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Archive for 'Cancer'

Miracle Marinades

Researchers Say Spicy Marinades Have Cancer-Fighting Properties They say that variety is the spice of life, but could spice extend your life by warding off deadly diseases? According to a new study published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, perhaps so, because spicy marinades made for meats and shish kabob have cancer-fighting properties. [...]

Sweet Find with Bitter Melon

Bitter Melon Extract Shown to Block Cancer Cell Formation If the findings regarding the anti-cancer benefits of bitter melon are accurate, bitterness may be the new sweetness. Bitter melon isn’t widely known here in the states, but it’s long been a natural health staple for South Americans and Asians alike. Grown primarily in warm climates [...]

Cooking Up Some Cancer

Fumes from Gas Stoves Considered Cancerous by Researchers The next time you’re at a steakhouse, instead of telling your waiter how you’d like your steak done, you may want to ask how they cook their beef in the first place.  Because if chefs are pan-frying steaks with a gas burner, they could be putting themselves—and [...]

Soda Shocker

Study:  Two Sodas per Week Increases Pancreatic Cancer Risk 87 Percent The facts and figures on the amount of soda consumed in the world are eye-popping.  Consider these mind-numbing numbers from The soft drink industry makes an estimated $40 billion per year 40 percent of toddlers drink at least one can of soda per [...]

Vitamins and Minerals Batter Bladder Cancer

Study:  High Vitamin, Mineral Intake Associated with Decreased Bladder Cancer Risk When it comes to bladder cancer, men are three times more likely to develop it than women.  One way to decrease this risk is to do the very thing that your parents told you to do since you were a youngin’:  Eat your vegetables. [...]

Cancer’s Heavy Toll

Cancer Research Study: 100,000+ Cancer Diagnoses Caused by Obesity It’s one thing to be told obesity leads to cancer; it’s quite another to put numbers to that notion, because as the old saying goes, the numbers don’t lie. According to a new report on the link between cancer and obesity, being grossly overweight is responsible [...]

Paying Homage to the Onion

Study: Onion Compounds May Cut Colon Cancer Risk in Half “Impossible.” That’s what I said to myself the other day, shocked and chagrined that I’d never written about the onion. How is this possible?  After all, the onion’s the third largest vegetable crop produced in the United States, not one, but two states call the [...]

An Artificial “Win” for Artificial Sweeteners

Latest “Pro Artificial” Study Naturally Misses the Mark A new study says that artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Sweet & Low don’t pose the health risks that people like me and others suggest. Could natural health advocates like me have been wrong all along?  Let’s investigate, shall we? An Italian study recently published in the [...]

The Anthocyanin Anthology

Chronicling the Assortment of Anthocyanin Benefits Anthocyanins – the phytochemical compound found in brightly colored vegetables – are so health-promoting, so ubiquitous in their disease prevention, there ought to be an anthocyanin anthology. As documented here, anthocyanins help prevent cancer cell growth.  And as documented here, the anthocyanins in red cabbage helps prevent Alzheimer’s and [...]

Drink Up!

Five Cups of Green Tea (or More!) Billed as Best Defense from Cancer, Says Japanese Research If you’re looking to cut back on your five cups of coffee a day but are at a loss for what to replace your coffee-fill with, green tea is the perfect substitution solution. Moderation in all things may typically [...]

Books Authored by Frank Mangano

The Blood Pressure Miracle The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure Alzheimer's Defense You Can Attract It Power Of Thin Power Of Thin
Discovering The Truth About
High Blood Pressure May Save
A Life...It Could Be YOURS
Win The War Naturally
Against High Cholesterol
Learn How You Can Prevent,
Slow And Even Halt
Alzheimer's Disease
You Can Attract It ...
Using The Law of Attraction
to Get What You Want
Power Of Thin
Change Your Thinking
Change Your Weight
The Mangano Method:
An All-Natural Approach
To Fight Gout