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October 2024
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Vitamin C Benefits Dramatically Reduced by Intake of Dietary Fats, Study Finds

As most people know, I’m a big fan of vitamin C and the benefits that it brings with it.

What some people don’t realize is that their vitamin C supplementation may be a waste of time if their diet is all wrong. The last thing I like to see is the effects of something I highly recommend be halted due to a poor diet.

I recently came across an interesting study which shows how the anti-cancer benefits of vitamin C can be dramatically reduced by intake of dietary fats.

A new study which was conducted at the University of Glasgow, yielded results that were presented this year at the annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology in Glasgow.

The main focus of the study was to examine how the acidification of nitrite is affected by vitamin C in the stomach. Potentially carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds which are related to stomach cancer can ultimately surface as a result of this acidification. According to the European School of Oncology, stomach cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer worldwide with 800,000 new cases diagnosed every year.

When nitrite found in saliva and nitrate found in some foods mix with stomach acids, carcinogenic compounds form. Ascorbic acid – which is the active component of vitamin C – obstructs these compounds from forming. According to the study, conversion to carcinogenic compounds from saliva, nitrate & stomach acids was inhibited by vitamin C by approximately 99.7 percent.

Now the research team notes: When dietary fats were added to the mix, the antioxidant properties of vitamin C were neutralized, and the carcinogenic N-nitrosamine was formed.

“These results indicate that the presence of lipid can markedly alter the protective effects of antioxidants with respect to potentially carcinogenic nitrosative chemistry occurring in the human stomach, and illustrate how a diet rich in lipids can directly influence gastric biochemistry,” said lead author Emilie Combet.
Frank Mangano’s commentary:

What this resource tells me is that the effects of one of the most highly recommended supplements in the world can be completely ruined by a diet high in fat that is made up of dairy products, meat products, and processed foods, which by coincidence are so strongly linked to cancer and heart disease.

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