegranate juice contains sugars which can increase blood sugar and worsen diabetes, the sugars found in pomegranate juice did not appear to adversely affect the patients.

“In most juices, sugars are present in free — and harmful — forms,” said Aviram. “In pomegranate juice, however, the sugars are attached to unique antioxidants, which actually make these sugars protective against atherosclerosis.”

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

What else can be said folks? I’ve been a fan of pomegranate juice for some time now.

Aside from these findings, this miracle juice with “good” sugars juice has also been shown in earlier studies to be effective at reducing the risk of prostate cancer and Alzheimer’s disease as well as lowering cholesterol.

Potassium-Enriched Salt Lowers Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Research Suggests

New research suggests that using a potassium-fortified alternative as a replacement for regular salt may help lower older adults’ risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

The study, involved roughly 2,000 elderly Taiwanese men that were divided into 2 groups. The first group of men were randomly assigned to eat meals prepared with potassium-enriched salt, while the second had meals made with regular salt.

According to the researchers, over the following 30 month period, the men given the salt alternative were 40 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease.

The salt alternative was composed of half sodium chloride and half potassium chloride and not only helped the men cut their sodium intake, but they also gained a substantial increase in their potassium consumption.

The researchers say in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that the boost in potassium may have been largely responsible for the lower risk of cardiovascular death as a number of studies have suggested that diets high in potassium may help maintain a healthy blood pressure. Some great choices of foods for potassium include: raisins, bananas, melon, beans and potatoes.

Potassium is an electrolyte needed for maintaining the fluid balance in the body. It also plays a role in proper nerve and muscle control, as well as blood pressure regulation.

According to the study co-author Dr. Wen-Harn Pan, a researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica in Taipei, the new findings suggest perhaps by protecting blood vessel function, potassium may also help lower the risk of dying from heart disease or stroke.

Pan told Reuters Health that she suspects that a diet high in potassium-rich fruits and vegetables could be even more beneficial than just replacing the salt.

Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and low-fat dairy, and limiting salty processed foods are essential non-negotiable’s for controlling blood pressure and risk of heart disease.

Now with these new findings, Pan says potassium-enriched salt offers a “convenient and fast way” to alter the diet’s sodium-potassium ratio.

Frank Mangano’s commentary: 

She’s right on the money with that statement and the use of potassium-enriched salt may just save many lives.

*Important note* It is possible for the body’s potassium levels to become too high. This is particularly true of older people who have kidney dysfunction or are taking certain medications. These individuals should consult a professional health care practitioner prior to using potassium-enriched salt substitutes or potassium supplements.

However, don’t mistake salt as an entirely bad thing. Sodium is essential to your body’s functioning and all salt is NOT the same.

Avoid table salt, which is refined and start using unrefined sea salt, which contains naturally occuring minerals. I also recommend you read my article on man made salt.

Vitamin E Derivative Shown to kill Cancer Cells, Study Finds

A study published in the April 28 issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry indicates a derivative of vitamin E kills cancer cells. The researchers who conducted the study then used that knowledge to enhance the ability of the agent to be a more potent cancer killer.
Taken by some people as a nutritional supplement with antioxidant properties, vitamin E succinate, or alpha tocopheryl succinate, is the compound that was studied. In addition, it has a weak ability to kill cancer cells, and it has been tested as a cancer chemopreventive agent. 
By forcing cancer cells to undergo a natural process known as programmed cell death, or apoptosis the compound kills cancer cells. Until this point, the method in which the agent caused this to happen remained a mystery.
These findings answer that question and also indicate that the molecule’s antitumor activity is separate from its antioxidant effect. 
Researchers with The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC-James led the study.
“Our findings could lead to a potent chemopreventive agent that has both strong anticancer and antioxidant properties,” says principal investigator Ching-Shih Chen, professor of pharmacy and of internal medicine and a researcher with the
“Such an agent might help reduce the risk of prostate, colon and other cancers.” 
How the agent kills cancer cells no longer remains a mystery as Chen and his team found that vitamin E succinate works by blocking a protein called Bcl-xL which is made by healthy cells. Bcl-xL often exists in abnormally high levels in cancer cells and prevents them from dying when they should. 
Through the use of computer modeling, the researchers found that the vitamin E derivative works by lodging in a groove in the structure of the Bcl-xL protein and causing it to become disabled. 
The vitamin E molecule does however, have a long coiled, protruding tail that keeps it from fitting tightly, and more effectively, into the groove. 
Chen says “Once we identified how the agent and the protein interact, we asked how we could improve that interaction.” 
According to the scientists, a relatively simple process of altering the molecule’s structure made a tighter fit possible and improved the agent’s ability to kill cancer cells by five to ten-fold in laboratory tests.  
“Overall, our findings are proof of the principle that this drug can kill cancer cells very effectively but does very little damage to healthy cells,” Chen says.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:
Folks, the benefits of vitamin E have long been known. 

Vitamin E deficiency has been linked to both bowel cancer and breast cancer. A deficiency may also result in damage to red blood cells and destruction of nerves.

Antioxidants in Vitamin E help fight free radicals and oxidants, molecules which damage fats and cells. It’s very important in cancer prevention. Vitamin E is helpful in preventing oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol. It also promotes normal blood clotting and healing, lowers blood pressure and maintains healthy nerves.

Some excellent food sources include dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

*Important note* If you’re taking a Vitamin E supplement be sure it’s a natural source of Vitamin E as synthetic Vitamin E is only 67 percent as active as the natural form. Look for the “d-alpha-tocopherol” form, which is the most potent.

Trans Fats Increase a Woman’s Infertility Risk by 70 to 100 Percent, Study Finds

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests trans fats may increase a woman’s risk of fertility problems by 70 percent or more.

Unlike other fats, trans fats are neither required nor beneficial for health. Eating trans fats increase the body’s ratio of “bad” (LDL) to “good” (HDL) increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. Yet still they are regularly added to thousands of processed foods in order to extend their shelf life.

“There is already an overwhelming scientific case for banning trans fats,” said Oliver Tickell of the anti-trans-fat group TFX, “and this new evidence gives it considerable new weight and urgency.”

Researchers found that women who received 2 percent of their daily calories from trans fats rather than from carbohydrates or other unsaturated fats increased their risk infertility due to lack of ovulation by as much as 70 to 100 percent. This could equal just 4 grams of trans fats per day for a person with a 2,000 calorie diet.

“It’s really a small amount of fats that we observed having a significant effect on infertility,” said lead researcher Dr. Jorge Chavarro.

Even though trans fats are required by U.S. law to be labeled on foods containing them, some consumers may not realize just how easy it is to consume a mere 4 grams or more a day. In fact, the law allows foods containing less than half a gram of trans fats per serving to be labeled as trans fat free.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

Food companies are able to bamboozle consumers by simply lowering the serving size. For example, if 6 ounces of french fries contain 1 gram of trans fats, the manufacturer will simply lower the serving size to 3 ounces. Because that amount only contains 0.5 grams of trans fats, the label can technically read “Trans Fat Free”.

Aside from reading the nutritional facts, pay attention to the ingredients.

Remember, the more ingredients something has, the less the chances of it being natural. Be especially weary of ingredients “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oils. These products are sure to have trans fats.  

Start removing the “bad fats” like trans fat from your diet and begin consuming an adequate amount of “good fats”, which is essential for optimal health and wellness.  An excellent source of essential fatty acids that I recommend is Carlson’s liquid fish and cod liver oil. This brand is high in Omega-3, which contains the essential fatty acids DHA and EPA.

Antioxidant Shown to be Effective in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, Study Concludes

An Iranian study published in Phytotherapy Research has shown an antioxidant extracted from milk thistle seeds known as Silybum marianum (silymarin) -to be effective in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Its flavolignans may also shield the liver.

The study involved a group of 51 patients who had type 2 diabetes for at least two years. During the trial, traditional oral hypoglycemic treatments were administered to every person in the group and they were examined on a monthly basis. Roughly half of the participants were given 200 milligrams of silymarin three times daily for four months, while the other half was given a placebo.

A significant reduction in glycosylated hemoglobin (sugar bound to hemoglobin in the blood), fasting blood glucose levels, and an insignificant decrease in blood lipids was evident in the treatment group. Conversely, in the placebo group, fasting blood glucose levels and glycosylated hemoglobin levels increased significantly.

Lead author Fallah Huseini of the Institute of Medicinal Plants, Tehran, Iran says: “We don’t know the exact mechanism of action for this effect, but this work shows that silymarin could play an important role in treating type 2 diabetes.”

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

When compared to the prescription medications given to people with diabetes, silymarin seems to be more effective at controlling blood sugar.

Aside from that, rather than damaging the liver like prescriptions med’s, silymarin actually protects it.

Silymarin has also been shown to be beneficial in protecting the kidneys, treating acne and it may inhibit hepatic synthesis of cholesterol and reduce blood lipids, as shown in vitro, animal studies, and human trials.

Books Authored by Frank Mangano

The Blood Pressure Miracle The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure Alzheimer's Defense You Can Attract It Power Of Thin Power Of Thin
Discovering The Truth About
High Blood Pressure May Save
A Life...It Could Be YOURS
Win The War Naturally
Against High Cholesterol
Learn How You Can Prevent,
Slow And Even Halt
Alzheimer's Disease
You Can Attract It ...
Using The Law of Attraction
to Get What You Want
Power Of Thin
Change Your Thinking
Change Your Weight
The Mangano Method:
An All-Natural Approach
To Fight Gout