Heart Health Blog
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# Web Link Hits
1 European Study Confirms Calcium’s Heart-Healthy Benefits 1331
2 Cut Back on Sodas for a Healthier Heart 1331
3 Love Pistachios? Your Heart Does, Too! 1285
4 Your Heart Truly Loves Chocolate! 1366
5 For Obese, Moderate Weight Loss Brings Significant Healing 1353
6 Study Says Protein Is “Whey” Good For Heart Health 1304
7 U of C Study Shows How Fish and Nuts Protect Heart Differently 1335
8 For a Healthy Heart, Put a Premium on Magnesium 1381
9 Cocoa: What It Does to the Heart 1280
10 Understanding Lycopene’s Benefits to Your Heart 1371
11 Study: Red Wine Does Your Heart Good 1293
12 Eating Pecans Promote A Healthier Heart 1330