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July 2024
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Intake of Prenatal Vitamins Drastically Reduces Children’s Cancer Risk, Study Finds

A study published in the journal Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics on February 21st from a Toronto children’s hospital suggests taking folic acid and multivitamins during pregnancy can reduce the chance of a child developing a common cancer before the age of 18 by almost 50 percent. 

What prompted the study was the notice that officials from Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children took regarding a drop in neuroblastomas five years ago, following the Canadian government’s requirement for flour manufacturers to add folic acid to their product in 1998.

Some of the conclusions regarding folic acid were as follows:

Chances of leukemia in children were lowered by 39 percent and risk of a child developing a brain tumor was reduced by 27 percent. Neuroblastoma, which attacks the nervous system risk, was lowered by 49 percent. Risk of developing spina bifida, a spinal condition, was lowered by a staggering 80 percent through supplementation with folic acid.

“To our amazement and surprise, all available studies today from different parts of the world … showed a similar trend (to the one in Ontario),” Koren told the Toronto Star.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

In many cases, birth defects can be prevented if the right steps are taken during pregnancy. By participating in a wholesome regimen which includes supplements like folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, chances of birth defects can be greatly reduced and the health of newborns can be greatly increased.

Don’t rely on your doctor for everything. While he or she may play an important role in the delivery of the baby, their knowledge when it comes to carry him or her may be limited. Can you believe that most doctors still don’t advise pregnant women to stay away from hydrogenated oils, MSG and artificial sweeteners?

Knowledge is key. You must take the necessary steps to educate yourself on the facts backing the benefits associated with taking natural supplements such as folic acid as well as vitamin D, zinc and magnesium, which most pregnant women are deficient in.

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