7UP Soda No Longer to be Marketed as “All-Natural”…
Following the threat of a lawsuit from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), Cadbury-Schweppes announced it would stop marketing its lemon-lime 7UP soda as “All Natural”. For those of who are not aware, this poison contains high-fructose corn syrup which is manufactured through an industrial chemical process that turns starch molecules into fructose and glucose molecules.
According to a CSPI press release, Cadbury-Schweppes has made alternative plans to emphasize the ingredients in 7UP “for which there is no debate” over their “all natural” status. The CSPI said such ingredients will exclude factory-manufactured sweetener high-fructose corn syrup.
Cadbury-Schweppes and the CSPI came to an agreement which included Cadbury-Schweppes dropping its “All Natural” claim and in return, the CSPI would no longer move forward with the lawsuit against the company for allegedly making misleading health claims.
Steve Gardner, litigation director for CSPI states: “We are pleased that Cadbury-Schweppes has fixed what was a flawed and deceptive marketing campaign and that this issue was resolved without our actually suing,”. “We look forward to seeing exactly which words the company uses to describe its ingredients on labels and on marketing materials, but trust they won’t imply that high-fructose corn syrup is ‘natural,’” he said.
Nowadays, it seems as though everyone wants to be healthy. Everyone wants to eat the right stuff. Yet for so many people, this is such a difficult thing. As an alternative, what has happened is manufactures of unhealthy products are labeling their products as all natural or organic when in fact, they couldn’t be further from each.
We’re not talking about oatmeal here folks. This is 7UP. It’s soda. Even the people with the most unhealthiest eating habits know this stuff is terrible for you.
CSPI also announced the possibility of a lawsuit against Coca-Cola and Nestle over possible deceptive labeling of its Enviga green tea weight-loss beverage. Kellogg and Viacom are on the list as well for allegedly marketing junk food to kids.
The Center’s litigation and proactive behavior has apparently lit a fire under the rear ends of some major food and beverage manufacturers including Frito-Lay, Tropicana, Quaker, KFC and Procter & Gamble to cease deceptive labeling campaigns.
The time could not have come sooner.
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Posted: January 21st, 2007 under high-fructose corn syrup.