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July 2024
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Study Shows Flavanoids In Black Raspberries Wipe Out Leukemia Cancer Cells

Black Raspberries According to a new study published online in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, a naturally occurring antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables can selectively wipe out leukemia cells without harming healthy cells. These findings offer hope of treating leukemia effectively without being toxic. The findings promise an effective, nontoxic approach to treating leukemia.

Corresponding author Xiao-Ming Yin, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of pathology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine stated the following:

“Current treatments for leukemia, such as chemotherapy and radiation, often damage healthy cells and tissues and can produce unwanted side effects for many years afterward. So, there is an intensive search for more targeted therapies for leukemia worldwide.”

Yin and his team of researchers from the University of Pittsburgh isolated and examined the effects of cyanidin-3-rutinoside or C-3-R – which is a naturally modified anthocyanidin from black raspberries – on human leukemia and lymphoma cell cultures. Findings by the researchers show that about half of the human leukemia cells died within 18 hours of treatment with low doses of C-3-R. More than doubling the dosage resulted in all of the leukemia cells dying with the same effect on lymphoma cells.

Most of the focus by Yin and his team was on one of the most common forms of water-soluble flavonoids that give fruits and vegetables their color known as anthocyanidins. These flavanoids are also thought to assist in the attraction of honeybees to plants. The benefits of anthocyanidins in previous studies were noted by the authors.

According to the researchers, C-3-R induced an “oxidative stress” in tumor cells but not in healthy cells. Yin claims these results indicate that C-3-R is highly selective against cancer cells and offers “a very promising approach for treating a variety of human leukemias and, perhaps, lymphomas as well.”

Leukemia and lymphoma are both two types of cancer. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society states that more than 66,000 new cases of lymphoma were diagnosed in 2006. Statistics reported by the National Cancer Institute indicate an estimated 44,000 cases of leukemia to be diagnosed in the United States in 2007 and some 22,000 leukemia related deaths will occur in 2007.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:

What we have here folks is just another reason to stick with superfoods like berries and vegetables to avoid toxic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. As always, the best cure is a good defense. Avoiding processed foods, transfats and other harmful substances will reduce your risk of being part of the grim statistics reported.

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