Heart Disease Death Risk Lowered by One-Third Through Vitamin D, Study Says
A study covered at the 42nd annual conference on Cardiovascular Disease and Epidemiology Prevention in Honolulu, Hawaii suggests that women who supplement with vitamin D can lower their risk of death from heart disease by 31 percent.
Higher risk of heart disease & heart attacks have previously been linked to low levels of vitamin D in the blood. Dr. Paul D. Varosy’s mission was to determine if the risk could then be decreased through vitamin D supplementation.
Varosy and his colleagues conducted a study, which involved data being analyzed from nearly 10,000 women ages 65 and older who were enrolled in a study of how often osteoporosis causes broken bones. Of the 10,000, more than 4,200 women said they took vitamin D supplements at the time of the study, and another 733 said they had supplemented with vitamin D previously.
After following the women for an 11 year period on average, researchers found that in the women who were taking vitamin D at the time of the study, the risk of heart disease death was 31% lower.
Frank Mangano’s commentary:
The importance & benefits of vitamin D should never go un-noticed. And this study proves it once again.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America and insulin resistance is one of the major contributing factors for the disease. Simply put, Vitamin D works by lowering insulin resistance.
The only thing missing from this study was the fact that the women’s vitamin D levels weren’t measured during the study as too much vitamin D isn’t a good thing either.
Aside from supplementation, one the best methods of getting sufficient amounts of vitamin D is through natural sunlight, especially with summer just around the corner. However, this doesn’t mean to stay in the sun all day either.
So here’s my bottom line, be sure to get some natural sunlight (10-30 minutes depending on your complexion) in the summer and take cod liver oil during the winter months as it is a great source of vitamin D. I prefer the brand by Carlson’s the best. It is second to none in my opinion.
Posted: May 31st, 2007 under Vitamin D.
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