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Chemical In Chili Peppers Cures Mice of Type 1 Diabetes, Study Concludes

According to a new Canadian animal study published in the journal Cell, mice were rapidly cured of Type 1 diabetes when injected with capsaicin. Capsaicin is the chemical in chili peppers that makes them hot.

Type 1 diabetes is the most serious form of the disease that usually appears in childhood. Researchers from the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto believe that the disease is the result of pain nerves that surround cells in the pancreas becoming malfunctioned.
In people with Type 1 diabetes, insufficient levels of insulin are produced by the pancreas, which results in inflammation and death of islet cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. For many years, experts believed that the condition was caused by a malfunction in the body’s immune system causing it to turning against itself. Immunologist Dr. Hans Michael Dosch and pain expert Dr. Michael Salter however suggest that faulty pancreatic pain neurons could actually be the cause.
In earlier research Dosch observed in diabetics, islet cells were surrounded by an usually large amount of pain nerves that signaled the brain that the pancreatic tissue was damaged.
Dosch and Salter conducted a study on mice with Type 1 diabetes, which involved killing the animals’ pancreatic pain nerves to test their theory. The researchers said they were shocked when they discovered the islet cells in the injected mice began producing insulin normally almost instantly.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Salter said. “Mice with diabetes suddenly didn’t have diabetes anymore.”

Upon further research, Dosch and Salter discovered that by secreting neuropeptides that tell the islets to release insulin, pancreatic nerve cells play a crucial role in the functioning of islet cells. The nerves weren’t secreting insufficient neuropeptides, causing a “vicious cycle” of stress on the islets.
The researchers then injected the neuropeptide (substance P) into the pancreases of the diabetic mice. The islet inflammation in the mice cleared up quickly and the animals’ diabetes disappeared. Dosch and Salter say some mice have remained “cured” for up to four months with a single injection. And they also found that their capsaicin/neuropeptide treatments helped curb the insulin resistance that causes Type 2 diabetes as well.

Dosch and Salter are expecting results from human studies within a year or so.

Frank Mangano’s commentary:
In my opinion, 
diabetes can be reversed without the use of harmful medications. The disease however is a huge cash cow, which is why the conventional medical community wants to keep studies like this a secret.

Capsaicin is known for its ability to relieve pain and is a component found naturally in plants of the same family as red peppers. Capsaicin also provides relief for arthritis, back pain, joint pain, muscle pain and itching when applied topically to the skin.

It has also been shown to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells, according to a study published in Cancer Research.

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