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July 2024
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Health Risks with Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings The FDA has recently released a statement regarding mercury from amalgam dental fillings and its toxic affects on young children and fetuses, which are still developing. Experts have stated that there is no proof the mercury within the fillings is dangerous but on the other hand there is no proof that it is not either. The average amalgam dental filling is more than half made up of mercury; this is where the FDA has stepped in with their views. By viewing the FDA website today you will find any positive feedback regarding the amalgam filling has been deleted and there is now a warning in its place.

The FDA has made the statement that amalgam dental fillings contain high levels of mercury, which may have toxic effects on the nervous systems of young children and even developing fetuses. In addition to this statement the FDA has added an additional warning for pregnant women and anyone who currently has high levels of mercury within their systems due to a pre-existing condition. This does not mean you should avoid taking care of your teeth and dental work, it only means you should discuss your options with your dentist before accepting an amalgam dental filling.

It will take approximately 1 year for the new rules, regulations and warnings to be properly posted within the dental industry but this turn around time is quite quick for this type of newly developing case. It can be hard to believe that a small dental filling can affect someone in such a serious way but if you think that millions of pregnant women and children receive dental fillings every day, thousands of these people are bound to be negatively affected. The amalgam fillings are made from liquid mercury, tin, copper, zinc and other metals. It was believed when this filling was first created that the mercury was trapped within the amalgam when it was developed; this is not true.

For those people with an amalgam filling, when you chew you are releasing mercury vapor, which is then absorbed by the body. Although this is a small amount of mercury released into your system it does not take long to build up with more fillings and the more we chew. It is important to understand this FDA warning is not trying to prevent you from seeing your dentist and properly taking care of your cavities. Instead, it is meant to educate you on what these fillings can do to your health and the health of your unborn child. There are other options; amalgam fillings are not the only way to treat cavities today.

I have been talking about the dangers of these toxic mercury fillings for quite some time now. If you currently have an amalgam filling I strongly encourageyou to visit your dentist today and learn about your alternative options and have these fillings removed and replaced immediately, as I did. You also have the option of visiting a holistic dentist to get these fillings replaced. You do not have to be a pregnant woman or a small child to be concerned about the risks associated with mercury in the fillings because only time will tell how many other people are being affected through this form of dental work. Take this opportunity to remove these dangerous fillings and make sure nothing toxic is being put into your mouth through dental treatment.

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