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July 2024
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Child Obesity Resulting in Risky Stomach Surgery

Following the rise in child obesity, some parents are turning to a solution which still remains relatively unexplored for their children known as stomach stapling.

In recent years, the popularity of stomach surgeries has risen among adults going from 12,775 to 70,256 surgeries in the U.S. from 1998 to 2002 according to the monthly Archives of Surgery journal. That number has now increased to more than 120,000 a year.

According to federal statistics only 350 children in America had operations such as these in 2004. Doctors have been hesitant to perform the surgeries for a few reasons: First off, most stomach surgeries involve making the stomach smaller by cutting it. Procedures such as these put developing children at risk. In fact, the death rate among children who have this surgery performed on them is around 1 in 50, which is twice as much as adults who have bariatric surgery.

Aside from that, in 2004 childhood obesity was not nearly as prevalent in American society compared to today. Along with the gain in weight, there’s also been a gain in interest for these types of operations.

This is pretty disappointing actually. What happened to the days of actually working to achieve a result?

The sad but true fact is that we live in a society today that revolves around instant gratification. No one is willing to invest the time, discipline & diligence to get to where they want to be.

The problem is that it’s now at a point that people are actually risking their lives to avoid a little good old fashioned work.

I’ll tell you this much. If it was my child that was overweight, surgery would not even be an option. Things like a healthy diet and a good exercise regimen would do just fine. In the end, these things would improve my child’s quality of life rather than putting it at risk.

And just because everything goes as planned during her surgery, it doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods just yet. In July, the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reported that 40 percent of weight-loss surgery patients develop problematic complications within six months following the surgery.

In the end, you’re better off taking a closer look at your child’s health regimen. Plus, you can take the $30,000 that the hospital stay and surgery would have ran you and put it toward your child’s education.

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