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October 2024
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Cayenne Pepper May Help You Get Rid of Extra Weight

A new study from Purdue University reports that cayenne pepper helps curb the appetite and promotes the burning of calories as well.

If you have a special fondness for hot and spicy foods and you are looking for foods to curb your appetite in your goal to lose the extra weight, then consuming cayenne pepper would be the best choice. Cayenne pepper is a member of the Capsicum family of vegetables commonly known as chili peppers. The cayenne pepper powder come from red hot chili peppers that are dried and grounded, pulped then baked to cakes and sifted.

Since time immemorial, cayenne pepper has been known to be of many uses to the body’s health, but before that, it is first known for its culinary uses. It is commonly used as a cooking spice, to add flavor to the foods served at the table. It can be added to sea foods such as sardines, scallops, oysters, smoked salmon, fried mussels, lobster, crab and crayfish. It can also be eaten or added to eggs in many ways, and is also good for roasted and grilled meat.  If you want some spiciness in your dishes, you can add it to sauces and stews and as well as sprinkle it on fish, chicken and vegetables to add some spice.

Health Benefits of the Amazing Cayenne Pepper

Many studies from around the world have reported on the wonders that cayenne pepper has given to the human body because of the nutrients that it contain such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, manganese, Vitamin B6, dietary fiber and Vitamin K.

  • It contains high concentrations of capsaicin which has been studied for its ability to reduce pain, ulcer and promote cardiovascular benefits as well as in opening drained nasal passages. The spicier the chili pepper, the more capsaicin it contains.
  • Capsaicin is also shown to provide pain relief in many conditions as it is said to be a useful treatment for osteoarthritis pain and head aches.
  • Furthermore, 200 patients with psoriasis underwent a double-blind placebo controlled trial where they were given topical preparations with capsaicin or placebo. Capsaicin-fed patients showed improvement on traced symptoms of psoriasis.
  • In addition, it is also a great source of Vitamin A which is beneficial for the health of epithelial tissues. Vitamin A’s antioxidant activity makes cayenne prevent free radical damage which can lead to colon cancer, atherosclerosis and other heart diseases.
  • It is also being studied to fight inflammation and treat conditions with pain such as arthritis, and diabetic neuropathy. A study where a mouse was injected with a substance that causes inflammatory arthritis and then fed with diet consisted of capsaicin showed delayed onset of arthritis and reduced inflammation in the paws.
  • Cayenne pepper and other chili peppers are also known to show cardiovascular benefits. It reduces triglyceride levels and blood cholesterol while dissolving the substance fibrin that causes blood clot.
  • The capsaicin in cayenne pepper can also clear congestion for its peppery heat rouses secretions that help in removing mucus in the nose and congested lungs.
  • Its bright red color signifies high amounts of beta-carotene or Vitamin A, which provides anti-infective activities and boosts the body’s immunity from many kinds of conditions. Cayenne is also popularly known to prevent ulcers. Not just that, they also kill the bacteria ingested and stimulates the cells to secrete protective juices to prevent ulcer.
  • The heat felt after consuming hot peppers takes energy and calories from the body, therefore showing the possibility to lose weight.

The Study

Purdue University’s new study suggests that hot cayenne pepper contributes to burning calories and curbing the appetite.

This study, published in Physiology and Behavior, observed the effects of small amounts (half a teaspoon) of cayenne pepper in foods. Results showed that tasting it could increase its effectiveness as an appetite suppressor and boost the outflow of energy.

The study consisted of 25 non-overweight people, where 13 of them liked spicy food and 12 did not.  The participants were observed for six weeks and the researchers examined the effect of the consumption of cayenne pepper in their appetite. Increased body temperature and burning of more calories were evident in all participants after their consumption of spice. Those who did not take spicy food frequently said that after spice consumption, they were less hungry and felt less cravings for fatty, sweet and salty foods.

Richard Mattes, a foods and nutrition distinguished professor as well as the lead author of the study, said that their results showed that red pepper consumption helps in appetite management and burning of more calories after every meal.

The Importance of Losing Weight

A lot of medical conditions have been associated with obesity.  Health problems such as diabetes, arthritis, as well as heart and vascular diseases could lead to a decline in a person’s quality of life.  Diabetes may cause complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy and poor wound healing which could lead to the loss of vision, loss of kidney function and the loss of limb, respectively. Arthritis may develop because the excess weight places added pressure to the joints and this may force a person to become immobile because of too much pain, leading to the loss of independence. Heart and vascular diseases may cause life-threatening conditions such as myocardial infarction, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and heart failure, among many others.

The importance of healthy living, therefore, had been emphasized over and over again, and for good reason. It is not simply enough that we exercise – it should be done regularly and consistently and after careful planning in order to meet the body’s needs. It is not simply enough that we eat – we should make sure that the foods we consume are beneficial to the body.  It is not simply enough that we do not smoke – we must take necessary precautions when it comes to second hand smoke as well because it poses health dangers too.

The first step to achieving the good health that you desire is to make the decision to live a healthy life. Of course, this may require lifestyle modification and maybe a little tweak here and there but the end-result of your choices will not only be of benefit to you, but the persons around you most especially to the people that you love.


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