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April 2024
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Breastfeeding Gives Children Better Vision Than “Bottle-Fed” Babies, Study Finds

A study published in the January issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that babies who are breast-fed have significantly better vision as young children than formula-fed babies.

The study, which was performed by researchers in the United Kingdom, included 262 children that were observed from birth until four to six years old. Seventy-eight of the children were breast-fed, while 184 were fed with formula.

In the past, scientists have hypothesized that a chemical known as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) enhances the vision of developing children. Because DHA is found in higher concentrations in breast milk than in formula, the researchers randomly added DHA to the formulas of some of the formula-fed children.

In an attempt to market many brands of infant formula as being similar to breast milk, DHA, which is an omega-3 fatty acid, is added. Some studies have suggested that children whose formulas contain DHA such as these have higher cognitive function than children who drink formula without DHA. These studies however, have not compared DHA-fortified formulas to breast milk itself.

The study concluded that children, who were breast-fed were significantly more likely to score higher on tests of stereo-acuity (depth perception) than those fed formula. No significant difference in stereo-acuity between the formula-fed children who had received the DHA supplement and those who had not was evident.

Frank Mangano’s comment:

Breast feeding is the most natural form of food a child can receive. It is also the healthiest and provides many benefits to your newborn including more resistance to bacteria and illness. Breast-fed infants have also been found to be more intelligent than formula-fed or “bottle-fed” infants.

Don’t depend on cow’s milk or artificial bottle formulas for your newborn.

If this study, which shows how beneficial breast feeding is, isn’t enough to convince you, perhaps other studies which link consumption of infant formula to a higher risk of asthma, eczema and insulin-dependent diabetes, as well as higher rates of respiratory, intestinal, middle-ear and other bacterial infections are enough to change your mind.

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