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Archive for 'Fatty Acids'

Mainstream Media (Finally) Reels One In: Study Confirms Fish Oil Better Than Cholesterol Meds for Treating Heart Failure

This latest news won’t come as a surprise to many of you.  After all, if you’re visiting a website like this, you’re probably already living the lifestyle I advocate (i.e. enjoying all the things untainted by chemical enhancements and additives, while avoiding as much as possible those things loaded with chemicals or artificially enhanced).  That’s [...]

Two Countries, Same Ethnicity, Different Diets: Despite Shared Ethnicity, Country Dwelling Leads to Different Eats, Health Conditions

When people from other countries decide to immigrate to America – the most prosperous and opportunity-filled country in the world – they take a portion of their country life along with them. Whether it’s their language, their societal norms or their average diet, America has a splash of every culture mixed in to its proverbial [...]

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Alzheimer’s?

A recent study by a research team from UCLA has concluded that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may play a large role in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. This group of scientists found that the omega-3 fatty acid Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) increases the levels of LR11 which are found at low levels in Alzheimer’s patients. [...]

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Found Beneficial for Heart Health, Researchers Conclude

A new Japanese study published in The Lancet suggests supplementing with an omega-3 fatty acid called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may lower the risk of non-fatal coronary events by 20 percent. Over a four period, researchers followed 18,645 Japanese high-cholesterol patients that were already taking statin medications when the study began to lower their cholesterol. Over [...]

Omega-3 Fish Oils Greatly Reduce the Risk of Three Major Diseases, Study Finds

According to 3 unrelated studies recently conducted, omega-3 fish oils can be a great defense against 3 different diseases: Alzheimer’s, heart failure, and cancer. The first study involved the levels of omega-3s and the risk of dementia – including Alzheimer’s disease – being measured by Ernst J. Schaefer, MD, of the USDA’s nutrition research center [...]

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Positively Impact Bone Density in Young Men, Study Concludes

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study in the April 09, 2007 issue which indicates a correlation exists between the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in young men and “peak bone mass” or bone mineral density. The study, which was headed by Dr. Magnus Hogstrom and colleagues from Umea University in Sweden, concluded [...]

Higher Intake of Omega 3 Fatty Acids Linked to Positive Mood and Outlook, Study Concludes

Research indicates a more positive outlook and a better regulation of mood may be achieved through higher intake of Omega 3 fatty acids. According to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, a link exists between intake of omega-3 fatty acids and better mood having a more positive outlook on [...]

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Cut Colorectal Cancer Risk in Men, Study Finds

A recent study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention suggests omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of getting colorectal cancer by two-thirds in men.   The primary basis for these studies comes from other research, which suggests that omega-3 fatty acids prevent omega-6 arachidonic acids from promoting cancer in the body. [...]

Study Shows Omega-3 Fats Reduce Cancer Tumor Growth Rates

A study in the August issue of the journal Clinical Cancer Research indicates that prostate cancer tumor growth as well as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels were reduced by consuming a more balanced ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids. The study was performed by researchers from UCLA and involved mice with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, [...]

Books Authored by Frank Mangano

The Blood Pressure Miracle The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure Alzheimer's Defense You Can Attract It Power Of Thin Power Of Thin
Discovering The Truth About
High Blood Pressure May Save
A Life...It Could Be YOURS
Win The War Naturally
Against High Cholesterol
Learn How You Can Prevent,
Slow And Even Halt
Alzheimer's Disease
You Can Attract It ...
Using The Law of Attraction
to Get What You Want
Power Of Thin
Change Your Thinking
Change Your Weight
The Mangano Method:
An All-Natural Approach
To Fight Gout