Olive Oil Use Cuts Heart Disease Risk by Half |
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Heart Health - Heart Health 2011 |
Written by Frank Mangano |
Wednesday, 16 February 2011 04:28 |
Most of the chronic diseases have systemic inflammation to blame for exacerbating the developmental processes of these diseases. It is the major agent that stimulates the body temperature to go up by shocking proteins in our body in an attempt to further encourage the lymphocytes to respond and produce more antibodies which could neutralize the antigens, or commonly known as the ‘foreign bodies’. The hyperactivity of our immune system can cause instability in our cardiovascular system, pushing the vessels to undergo inflammatory processes thereby escalating the progression of condition such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular and other major diseases. A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that a vegetarian diet and the use of olive oil lowers the possibility of developing cardiovascular disease by almost fifty percent. It was found out that the speed of progression in the inflammatory process may be curtailed through the use of extra virgin olive oil. The polyphenols found in olive oil was discovered to slow down, if not stop, the acceleration of the disease. Coupled with folate found in green leafy vegetables, the antioxidants in olive oil can subdue free radicals before metabolic processes goes haywire. They shield vessels from the development of atherosclerosis and the good cholesterol found in olive oil carries bad cholesterol away, thus, prohibiting the build-up of plaques within the vessels. Statistics show that consuming at least two ounces of green vegetables daily can significantly reduce a person’s risk of developing heart diseases by up to forty-six percent while consumption of one ounce of olive oil daily reduces the possibility of experiencing cardiac disease by about forty-four percent. The elderly and cardiovascular disease-prone population can avail of the advantageous effects brought about by olive oil. While high blood pressure, obesity, high blood sugar and stress have a direct effect on the daily activities of the aging population as well as those who are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, going on a natural diet with extra virgin olive oil will shield them from the debilitating effects of cholesterol and systemic inflammation. A lot of information have been published in this site which can help further broaden your idea about the health benefits you will gain from choosing to improve your health through the consumption of olive oil. The natural effects of olive oil will help convince you why going natural is the best way than any other ways. Health Benefits of Olive Oil Olive oil has exhibited superiority in providing health benefits to people. First, it protects one from degenerative diseases. Degenerative diseases are those diseases which cause function and structure to deteriorate due to wear and tear and lifestyle choices. Atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, asthma and arthritis are some examples of diseases that are degenerative or neurodegenerative. In some regions of the world, such as the Mediterranean, evidences have shown that their over-usage of olive oil resulted to lower risks of these degenerative diseases. Areas, whose main fat utilization are animal fats, hydrogenated fats, and corn oil, have higher risk for these types of diseases. This phenomenon has an effect on death risks. In a study conducted on 5611 participants ages 60 and above who had been ingesting the Mediterranean style diet had shown that they have lower death risks than those who do not. The 6.2 years of study showed 50% lowered mortality rate than those who are not into olive oil and salad diet. For Italians who are into pasta and meat diet pattern, their death risk is higher, an indication that olive oil, vegetables and poultry are more beneficial. So how does this work? Olive oil protects the heart, lowers the blood pressure, decreases clot formation that causes atherosclerosis. It has also shown to lower risk of breast cancer, and it prevents blood sugar increase as it improves the sensitivity of insulin. The phenols of olive oil also lower the risk of osteoporosis as it protects the body from bone losses. Moreover, it has shown to protect the gastrointestinal health, especially as olive oil kills Helicobacter pylori, the number one culprit in peptic ulcer diseases. Lastly, olive oil is a fat that prevents one from being fat. Several studies indicate that olive oil has fat burning capabilities. An increase of mono-unsaturated fats such as olive oil, causes breakdown of fats in the adipose tissues. Fat metabolism increases with olive oil diet alongside its ability to increase insulin sensitivity. Natural Means To Lower Inflammation Inflammation is a biological response to the vascular changes caused by harmful stimuli. When a person has inflammation, the easiest solution is to take natural anti-inflammatory agents to prevent side and adverse effects brought about by pharmaceutical products. Research studies have shown that olive oil is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. In people who have rheumatoid arthritis and asthma, increase of olive oil in their diet resulted to decreasing symptoms. Furthermore, a study on corn, sunflower and safflower oil had shown that there is an increase in the level of inflammatory compounds and free radicals which cause diseases. In olive oil, its components such as squalene, beta-sitosterol and tyrosol, have shown to stop the production of inflammatory compounds and neutralizes the effects of free radicals in such a way that they become harmless. Natural Means To Improve Cardiovascular Health In a review of previously conducted studies made by Maria Covas, results showed that the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is low for those using olive oil as main fat. Olive oil is a mono-unsaturated fat which when used regularly lowers the chances of heart and blood vessel diseases. However, there is more: olive oil protects one from heart problems not just by being a mono-unsaturated fat, but also by being a functional fat. The fat in olive oil functions through the oleic acid, a fatty acid, which resists free radicals and prevents damage caused by oxidation. Additionally, aside from the fact that olive oil produces high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the HDL in the human body gets protection from olive oil’s vitamin E and phenols, which prevents damage of HDL itself. This indicates an increase in HDL levels when olive oil is taken. HDL decreases the risk of atherosclerosis, which in turn, decrease the chances of getting heart conditions such as myocardial infarctions. Furthermore, as olive oil is a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agent, reduction of clotting and platelets clumping will result to lowered chances of getting heart diseases.
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