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Natural Antioxidant Slows Oxidation of Frying Oils, Study Suggests

New research published in the January issue of the International Journal of Food Science and Technology from Cairo University suggests that by reducing the production of peroxides in frying oil and thereby slowing the oxidation of the oil and making it healthier to consume, the juice of olive leaves could make an effective antioxidant to help frying oils last longer.

This is great news for anyone who wants to slow down the oxidative deterioration of food by using natural preservation and reducing the use of chemically synthesized preservatives.

The Egyptian researchers found that when used as natural frying oil with olive leaf juice added, the creation of peroxides in sunflower oil were reduced.

Olive leaf juice is created through a process that involves pressing the leaves of olive trees which are rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are a class of natural chemicals found in plants that work as antioxidants, which can help fight heart disease and prevent damage from free radicals throughout the body.

According to a 2007 study by the University of Thessaly in Greece, waste from composted olive oil has also been found to be useful as a biofertilizer, as well as a biofilter for toxic metal removal.

“One has to point out that the main goal of this work was to use a very cheap natural source as an antioxidant agent. It is of interest to note that olive leaves used as a natural source for antioxidants in the present study are obtained by the annual pruning of olive plants,” lead researcher Radwan Farag wrote in the study.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

Anyone interested in reducing oxidation in cooking oils and preserving foods as well as preserving their health should greatly consider using plant extracts, which slow the oxidation of oil when fryed.

Synthetic chemicals only remain a popular choice among food companies because they generally cost less than plant-based extracts. Keep in mind that the primary focus of the large food corporations is to maximize their profits.

The toxicity of chemical food preservatives is an issue many food manufactures are trying to turn a deaf ear to but the fact of the matter is that these chemicals are extremely dangerous.

Sodium nitrite for example, contains potent cancer-causing substances (nitrosamines) yet it continues to be used as a preservative.

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Comment from Meg
Time April 5, 2007 at 4:26 am

I almost never fry anything (once a year, maybe), so bear with me. The article piqued my curriosity but left me hanging. It did not explain if the olive leaf extract was available yet, if it is added directly to the pan for frying or to the bottle of oil. What particularly interested me was composting olive oil, especially that it’s a biofilter for toxic metal removal.

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