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April 2024
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Study Shows Garlic Relaxes Arteries And Increases Blood Flow

Garlic For centuries, garlic has been recognized for its healing properties and numerous studies with varying results have been performed to confirm the abilities of garlic to ward off colds and lower cholesterol levels among many other things. Recent research now suggests that garlic can increase blood flow, reduce blood clots and prevent oxidative damage by relaxing arteries.

Clinical tests at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, have indicated tension within blood vessels were reduced by 72% when exposed to crushed garlic juice. The reaction takes place in the cells of the blood vessel lining and causes them to dilate.

This month’s journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences featured a laboratory test that showed red blood cells beginning to emit hydrogen sulphides – a biological messenger that stimulates vessels to open – when exposed to garlic juice. As a result of this reaction, blood pressure is reduced and the oxygen going to various parts of the body which are especially important for vital organs is increased, while pressure on the heart is reduced. These results further solidified findings by researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine earlier this year which suggested that hydrogen sulphide actually prevented heart muscle damage in the event of a heart attack.

While poisonous in high concentrations, a safe amount of hydrogen sulphide is produced naturally by the body. As people get older however, production of Hydrogen Sulphide begins to dissipate. Dr David Kraus, Ph.D., a UAB associate professor in the Departments of Environmental Health Sciences and Biology and the study’s lead author said,

“Our results suggest garlic in the diet is a very good thing. Certainly, in areas where garlic consumption is high, such as the Mediterranean and the Far East, there is a low incidence of cardiovascular disease. It is, however, important to know that large amounts in supplement form may interact with blood thinning drugs and could increase the risk of bleeding.”

The fresh garlic used in the study was the equivalent of eating two cloves of garlic, which is more than most people who do not live in the Mediterranean or the Far East, consume each day.

Dr. Kraus suggested that before cooking with fresh garlic, let it stand for 15 minutes after crushing as this activates the enzyme to raise the healthy constituents of the garlic and so it maximizes the health benefits.

Frank Mangano’s Commentary:

It may cause bad breath and in some cases body odor, but at the end of the day, the Allicin in garlic when digested, causes blood cells to release sulphur compounds which have countless benefits on one’s health. If bad breath and body odor become an issue, consider supplementing with Kyolic, which is an odorless organic high-quality garlic supplement. I take this on a daily basis.

I can’t say enough good things about garlic. Not only is garlic beneficial to cardiovascular health, but it’s also good for infections, cancer, diabetes and many other conditions. I consider garlic to be a superfood and so should you. Make it your business to make garlic part of your daily regimen and bask in its rewards.

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