7 Foods that Help You Sleep Better Print Write e-mail
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Sleep - Sleep 2011
Written by Frank Mangano   
Saturday, 03 December 2011 19:23


Do you ever have that feeling when you come home from work and you just want to sleep cosily in the bed and sleep for hours? But then, you find yourself tossing and turning in your bed because you are unable to sleep even though your body says otherwise.

There are a number of people who are experiencing insomnia or trouble sleeping. Some encounter sleeping troubles from stress while others because of the excessive use of technology such as spending long hours in front of the computer. Friends and family may offer you to take some sleeping pills in order for you to finally take a snooze. But the downside of most drugs is you might get addicted and your body gets dependent on the drug in order to function, which is not a good sign or practice.

Apart from meditation to clear the stress of the mind, there are certain foods that would help you find the restful sleep you have always wanted. But before that, there is something you need to know before you devour these foods and to understand better. There is a certain hormone that makes us feel good and keeps our moods up and that is called Serotonin. Serotonin is hormone that helps you sleep and to maximize serotonin in the body, you need to have at least 2 things first: Tryptophan and Carbohydrates.

Tryptophan is the raw component for serotonin where it is richly found in protein sources (meat and vegetables). Eating a high protein diet will cause the levels of amino acids in the blood to increase and into the brain. On the other hand, Carbohydrates works as a clearance. When carbohydrates are present, insulin is released from the pancreas. Insulin would then save excess amino acids and glucose into storage except for tryptophan. Because of this mechanism, Tryptophan is free to enter the brain.

So, what are the foods that would help you catch some snooze? Here are 7 for you to feast on an hour before you go to bed.

  1. Salmon

    Salmon is rich in natural fats that are not only good for the heart and the brain but also good for making you sleep better. Salmon contains DHA (or docosahexaenoic acid) which helps increase the melatonin in the body. Melatonin will help your muscles relax and regulate your sleep. And another thing, who would say no for a Salmon dish for dinner? So enjoy that light meal and long uninterrupted sleep in the night.

  2. Bananas

    Bananas are naturally rich in Tryptophan. It also contains Serotonin, Melatonin and Magnesium. These components help you sleep better by helping your muscles relax since this act as natural muscle relaxants. You can eat it raw, make it into a smoothie or try adding it to your favourite oatmeal.

  3. Potatoes

    Like Bananas, Potatoes are rich in Carbohydrates and Tryptophan. Eating this before you go to bed will help you sleep. Eat only a few pieces, preferably not drenched in too much oil. Try making some baked Potato wedges with parsley and olive oil or make your favourite mashed potato.

  4. Almonds

    Almonds are rich in Magnesium and Tryptophan. You can either eat a handful before you go to bed or add this to your favourite salad. Almonds are also rich in natural oils, especially those roasted and unsalted ones.

  5. Oatmeal

    Oatmeal is rich in carbohydrates. They are also rich in fibre which also aids you with your bowel movement as well as cleansing the bowel. Oatmeal is usually eaten during breakfast and now, you have every right and reason why you should eat it before going to bed. As a bonus, when you wake up in the morning, you are sure enough to pay a morning visit to the loo. Add your favourite fruits and berries with warm milk on the side and you will certainly feel closer to Sleep-Ville in no time.

  6. Grapes

    Did you know that Grapes are the only fruit-berries that contain Melatonin? Yes, you heard it right. Grapes are rich in melatonin that regulates your sleep. Try adding this to your favourite salad or pair it with your favourite yoghurt which is rich in calcium and magnesium which would also help you sleep soundly.

  7. Cherries

    Next to Grapes are the Cherries, the Tart Cherries that are a bit sour, are rich in melatonin. Try biting into a slice of Cherry pie before you go to bed and you will get a slice of sleep haven.

Now that you know the best foods that you should eat before going to bed, you no longer have to fret of tossing and turning in bed. But if there are foods that will help you sleep better, there are also foods that you should avoid eating before going to bed. Avoid eating spicy foods, drinking coffee or caffeinated drinks and alcoholic beverages. You should also avoid eating heavy meals before going to bed since it would cause discomfort and disturb sleep.

Some people are used to drinking alcohol to help them sleep since it causes drowsiness. But what they don't know is that the body, as well as the mind, is not well rested. You may feel you've slept but you haven't really experienced a sound sleep. If you are a person that likes coffee so much, you have to lessen the cups. Don't drink any coffee or caffeinated drinks after 1 in the afternoon.

Other foods that you should also avoid are the ones that produce gas in the body. Some people who eat gas-producing foods have experience sleep loss and that is why it is better for you to avoid those foods. Examples of gas- producing foods are: lentils, cabbage, apples, broccoli, legumes, cauliflower and others.

So, it is always better to look at what you eat and be conscious on what you do daily. With proper exercise and right diet, you will achieve the health status that you want. Seek Professional advice especially from your doctor to further guide you with the choices that you make from here on.





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