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What You Can Do to Keep Your Bones Healthy

A new study from the Texas Tech University found that the combined supplementation of green tea extract and vitamin D can improve bone health, repair bone damage caused by inflammation and reduce the product of inflammatory substances.

In a nutshell, the bones are responsible for holding everything together and help in keeping them in place and in the right position. The human skeletal system is composed of bones and other supporting components like tendons, cartilages and ligaments that holds the bones together and supports skeletal movement. The main function of the skeletal system is to serve as a protection and support for essential body organs like the heart, brain and lungs, and the same time act as a framework for the muscles and other tissues like the skin. The bones comprise around 30 to 40 percent of the body’s total weight.

The development of the bones starts during the early gestation period in pregnancy. A new born baby has around 300 bones and some of the bones fuse together as the person grows older; an adult has an estimated 206 bones. Beside its function of supporting the whole body, the bones, especially the long bones in the arms and the body’s lower extremities, are also responsible for the production of red blood cells. This process takes place in the bone marrow is called haematopoiesis.

Taking good care of the bones is important to maintain overall health. Lack of proper nutrition and sufficient exercise can lead to bone problems like osteoporosis, which is more popular in women, and bone cancer and the growth of bone tumors. The lesser popular bone disease are osteogenesis imperfecta or what is popularly termed as the brittle bone diseases and Paget’s bone disease associated with the weakness of the bones. Genetically predisposed individuals with a history of having bone diseases can have high risks of developing the condition. But poor nutrition plays a vital role as well.

Your Body Needs Calcium

Calcium is one of the important nutrients needed by the bones to promote growth and sustain strength and proper function. It is also needed to help the nerves, muscles and the heart to function properly. Different studies have shown that the lack of calcium in early life can lead to low bone mass and increased fracture rates in late-adult life. This leads to osteoporosis and other diseases associated with bone weakness. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is an important calcium culprit that promotes the efficient absorption of calcium during digestion. It also helps to maintain sufficient concentrations of serum calcium and phosphate to keep the bones in shape and sustain growth. Vitamin D deficiency makes the bones brittle, thin and out of shape.

A study conducted by a team of researchers from the Health Sciences Center of Texas Tech University found that the combination of polyphenols from green tea extract and alfacalcidol in Vitamin D can improve bone structure, strength and stability. The researchers used mice subjects and supplemented their diet with green tea polyphenols or alfacalcidol and found that the compounds have the potential to reverse bone damage caused by chronic inflammation while the supplementation of both compounds can sustain bone strength and structure. The study was published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

Head researcher Dr Chwan-Li Chen said that the effects of polyphenols and alfacalcidol in maintaining bone microstructure demonstrate its significance in preventing the onset of osteoporosis. This is primarily caused by the anti-inflammatory properties of polyphenols from green tea and vitamin D alfacalcidol’s role in better calcium absorption.

Chronic inflammation of the bones has been long linked to the development of bone loss and deterioration through excessive production of inflammatory molecules and oxidative stress. Different anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants from isoflavones from soy products, polyphenols from green tea and as well as vitamin D can inhibit the production of inflammatory compounds in the body. Green tea has been the subject of different studies examining the health benefits of its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The new study evaluates its efficacy together with alfacalcidol in maintaining bone health and preventing bone diseases associated with low bone mass and bone weakness like osteoporosis.

The researchers reported that the combination of the two compounds reversed the changes in bone structure caused by inflammation. They were also found to strengthen the bones and suppress the production of inflammatory substances.

Foods for Healthy Bones

Sources of Calcium

The recommended dietary intake of calcium for adults is at least 1000 milligrams in a day. But this will primarily depend on the person’s weight, age and special conditions like pregnancy requires increased dosage of calcium. The easiest way to get calcium is by taking calcium supplements. But eating the right kinds of food is the best natural way of supplying the body with its much needed nutrient. The richest sources of calcium are the following:

  • green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli
  • oranges
  • beans
  • peanuts
  • tofu and other soy products
  • sea foods like sardines and salmon
  • sesame seeds
  • brown sugar
  • almonds
  • tortillas
  • corn
  • molasses

Sources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for the better absorption of calcium. Without vitamin D, calcium may be wasted and flushed out of the body. The recommended dietary intake of vitamin D is 200 IU for adults and the recommended dosage increases as the person grows older. Vitamin D has a very low bioavailability in foods. The richest sources, however, are fish flesh and fish liver oils. Vitamin D is also found in egg yolks, cheese and beef liver. Due to the rarity of the natural sources of vitamin D, fortification of the nutrient in processed food products is popular amongst food manufacturers. In the US, vitamin D fortified milk supplies most of the population’s vitamin D requirement. Some brands of margarine, yogurt, and orange juice also fortify their products with vitamin D.

Exercise for Healthy Bones

Like the muscles, the bones are living tissues that also needs exercise to become stronger. And the best exercise for the bones is the weight-bearing kind. This includes dancing, tennis, climbing stairs, jogging, hiking, walking and weight training. Together with a healthy diet, involving in physical activities can significantly help in keeping the bones healthy and strong.


Natural Ways of Reducing Bad Cholesterol Levels

A group of researchers found that eating 45 grams of dark chocolate in a day for a period of 16 weeks can potentially reduce the cholesterol levels of diabetic patients.

Understanding Bad Cholesterol

There are two types of cholesterol in the body: the good and bad. Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is referred to as bad cholesterol since high levels of LDL results to a higher risk of developing coronary and cardiovascular diseases. It interferes with healthy blood flow by sticking on artery walls and forming a thick and hard cholesterol plaque. This narrows the blood passages in a process called atherosclerosis.

There’s a good type of cholesterol, on the other hand, that is essential in preventing and reversing the adverse effects of LDL accumulation by extracting the bad cholesterol from the walls of the artery and removing them from the body through the liver. The body needs to have more of the good cholesterol in order to function properly. Good cholesterol is responsible for promoting the fluidity and permeability of membranes and it is also essential in the manufacturing of bile acids that breaks down fats and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin A.

A person’s bad cholesterol level is greatly influenced by his diet and hereditary condition. Eating foods with high contents of saturated fats will result to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the blood. Rich sources of saturated fats are dairy products and meat. Vegetable oils from cocoa, palm and coconut are also rich in saturated fats. There is a specific health condition which may result to high LDL levels despite minimal intake of saturated fats. This is called familial hypercholesterolemia which literally means more cholesterol in the blood. It can be inherited and is usually brought about by the lack of cholesterol receptors in the cells of the liver. Note that the liver is responsible for the processing of LDL cholesterol. This condition can result to atherosclerosis and other coronary diseases in early adulthood. High cholesterol levels have also been linked by different studies to diabetes.

There will always be a natural way of reducing the risk of health conditions such as coronary diseases and diabetes. Medical experts will always recommend healthy diet and active lifestyle on top of anything else. A group of researchers from the Hull York Medical School of the University of Hull found that eating one of our most favorite bitter-sweet treats can reduce the cholesterol levels of diabetic patients.

Dark Chocolate against High Cholesterol in Diabetics

An Overview

A group of researchers from the Hull York Medical School published a study in Diabetic Medicine saying that dark chocolate has the capacity to lower cholesterol levels in people suffering from diabetes. Their findings may sound incongruous but they have found that eating 45 grams of dark chocolate reduced the cholesterol levels of 12 diabetic participants in a study period of 4 months. The head of the research team and professor of diabetes and endocrinology, Steve Atkins, said that their study demonstrated that dark chocolate can result to the reduction of cardiovascular risk caused by insulin resistance and being overweight. The 12 participants had type 2 diabetes, a condition wherein cells are weakly responsive to insulin naturally produced by the body.

The Benefits of Polyphenols

The researchers linked the positive results of their study to polyphenols found in cocoa. This compound has a powerful anti-inflammatory property, making it a strong and effective antioxidant. As its natural function, polyphenols protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals and prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which causes it to become glued to artery walls, causing atherosclerosis. A person can maintain high levels of polyphenols in the body by eating foods rich in polyphenols; topping the list is cacao alongside green tea and wine. The researchers suggested for chocolate manufacturers to create smaller packages of dark chocolate bars in order to give individuals with diabetes a better way to manage their intake of polyphenol-rich chocolates and so they can better take advantage of its benefits in lowering their blood cholesterol levels.

The Methodology and Results

The researchers recruited a group of 12 diabetic patients and gave them 3 bars of 15-gram dark chocolate bars per day for a period of 16 weeks. The chocolate bars contained 85 percent cocoa and other placebo bars did not have any cocoa content and was only dyed to achieve the same color as dark chocolate. They said that the bars were no bigger than a banana and, unlike the usual way of eating a banana, the bars were eaten at different points of the day. The researchers also said that dark chocolate has a low glycaemic index which related to the release of glucose into the blood stream from sugars.

Though the researchers used a very small group, the participants did not report any increase in weight nor did they experience problems in controlling their blood sugar levels brought by their existing health condition. They said that the study is only a preliminary of more and bigger studies to come and they will be releasing more information regarding their findings in the following days.

Foods against Bad Cholesterol

The body’s bad cholesterol level is a major health concern. High levels of bad cholesterol in the body may result to coronary problems and other serious health problems. But eating the right kind of foods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help in managing cholesterol levels and promoting a healthier body.

  • The body needs soluble fiber in order to sweep out saturated fats which can increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Soluble fiber can be found in oatmeal, prunes, barley, pears apples and kidney beans. Including some of the fiber-rich foods in ones daily diet can reduce the risk of developing diseases caused by bad cholesterol.
  • Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, lake trout and mackerel can also help in lowering bad cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids help in reducing blood pressure by preventing the clotting of the blood and the accumulation of bad cholesterol on the walls of the arteries.
  • Almonds, walnuts and other kinds of nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids which helps maintain the smooth passage of blood through the blood vessels and reduce blood cholesterol levels. Eating around 43 grams of nuts can lower the risk of developing heart diseases according to the Food and Drug Administration. But keep in mind that nuts are packed with calories so eating a handful can be enough.
  • Other foods that can lower bad cholesterol levels are those fortified with plant sterols like yogurt drinks, orange juice and margarine. Eating at least 2 grams of plant sterols through rich food sources can lower LDL cholesterol by more than 10 percent.


Tips on Arthritis and Obesity Prevention

A study showed that obesity can increase the risk of developing arthritis.

Obesity is a global problem and is thought to be second to smoking as one of the contributory cause of cancer. It is a medical condition associated with the excessive storage of body fat which can lead to serious health conditions and reduced life expectancy. A body mass index above 30 kilograms per square meter is considered obese. The list of common health conditions that are induced and intensified by obesity include some types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

There are several factors that cause obesity. In a nutshell, the consumption of a greater number of calories than what the body burns results to the disproportionate storage of fat. An unhealthy diet and an inactive lifestyle are two of the primary causes of obesity and obviously, the best recommended cure is the modification of one’s diet and increased physical activity. Among the chronic conditions caused by obesity is arthritis.

The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report published on October 8 stated that arthritis limits the physical activity of over 21 million people. Obesity is now being linked to arthritis and the study showed that an excess in weight serves as a hindrance to having healthy joints basically because it affects joint movement. And according to the report, unless Americans learn to control their weight, the prevalence of arthritis will remain on the rise. Just like obesity, arthritis is a major public health problem that can be effectively prevented through weight management which includes increased physical activities, diet modification, and proper education.

The Link between Obesity and Arthritis

The National Health Interview Survey for the year 2007 to 2009 indicated that more than 22 percent of adults aged 18 and above are diagnosed with arthritis. This is an equivalent of almost 50 million people. More than 21 million people in this group had reported limited body movements and decreased physical activities. In the population suffering from obesity, on the other hand, more than 33 percent of women and over 25 percent of men have arthritis. This is more than twice of the arthritis prevalence in people with normal or below normal weight, with almost 14 percent in men and about 19 percent in women.

Though the prevalence of arthritis is commonly linked to a person’s age, issues such as lifestyle, physical activity, weight, and even educational attainment are also some of the factors that can increase the risk. The report also showed that the limitations in physical activities that cause arthritis are caused by the ageing population and rising rates of obesity.

The ageing population and increasing prevalence of obesity are expected to increase the rates of developing arthritis in the next 20 years according to the report. The expected number of adults with arthritis can go up as much as 67 million by 2010. The other findings of the study showed that more than 24 percent of women and 18 percent of men were surveyed with doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Almost 22 percent of the survey participants whose educational attainment was less than a high school diploma had arthritis, comparatively higher than the 20 percent of people who spent a few years in college. In addition to this, almost 24 percent of people with sedentary lifestyle have arthritis, a lot lesser than the 19 percent who engaged in increased physical activities.

The survey participants were asked if they were diagnosed with any form of arthritis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, gout or fibromyalgia by a medical expert. According to the report, arthritis results to an annual cost of $128 billion on a national scale and the condition is one of the common causes of disability. The risk of getting knee osteoarthritis is more than 60 percent in obese individuals. The report also suggested that even an 11-pound reduction in weight can reduce the risk of knee osteoarthritis by 50 percent and mortality rate also by half.

Tips to Prevent Obesity

Obesity and arthritis can come hand in hand. This suggests that one of the best ways to prevent the development of obesity is by properly managing weight. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone: you are avoiding obesity and at the same time reducing the risk of developing arthritis.

It needs to be understood that obesity is caused by the over-consumption of calories while getting less than recommended physical activities. The best approach is by being aware of your calorie intake while increasing physical activity at the same time in order to burn any stored fat. Identifying any early indications of obesity is also key to preventing the condition from becoming a serious problem.

Remember to:

  • Maintain an active lifestyle. Though going to the gym or jogging around the park may be more recommendable, having an active lifestyle can be achieved in the comforts of your own home like doing open backyard activities.
  • Monitor weight regularly. It’s difficult to always count the calories. Though you may always need to think about the food you eat, counting calories down to the last piece of candy may become too obsessive and stressful. The better way of doing it is by monitoring your weight on a regular basis. This will tell you if you have been eating well and if you are getting enough physical activities to burn the extra pounds.
  • Eat right. There’s no better way of managing your weight but by eating the right kind of foods. Fresh fruits, vegetables and foods rich in fiber, like whole grains, are best in flushing out saturated fats from the other foods you eat. Eating regularly and slowly will also help in the better digestion of food.

Tips to Prevent Arthritis

Food rich in bad cholesterol, saturated fats, sodium, and uric acid leads and worsens arthritis. The recommended diet to prevent and alleviate arthritic conditions consists of consuming healthy foods such as:

  • Parsley
  • Watercress
  • Celery
  • Carrots
  • wheat grass products
  • barley
  • pecans
  • avocados
  • soy products
  • whole grain products like oats, millet, barley, wheat
  • cold water fishes like sardines, salmon and herring.

Foods rich in antioxidants like omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, bioflavonoids, carotenes and vitamin C has also been found to reduce the inflammation of the joints caused by free radicals.

Meanwhile, foods containing high amounts of calcium inhibitors have been found to increase the risk of arthritis. So try to avoid the following:

  • red meat
  • chicken
  • eggs
  • dairy products
  • coffee
  • alcohol

Foods with high contents of oxalic acid like plums, cranberries, rhubarb, spinach and chard can also cause and worsen arthritis.


The Harmful Effects of Chemotherapy to the Body

A new study has found out that chemotherapy has adverse effects to a person’s brain and cognitive abilities.

Chemotherapy is one of the medically proven treatment options for cancer. It is basically the process of introducing drugs into the body to kill and prevent the growth of cancer cells. The primary objective of subjecting a cancer patient to chemotherapy is to cure him completely and kill every single cancer cell in his body. Different methods of chemotherapy have been devised through the years. The process can be complemented with other therapies like surgery, and radiotherapy, or the person’s gradual and regulated exposure to ionized radiation.

Chemotherapy works by interfering with the disorderly process of cancer cell reproduction. Unlike useful cells in the body, cancer cells can grow out of proportion and occupy more and more space as the disease develops. Chemotherapy drugs are introduced directly into the bloodstream in order to launch an attack to the cancer cells. The process impairs a cancer cell’s ability to divide or to reproduce through mitosis. It also inhibits the growth and multiplication of cancer cells by targeting their food source and the other materials they need to grow. Specialized chemotherapy drugs may also inhibit the growth of blood vessels that supplies blood to the cancer tumors.

Disadvantages and Side Effects of Chemotherapy

The drugs used in chemotherapy are toxic and they have proven adverse effects to the body. Supplementary therapies like radiotherapy, though painless, can cause soft tissue to swell and the skin to develop red rashes. Chemotherapy drugs have far worse side effects. Though they have been formulated to only attack cancer cells, chemotherapy drugs have the inevitable tendency to also attack non-cancer cells.

  • Patients undergoing chemotherapy may develop neutropenia, or significantly low levels of white blood cell count.  White blood cells (WBC) play an important role in the immune system, and if its numbers decreases, this will render the patient more susceptible to infection.
  • The patient’s platelet count may also drastically fall after chemotherapy. Platelets are responsible for the blood’s natural ability to clot and platelet deficiency may lead to hemorrhagic bleeding or excessive external bleeding.
  • The other known and common side effects of chemotherapy include vomiting and nausea after a session; alopecia or hair loss; ototoxity or long-term hearing loss due to platinum agents; anemia; inflammation of the mucous membrane; and appetite loss. The procedure has also been observed to cause damage to the brain.

Harmful Effects of Chemotherapy to the Brain

Cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy treatment have been observed to experience impaired cognitive functions. This has been recognized to be the most alarming side effect of chemotherapy. A recent study conducted by the Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center of Indiana University has put emphasis on the effects of chemotherapy to a patient’s cognitive functions, which is also referred to as “chemobrain”. The researchers observed the changes in brain tissues in breast cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment.  The results of the study were published on the October issue of the Breast Cancer Research and Treatment journal.

Director of the Indiana University Center for Neuroimaging (and also one of the researchers), Andrew Saykin, said that the analysis suggested an anatomic basis for common complaints of patients undergoing chemotherapy concerning impaired cognitive abilities. Executive skills like memory, fast mental processing and multi-tasking are greatly affected to a point of noticeable degrees. The team studied MRI scans of the brains of breast cancer patients before and after chemotherapy, as well as those of healthy control subjects to give them a reliable basis of comparison. The procedure was repeated a month and a year after the completion of their chemotherapy treatment.

The researchers observed a decrease in gray matter in prominent areas of the brain causing cognitive dysfunction. But the patients’ gray matter density eventually improved after a year of their last chemotherapy. Dr. Saykin said that though the effects were mild in most patients, it was highly observable in some to a point where they became incapable of going back to work. The rest were still able to perform multifunctional tasks but with a certain degree of difficulty.

The study was dedicated to observing the effects of chemotherapy to the cognitive functions of 12 female breast cancer patients with the participation of 18 breast-cancer free women and is being replicated for further study by the IU Simon Cancer Center.

The Natural Alternative to Chemotherapy: The Naturopathic Approach

Despite the many technological and medical advancement in the treatment of cancer, it remains to be one of the leading cause of death in the world. Chemotherapy, believed as the only effective treatment for cancer, increases a cancer patient’s mortality rate to a small percentage and also creates unpleasant side-effects which can further jeopardize the patient’s health.

The addition of naturopathic treatment to conventional cancer treatments can improve and accelerate the patient’s recovery while at the same time alleviating the side-effects of the drugs used in the procedure. Naturopathic treatment is very sensitive to a patient’s needs and it needs to be specialized according to his specific condition. This is the reason why professional advice from a naturopathic doctor is needed before starting out on any naturopathic treatment.

Good nutrition is one of the best prevention methods a person can use against cancer. But nutrition is also used by naturopathic science in the treatment of cancer. Together with the appropriate physical activities, nutrition can be used to change the course of cancer, stop progression and prevent reoccurrence. The principle of naturopathy in the treatment of cancer stands on the fact that certain dietary behavior can give cancer a favorable environment for it grow and develop.

Through lifestyle intervention, naturopathy can be effective in curing cancer –  by targeting their sources of food thereby starving cancer cells;  by enhancing the immune system; and by giving the body it’s much needed nutrients in order to survive clinical treatments, reduce side effects and help it recover. Beside the prescription of strict diet plan, naturopathic doctors may also recommend the intake of dietary supplements like fractionated citrus pectin, glutamine and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA.

Natural Methods to Alleviate the Side Effects of Chemotherapy

The following methods can be done in order to counteract the side effects of chemotherapy:

For Nausea and Vomiting

The use of caraway seeds, fennel tea and ginger is advised. Caraway seeds made into a tea concoction can be taken after the procedure.  Another option is to drink fennel tea, which is said to exert its effect on the stomach, making it more relaxed thereby preventing nausea.  Also, the use of freshly-sliced ginger inside your mouth can help a patient deal with nausea and prevent vomiting.

For Alopecia (Hair Loss)

The use of Vitamin E before starting the chemotherapy procedure can help. Also, it is said that the use of ice caps helps slow down the loss of hair.

For Constipation

Increasing fiber intake is naturally advised.  Other options would be the use of available enzymes such as buckthorn, sena, Epsom salts and probiotics.  However, it is best to consult your physician prior to taking these substances.  Also, refrain from being sedentary.  Try to walk around if your strength permits you to do so.  This will greatly improve your intestines’ peristaltic activity.

For Diarrhea

A very simple way to control it is through dietary modification.  Simply limit the amount of fatty intake present in your food.

For Anemia

The intake of shark oil, beet juice and Vitamin B12 can help.

For Fatigue and Weak Immune System

Herbal supplements like menthe piperita and the extract of African potato or hypoxis rooperi have been noted to be beneficial to the immune system. Other herbal ingredients like schizandra sinesis, viscum album and crataegus oxyacanthoides are known to increase a person’s energy levels and help protect the body from damage caused by the toxins in chemotherapy drugs.


Poor Sleeping Habits May Lead to High Blood Pressure In Pregnant Women

Study shows that sufficient sleep especially among pregnant women lowers the risk of high blood pressure.

According to a study published in the October 1 issue of the Sleep journal, getting poor quality of sleeping during the first trimester of pregnancy may increase a woman’s risk of developing high blood pressure. The study was conducted by the University of Washington’s School of Public Health in Seattle and was led by epidemiology professor Michele A. Williams, ScD.

The pregnant woman may develop symptoms and complications which may appear in the later months of the pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a serious health condition that is linked to the excessive amounts of protein in urine and high blood pressure is one of its symptoms. This happens after 20 weeks of pregnancy and may increase a woman’s risk of developing eclampsia, a life-threatening condition acquired during pregnancy.

The Results

The study evaluated the health conditions of pregnant women who were in the habit of sleeping six, or less, hours per night and another group of women who consistently sleeps for 9 hours in the same conditions. It was observed that in the third trimester, the first group experienced systolic blood pressure that is almost 4 points higher than the second group. The researchers advised that pregnant women needs to get 9 hours of sleep every night since they have greater needs for sleep.

The researchers also observed women who slept more than 9 hours per night and found out that they had a systolic blood pressure of more than 4 points higher than the women with 9 hours of sleep. Despite of a very minimal difference, the increase in blood pressure is enough to bring a pregnant woman’s blood pressure into an alarming level. Pregnant women who consistently had 9 hours of sleep every night in their early months of pregnancy had an average systolic blood pressure of 114 on their last weeks of pregnancy.

The study consisted of a group of 1200 healthy pregnant women who answered questionnaires regarding their sleeping habits from their first day to the 14th week of pregnancy. 25 percent of the women slept for 9 hours, 13.7 percent slept for 6 hours, 55.2 percent had 8 hours of sleep, and another 10.6 percent had more than 9 hours of sleep. Over 6 percent of the group was diagnosed of having preeclampsia.  According to the survey and health examinations, women with less than 5 hours of sleep every night for the first 3 months of pregnancy have 10 times greater risk of developing preeclampsia.

The study only produced preliminary evidence with no sufficient information regarding the relationship between having too much and too less sleep to a pregnant woman’s blood pressure. Williams said that studies being conducted regarding sleep should put some attention on the effect of good sleeping habits to pregnant women.

Tips to Maintain a Healthy Pregnancy

When pregnant, a woman is aware that she responsible, not only for her own health, but for the health and well-being of a growing life inside her womb.  For some, this complicates the simple.  But there is no need to worry.  Here are a few tips on how to maintain a health pregnancy:

Watch What You Eat

Pregnant women will tend to be very wary about a lot of things, especially when it comes to scrutinizing anything that they put inside their mouth. During pregnancy, a woman needs to be more aware of everything she eats, and it is important to know how one type of food can affect the small and fragile life growing inside them. Because of this, medical experts will advice pregnant women to:

  • eat more fruits and vegetables
  • drink more juices

This is to supply the body all the nutrients that it needs. Eating fruits is one of the easiest and most effective ways of fulfilling your nutrient requirement as a pregnant woman. You can choose to eat fresh fruits but when eating fruits from a can, choose the ones which are kept in their own juices and not in syrups and liquid sweeteners.

  • Eating at least half an ounce of raisins a day can supply you with high amounts of potassium, fiber and iron and at the same time sating your craving for sweets without taking in too much sugar.
  • Yogurt is loaded with calcium and it can supply as much as a quarter of your daily requirement. It is also a rich source of probiotics that help in improving digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Mixing cereals with sundries, nuts and berries can either serve as a wholesome breakfast or a fast-grab snack while you are on the go, avoiding the temptation of driving through a fast food for some greasy junk food. Notice that all of these foods are easy to find and make. Pregnancy is already as stressful as it can get. You don’t need to keep yourself worrying about what to eat.

Keep Moving

It’s hard to move around when you are pregnant especially during the last trimester. The fear of falling or slipping may prevent pregnant women from doing too many movements and they may tend to just stay home until the baby arrives. A walk in the park for a few minutes may be good enough to maintain a health pregnancy. But it’s also important to know that exercise does not only improve the your baby’s health while he’s inside you but it also keeps you healthy and may make labor much easier than when you’ve been spending most of your time at home doing limited movements.

According to a study conducted by the American Physiological Society, the earliest stage a person can start preventing the possibility of any heart disease is while he’s inside his mother’s womb. Exercise during pregnancy ensures a healthy heart for babies once they are born. While the pregnant mother is doing her exercises, the baby is also experiencing the same cardio workout and health benefits.

Bask in the Sunshine

Vitamin D deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency in pregnant women. This is according to a study on the health of pregnant women conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburg. Their levels of vitamin D were still below the borderline despite them taking vitamin supplements. Researchers said that the data may mean that women are not getting enough sunlight.

Visit your Doctor Regularly

A consistent prenatal checkup is a necessity to keep the mother and the baby healthy during pregnancy. It is also the best way of diagnosing any possible health complications at the earliest stage. Remember that a person’s mental and physical development starts in the womb, and there are studies to support this fact. Brain development starts really early and insufficient pre-natal support may cause long-term disadvantages.


Osteoporosis Drugs Potentially Double Cancer Risks, A New Study Shows

Drugs for treating osteoporosis may double a person’s risk of developing cancer in the esophagus; as such, the use of safer and natural remedies must be considered.

It is hard to imagine how osteoporosis was once deemed to be a very rare disease — but it really was, before the turn of the 20th century. Now, the cases of this debilitating disorder has  been progressively increasing. In the US alone, osteoporosis reportedly affects around 30% of women in their postmenopausal stage, and 5% of old men.

Osteoporosis is conventionally treated through drugs. However, a recent study shows how particular treatment drugs can possibly pose more harm than remedies. Worse, the possible side effects of osteoporosis medications include a highly-fatal disease.

Long-term Use of Osteoporosis Drugs May Cause Cancer

Oral biophosphonate drugs, such as Achnonel, Boniva, and Fosamax, may cause the development of a life-threatening disease. The recent study shows that long term and frequent users of these bone-building drugs are likely to develop and double their risk of having cancer in the esophagus. However, risks to individual users remain minimal, according to the same research.

Another separate and formerly conducted study, which also used the nationwide medical practice research registry about six million people located in UK, was further enhanced with the latest findings.  This is because the former study didn’t yield substantial proof regarding the doubled rate of substantial risks in developing esophageal cancer.

At present, a doubling of esophageal cancer risk were estimated to occur within five years or more of biophosphonate intake, though no stomach increase or colorectal cancer were reportedly discovered. According to Jane Green, Phd, of Oxford University, a further research is necessary to determine the extent of biophosphonates in relation to increasing risks of developing the fatal esophageal cancer.

Dr. Diane Wysoswki, PhD and FDA epidemiologist, noted that other doctors should think of the benefits and underlying risks before prescribing drugs to their patients, especially to those who are currently suffering from digestive problems. Wysoski was the first doctor who discovered 23 esophageal cancer incidences among users of the drug Fosamax in the country. She also advised  patients who are taking the said drug to strictly follow the directions found int he labels. These include taking the drug, with water, for around 30 minutes up to one full hour prior to breakfast consumption.

Alternative and safe solutions for osteoporosis

Given the possible fatal risks that can be associated with treatment drugs for osteoporosis, victims must know of other natural, alternative and effective solutions for osteoporosis without having to endanger their lives through the side effects of osteoporosis medications.

Avoiding exposure to environmental risk factors

Animal and human research shows that heavy metals substantially found in the environment, such as aluminum and tin, promote the development and worsening case of osteoporosis. Aluminum is a major concern, since it is widely-distributed and highly-accessible. Its sources include drinks that are contained in aluminum cans, processed foods, additives such as coloring agents and preservatives, cookware made out of aluminum, antacids, and even underarm deodorants. Exposure to tin is prevalent through foods that are contained and packaged inside tin cans. Some amounts of the said metal seep into the foods and drinks that the can contains prior to its opening; however, even higher amounts can seep into the drinks and foods if these remain inside the can for a time after opening it. As such, a key way of non-drug solutions for osteoporosis is to make very basic lifestyle adjustments, through avoiding exposure and contact with aluminum and tin sources.

Lifestyle Regulations: Diet and Exercise

Several dietary inclusions cause bone thinning, such as high intake of refined sugar, animal proteins, red meat and alcohol. These have been proven to decrease the body’s capacity of secreting digestive enzymes, which is an essential process that enables optimal calcium absorption. Consumption of such factors that promote bone thinning and loss must be moderated, or avoided as much as possible. Smoking, too, poses the same bone-thinning effects and risks; and for a plethora of other health-related reasons, the smoking habit must be abandoned. On the other hand, several studies have shown the positive relationship between enhanced bone health, and fruit and vegetable consumption. Foods rich in calcium include spinach, kale, broccoli, trurnip greens, and collard.

Another natural solution for osteoporosis is through a healthy weight management program. Women who suffer from being overweight and obesity reportedly pose a larger and heavier burden on their joints and bones. As such, healthy weight loss is able to treat and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Studies have also shown that weight-bearing exercises, those that aim to build muscles, have a substantial capacity of strengthening one’s bones. At least 30 minutes of daily exercise, done 5 times within a week, even through non-weight-bearing exercise routines such as swimming, jogging, weight-lifitng, jumping, walking naturally aid osteoporosis treatment because bones and joints in key portions of the body are rendered phyisically active.

Key Supplementation

Nutritional supplementation are essential factors that treat and reduce the risk of developing otseoporosis.

Vitamin D, which is considered to be fat-soluble, takes on the significant role of enabling calcium absoprtion, and maintaining skeletal health. Certain foods are rich in the said vitamin, such as eggs, liver, and fish oil. However, the best source will have to be sunlight. 15-minute exposure to sunlight per day enables the skin to produce the necessary amount of vitamin D. Dietary supplementation, without sun exposure, must be increased to 15 mcg on a daily basis; however, lesser amounts are acceptable provided that the person has been amply exposed to sunlight. Older individuals, because of their restricted exposure to vitamin D from sunlight, should have even higher doses of vitamin D per day.

Intake and therapy through strontium, the trace mineral that serves as a major component of bones, can be attained through strontium concentrations found in parsley, Brazil nuts, molasses, and lettuces. Studies show that around 1-3 mg per day is all that is necessary for osteoporosis prevention. For those who already suffer from the disease, strontium supplementation also largely aids optimal osteoporosis treatment. Results of a particular research venture showed that strontium ranelate helped in increasing the density of bone minerals, while reducing fracture risks by over 40 %, in postmenopausal women who simultaneously suffer from osteoporosis.

The role of vitamin K has recently been acknowledged to have a key effect in maintaining healthy bone metabolism. Those who regularly consume antibiotics, and victims who suffer from impaired liver function are at risk of suffering from deficiency of vitamin K. Reportedly, insufficient amounts of vitamin K in the body increases further loss of bone density, and also heightens bone fracture risks or incidences. Vitamin K1 can be largely found in vegetable oils and green vegetables, and vitamin K2 is reportedly  found in cheese and meat.

A comprehensive program that grounds and provides a natural solution for osteoporisis proves to be highly capable of reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis, decreasing bone loss incidences, and may even successfully reverse bone loss. It is important to note that a severe condition like osteoporosis can actually be alleciated in a safe, affordable, and natural way.


Another Reason to Lose and Maintain Weight: Survey Shows Strong Links between Depression and Obesity

Suffering from obesity and eating disorders has been linked to depression cases, a serious disorder that can worsen one’s health and prove to be fatal.

The latest report from Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index shows an alarming figure—that almost one-fourth of obese American citizens have all been diagnosed with depression. What is surprising is not that these people at some point in their lives were depressed, because every person may be at risk of developing the disease; but that the reported percentage exceeds the percentage of people with normal weight, who have simultaneously been clinically-diagnosed with the said psychiatric disorder.

Furthermore, the new survey shows that one out of four adult Americans that are obese have higher chances of reporting that they experience various negative emotions — such as anxiety, stress, sadness, anger — compared to those whose weight is considered normal. Gallup also noted that having a little extra weight does not yield the same effects of obesity, considering that results showed how the overweight respondents experienced negative emotions in almost the same league as those with normal weight.

The participants who were part of the conducted surveys were classified based on their body mass index scores — as calculated through the participants’ own reports regarding their weight and heights.

  • Obese people were those whose BMI scores start from 30 and more.
  • Overweight people were those whose BMI scores ranged from 25.0-29.9.
  • Respondents with normal weight were those who yielded BMI values from 18.5 to 24.9.
  • Underweight participants were those who yielded BMI scores below 18.5.

Based on these classifications, Gallup claimed that 36.3 % of Americans are currently overweight whereas 26.7 % are reportedly suffering from obesity. Simultaneously, 35 % of adult Americans currently enjoy a healthy or normal weight.

Revealing Survey Results: The Notable Obesity Factor

The yielded findings were based on over 250,000 interviews that were conducted within 8 months—from January to September of 2010. The following provides a breakdown of the significant survey results:

  • 23.2 % of adults, all of whom are plagued with obesity, report that they suffer from depression based on clinical diagnosed; whereas only 14.9% of overweight people, 14.3% of normal-weight individuals, and 19.1% of people who are deemed to be underweight reported that they been diagnosed.
  • 41.6 % of the obese individuals are prone to feeling all stressed up; whereas 39.4% of those with normal weight, and 42% of those who are underweight reportedly feel the same.
  • 34.5 % of obese individuals reported that they worry; whereas 30.6% of those with normal weight, and 35.9% of those who are underweight said that they also worry.
  • 15.7% of the obese people reportedly experience anger; whereas 12.6% of those with normal weight and 16% of underweight individuals also feel anger.
  • 19.9 % out of the group of obese individuals experience sadness; where as 16.3% of those with normal weight, and 21.3% of underweight individuals reported that experienced sadness.

Such results also show the possibility for clinically-diagnosed depressed people to have higher chances of suffering from obesity, stress, and worry.

Link between Being Underweight and Being Depressed

Gallup claims that underweight people account for 1.7 % of adult American citizens. According to an email by Dan Witters, Gallup’s scientist on well-being, to WebMD — many underweight individuals suffer from eating disorders. This incidence significantly explains why the survey results showed that a large percent of those who are underweight have also been diagnosed as depressives. For one, both eating disorders called bulimia and anorexia have strong links to depression, regardless of the victim’s gender; and anorexia appears to have a strong relationship with women’s suicide-related deaths. He further said that in women-related cases, depression strikes prior to eating disorder.

Healthy and Natural Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

Given the strong links between depression and obesity, along with being underweight; it is important for people who suffer from obesity and eating disorders to start anew and commit to a healthy weight loss and maintance plan, through maintaining and losing weight for better overall health—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Setting manageable and healthy long-term goals

Setting one’s goals is the first important step before embarking on any attempt at weight loss or weight maintenance. During this preparatory stage, it is important to note that the best way to lose and maintain weight is to do so without losing one’s health.

Anyone who wants to take on the task of losing weight in a healthy manner must look far ahead, instead of merely counting a couple of days and a few weeks and wanting to see immediate, drastic results. Having a long-term horizon goal for weight loss and maintenance targets three essentials— safe weight loss and maintenance, successful weight loss and maintenance, and lasting or sustainable weight loss and maintenance. The ideal weight loss and maintenance plan should include proper and regulated exercise, eating a balanced and healthy diet on a regular basis, using natural supplements, changing one’s attitudes towards exercise and eating, and applying lifestyle modificaitons that can be continuously sustained.


This suggestion does not pose itself as an option — it is essential and mandatory for optimal success. Ideally, the exercise program must include aerobic exercise for burning calories, through interval training; and weight-bearing exercise for burning calories during sleep, as achieved through muscle-building.

The exercise needs not to be immediately laborious. Starting with an enjoyable stroll and a light jog can be good boosters in order to enhance one’s metabolism and energy. Soon, the person becomes more capable of lengthening his allotted time for exercise routines, and adding more activities. A full exercise program that lasts around 30 minutes, done at least three times a week, is more than enough for healthy results.

Healthy diet to naturally cause weight loss and maintenance

While one is at the process of losing weight, it is essential to never forget that he must be wary of what he eats. It has been too repetitive to speak of how consuming a variety of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, foods rich in calcium, and foods with high concentrations of healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids are important in one’s daily diet. However, these suggestions are cliches that never go wrong. Such foods offer multi-benefits that not only aid a healthy and natural weight loss and weight maintenance program, but also help in reducing one’s risk of developing unwanted diseases. Normal weight and good health can be achieved, simultaneously.

Supplements will not work as a magic pull by themselves, but their name already suggests their integral role— to further assist successful and sustainable weight loss and maintenance. Healthy supplements include green coffee bean extract and oolong tea, mulungu, bacopa, herbs and several others.

Furthermore, paying attention to what one eats enables the person to automatically refrain from foods that must be avoided—such as highly aunnatural fatty dishes, foods rich in sugar, and processed foods.

Paying attention to eating behavior and attitudes

Eating slowly poses several benefits, primarily through helping keep up with the time needed before the brain acknowledges that the person ise= already full, which usually takes up to 15 minutes. Furthermore, eating a lot as an option to attain comfort in the midst of negative emotions, such as tiredness or depression, must be avoided: Efforts to battle these negative emotions can be  diverted to other activities. It is also important not to skip breakfast, and to ensure that it accounts for the largest meal intake in the day. This attitude will stop the person from feeling unnecessarily hungry, and will also enhance his energy levels as he faces the day.


Selenium Studies Support Preventive Benefits Against Bladder Cancer

Increased intake of selenium through natural methods may reduce the risk of bladder cancer according to recent studies.

Selenium is one of the most commonly found nutrients in plants and animals. Despite its toxicity in high levels, selenium is an essential micronutrient for animals, plants and humans. It occurs as an inactive substance in plants and only serves as a defense from being eaten by animals. But some plants also require selenium to grow, and the growth of such plants like locoweed is an indication of selenium deposits in the soil where it grows. Selenium is a trace element in humans and functions primarily as a co-factor for the thyroid gland in the production of needed hormones.

According to the findings of the Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Group at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center led by Dr. Nuria Malats, increased selenium intake shows significant effects in the reduction of bladder cancer risk. The study was a meta-analysis of seven published studies on selenium and bladder cancer and also suggested that the efficacy of selenium is affected by gender; women showed a variance of selenium excretion and accumulation to mm, and women being more susceptible to selenium’s protective value against bladder cancer.

Selenium is an essential micronutrient in humans and is generally treated and used as an antioxidant. Several studies have been dedicated to the discovery of selenium’s health benefits and preventive value against cancer in general.  Results have shown that aside from bladder cancer risk reduction, high levels of selenium intake reduce the risk of developing cancers of the prostate, skin and thyroid. Despite the results of their study, Dr Malats gave a disclaimer that the efficacy of selenium against bladder cancer will require further study at a larger scale to support the initial evidence that the group has acquired.

Furthermore, since selenium can be toxic in excessive dosage, future studies will include evaluating the appropriate dosage in getting the expected effect without subjecting the body to adverse effects brought about by selenium poisoning.

Natural Sources of Selenium

Selenium is not very hard to find. It is one of the primary nutrients contained in most food supplement brands. But selenium is also found in natural sources like nuts, poultry, meats and seafood. However, the most recommended and safest way of getting sufficient dosage of selenium for the body’s nutritional needs, in order to take advantage of its known preventive value against degenerative diseases like bladder cancer, is by eating foods known to contain selenium. This prevents selenium overdose which is also known to have toxic properties that may have dangerous effects to the body.

Selenium can also be found in crops that were grown in soil with high selenium content like brown rice and oats. Here is a list of popular foods and their selenium content in micrograms per 100 grams of food:

  • Whole grain wheat flour- 71 mcg
  • Brazil nuts- 1910 mcg
  • Salted mixed nuts, nuts- 420 mcg
  • Tuna – 76 mcg
  • Chicken- 56 mcg
  • Pork- 50 mcg
  • Beef- 43 mcg
  • Crustaceans- 43

The recommended daily selenium intake is 70 micrograms for men and 55 micrograms for women. Notice that men have higher needs for selenium compared to women since women have stronger abilities to accumulate and excrete selenium. For individuals with greater needs for selenium, a recommend minimum dosage of 600 micrograms is needed to get the required effects.

Excessive intake of selenium or a daily intake above 600 micrograms may lead to nausea, depression, loss of hair and falling of the fingernails, nervousness, and vomiting. It may even cause bad breath. On the other hand, deficiency in selenium happens in rare cases since selenium is usually present in most popular foods. But in case of selenium deficiency, the individual may easily experience fatigue and weakness of the muscles.

Health Benefits of Selenium

Against Cancer

Selenium has been taking the limelight in recent cancer research due to its preventive and possible curative properties against cancer. In a five-year study conducted by the University of Arizona and the Cornell University, results have shown that taking 200 micrograms of selenium a day reduces cancer-related deaths by 39 percent. It also reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 63 percent, colorectal cancer by 58 percent, and lung cancer by 46 percent. The same study also showed the potential preventative value of selenium against cancer of the pancreas, esophagus, ovaries, rectum, cervix, and liver. Selenium is also being studied for its benefits in curing leukemia.

For a Healthy Heart

The body’s level of good cholesterol also benefits from selenium. The micronutrient has been proven to increase the level of high density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol over the low density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol. Selenium reduces the blood’s stickiness; thus, reducing the risk of a heart attack and stroke for people with heart problems. It is recommended for people who have had a previous case of stroke or heart attack to take selenium to help prevent reoccurrence.

For Proper Cell Function and Eye Health

One of the most significant roles of selenium in the body is activating body cells and helping them to function properly by transforming body thyroid hormones. Selenium is also needed in the prevention of muscular degeneration and cataracts.

For Stronger Immunity

Studies showed that selenium enhances the capacity of white blood cells to protect the body from foreign toxins, bacteria and viruses. Selenium is also being studied for its possible efficacy against Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV.

Tips for Bladder Health

It’s always good to keep yourself well hydrated. Every time you excrete through your bladder, your body eliminates waste products your body no longer needs. To keep the process smoothly going and without any blockages, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of 8-ounce of water a day for adults.

Smoking comprises half of the causes of bladder cancer in men and a quarter in women. Needless to say, smoking has several adverse long term effects to the body including bladder cancer so this is one good reason for smokers to give up the habit.

It’s also important to watch what you eat. Putting more fruits and vegetables on your dinner plate will help keep your bladder in good condition and always check your selenium intake and keep it at a adequate level.

Lastly, avoid being exposed to chemicals with strong odors. Chemicals used in making rubber, paint and other materials have been linked to the development of bladder cancer.


Lycopene for a Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Consumption of lycopene through tomato paste showed evidence of protecting the skin from excessive reddening caused by exposure to UV rays.

A collaborative study conducted by Newcastle University, the University of Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, revealed that consumption of foods containing Lycopene reduces the reddening of the skin after long hours of exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Tomatoes are the richest known sources of lycopene and heat-treated tomato paste has more lycopene content than fresh raw tomatoes. A small serving of tomato paste contains approximately 16 milligrams of lycopene. Skin reddening brought about by extended exposure to UV rays is caused by the damage to mitochondrial DNA. Sufficient servings of tomato paste on a daily basis protect mitochondrial DNA from damage, thereby reducing skin reddening and keeping the skin healthy. This study was published in the British Journal of Dermatology.

The study on the dermatological benefits of lycopene supports previous findings regarding its protective properties against UV rays and tissue damage. However, the research has only produced preliminary evidence and further research is still needed. Lycopene is also a known antioxidant and the substance has also shown medical evidence for lowering the risk of developing prostate, skin and heart diseases. It is also essential in keeping the bones healthy. While lycopene has been known to be derived naturally from tomatoes, it can also be produced synthetically. As an additional treat, lycopene is also being used in cosmetic and beauty products, and in food supplements.

The lycopene study consisted of twenty healthy female participants with an average age of 33. Their skin type was identified as phototype I/II. They were asked randomly to take 55 grams of olive oil or tomato paste in olive oil for a period of 12 weeks. Skin samples from the 17 women who completed the study showed that lycopene had improved the skin’s resistance to UV rays. The researchers said that the benefits of lycopene can also be acquired by eating foods containing processed tomatoes in equivalent dosage.

Understanding Lycopene

Lycopene is a bright red carotenoid and carotene pigment found in red fruits and vegetables especially tomatoes, except for cherries and strawberries. Other known sources are red carrots, papayas, watermelons. Lycopene in plants, and in other organisms that require the process of photosynthesis in making food, serve as an important substance in biosynthesizing carotenoids to give the plant its pigmentation. In humans, lycopene is not an essential nutrient but it is commonly found in the usual diet. The richest source of lycopene is processed and heat-treated tomato products like tomato paste and tomato ketchup. Preliminary evidence from several studies regarding lycopene’s antioxidant properties has made it one of the candidates as a potential agent in the prevention of cancer.

Sources of Lycopene

Lycopene in food supplements and beauty products is usually extracted from tomatoes but the substance can also be synthesized. Amongst the richest natural source of lycopene are pink guava, wolfberry, seabuckthorn, red bell pepper, gac, papaya and of course, tomatoes. Raw tomatoes contain 9 micrograms of lycopene per 42 grams or weight. Some species of tomatoes can have higher lycopene content than others and it rises as the fruit begins to ripen. Gac is known to have the highest content of lycopene with up to 70 times more than tomatoes, but gac is rarely found outside the regions of Southeast Asia.

Antioxidant Properties of Lycopene

Singlet oxygen is produced during a person’s exposure to UV rays and it is the primary cause of skin aging. Carotenoid quenchers are needed to counteract the adverse effects of singlet oxygen to the body. In studies, lycopene has 125 times more the quenching power than glutathione and 100 times more than vitamin. This makes it one of the most potent antioxidants and also one of the most effective substances against skin aging from a natural source.

Health Benefits of Lycopene

Lycopene is continuously being studied for its efficacy in the prevention of several types of cancer. Studies have shown significant evidence of lycopene’s protective properties against lung cancer, prostate cancer and cancer of the stomach. But results and findings remain preliminary and inconclusive, and further research is required to really determine the efficacy of lycopene as an anti-cancer agent.


Though no concrete evidence has been established regarding this matter, lycopene had shown indication from scientific studies of being potent in preventing asthma caused by exercise and heightened physical exertion. This is rooted mainly on lycopene’s antioxidant properties.

Cancer Prevention

Studies done in animals to determine the relationship of developing cancer and regular consumption of lycopene from tomatoes showed indications of reduced risk. But like any other studies regarding lycopene, results are still inconclusive and preliminary. Nevertheless, population and epidemiologic studies on the dietary habits and lifestyle of large populations showed lower risk of developing cancer for people with sufficient fruits and vegetable consumption and adequate exercise than the portion of the population with a sedentary lifestyle. It’s not clear whether lycopene is contributory to the effect, but studies are continuously investigating the matter. Despite all the uncertainties, getting sufficient dosage of lycopene from tomatoes and processed tomato products will not harm you either.

Lycopene for Healthy Skin

Lycopene can be used as a sunscreen and antioxidant in one. Once in the body, lycopene deters skin aging by destroying free radicals and protects the skin from the inside against damage caused by the UV rays of the sun. Lycopene supplements and lycopene skin care products like lycopene lotion with relatively efficient SPF levels are crowding the market. The lycopene content of these products may come from natural sources or they may have been synthesized artificially. But if you want it the natural way and not from a tube, there will always be the ketchup in the cupboard.

Side-effects of Lycopene

Anything taken in excessive dosage can have harmful effects to the body. Though lycopene is a non-toxic substance commonly found in the usual diet, excess in carotenoid intake may produce colorful side-effects – in the literal sense. Reports of excessive lycopene intake include the case of a woman who experienced skin discoloration called lycopenodermia after excessive and prolonged consumption of tomato products and tomato juice. Her blood had high levels of lycopene and her liver and skin had a yellow to orange color. The woman was advised to have a lycopene-free diet and after three weeks her skin regained its normal color.


Benefits of Probiotics against the Common Cold

Studies regarding probiotics has revealed its significant potential in reducing the risk of acquiring common cold especially during the cold months of winter.

There are over 500 million cases of the common cold in the United States each year. Rhinoviruses are identified as the culprit causing this viral infection. For the common cold alone, the cost amounts to a whopping $40 billion each year. This is according to a study on common cold published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

A group of researchers,led by Anna Berggren of Sweden, conducted a study regarding the undiscovered health benefits of probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that positively influence the health of its host. Bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria are the two most common microbes used as probiotics, and there are several strains of probiotics depending on the process by which it is cultured. Lactobacillus plantarum and lactobacillus paracasei were shown to have positive influence against common colds.

The results of the study revealed that individuals who were taking the strains of probiotics had a 55 percent reduction in incidents of catching the common cold. The researchers added that the duration of the symptoms was also reduced by probiotics and concluded that it is effective in reducing the risk of acquiring common cold. This study was published in the European Journal of Nutrition. It consisted of 272 healthy participants taking probiotic supplement for 12 weeks.

The consumption of probiotics alongside other effective immune boosters can reduce the risk of an upper respiratory tract infection like otitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and rhinitis. It has also been observed to have preventive benefits against cold to children in day care centers. This additional study on the health benefits of probiotics against common cold in Croatians was published in Clinical Nutrition on June of 2010.

Understanding Probiotics

Probiotics have been proven by medical studies to have numerous health benefits to the body when taken in adequate amount. They can come in the form of bifidobacteria, lactic acid bacteria, bacilli and even in yeast form. Probiotics are usually found in fermented foods such as yogurts and dietary supplements. Japan is one of the leaders in culturing probiotics and it is one of the countries with the most products containing probiotics in the market.

Unlike other bacteria that are known to have harmful effects to the body, probiotics help the body fight bad bacteria while providing support to the immune system at the same time.  This support readies the body from future attacks. Studies on the benefits of probiotics even suggest that it is not only beneficial in preventing some types of diseases but it may also have curative properties. Clinical studies since the middle of the 1990s have established significant evidence that probiotics can help in overcoming several gastrointestinal diseases. These bacteria settle in the gut and keep pathogens and other harmful microorganisms from harming the body and helps in the proper function of the immune system.

Health Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics are being continuously subjected to experiments and scientific studies to discover and obtain proof of its medicinal uses and health benefits. However, there are only preliminary results available and most of the potential benefits of probiotics need further research. Despite that, probiotics have been proven to be safe for human consumption and scientists are spending time and effort in obtaining proof of its value in influencing the immune system, in fighting cancer, and as a bio-therapeutic agent for severe diarrhea and irritable bowel movement.

The health benefits of probiotics are as follows;

Lactose Intolerance

Probiotics may help lactose-intolerant individuals adapt to more lactose. Therefore, the person can drink milk since probiotics helps the body convert lactose into lactic acid more easily and at a faster rate.

Lowering Cholesterol Levels

A popular strain of probiotics, lactobacillus bulgaricus (LAB), had demonstrated significance by helping break down bile produced by the gut. This helps break down cholesterol and has the resultant effect of lowering cholesterol levels. For human subjects who were fed with LAB, some showed reduced levels of cholesterol in their body.

Colon Cancer Prevention

In clinical investigations, Lactobacillus bulgaricus has demonstrated to have significant influence over the mutation of colon cancer cells. LAB has the ability to bind with carcinogenic substances called heterocyclic amines, which are found in cooked meat. This is one of the compounds thought to cause colon cancer. Laboratory experiments made on rodents with regards to the effects of LAB on colon cancer have shown promising results. However, the results in human trials are insufficient and conflicting. Although it has been recorded by a population study that people with high fermented dairy consumption has lower risk of developing colon cancer.

Immune System

Probiotics can protect the body against diseases by competing with pathogens in terms of growth and thus helping improve the immune function. Clinical studies have proven that probiotics help prevent and decrease the severity of respiratory tract infections, diarrhea, and rotavirus infection in children. Probiotics is also beneficial in counteracting the side effects of antibiotics by keeping the immune system alert and ready to take over once the body stops taking antibiotics.

Reduction of Inflammation

Clinical studies have revealed that probiotics can regulate the cytokine function of the body. In effect, it regulates the body’s hypersensitivity and inflammatory responses.

Other Health Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics have also been observed to improve the bioavailability of nutrients such as calcium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and B vitamins. It is also being studied to have beneficial effects in maintaining the acidity of the female genital environment thereby preventing the onset of bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infection and yeast infection.

Healthy Tips to Prevent the Common Cold

The common cold can be prevented by taking sufficient dosage of probiotics and immune boosting foods and adequate exercise. There are over 200 different viruses that cause the common cold.  Remember that cold symptoms vary when it comes to its levels of severity.

Aside from maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it also important to be watchful of where you put your hands. Cold-causing viruses can spread through droplets and can live outside the body for an extended period of time. Touching surfaces may transmit the virus. So here are a few tips to live by:

  • Avoid touching your face. You can also use a hand sanitizer or any form of disinfectant to keep your hands clean while you are on the go.
  • Always keep it a habit to wash your hands frequently
  • If you have colds, be proactive when it comes to keeping the infection from spreading by throwing your used tissues properly, covering your mouth when you sneeze and by staying at home to avoid contact with other people as much as possible.


Books Authored by Frank Mangano

The Blood Pressure Miracle The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure Alzheimer's Defense You Can Attract It Power Of Thin Power Of Thin
Discovering The Truth About
High Blood Pressure May Save
A Life...It Could Be YOURS
Win The War Naturally
Against High Cholesterol
Learn How You Can Prevent,
Slow And Even Halt
Alzheimer's Disease
You Can Attract It ...
Using The Law of Attraction
to Get What You Want
Power Of Thin
Change Your Thinking
Change Your Weight
The Mangano Method:
An All-Natural Approach
To Fight Gout