As provided by The Endocrine Society, new research funded by the German Research Association and the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts points to the idea that the resveratrol found in red wine may actually prevent obesity. Past studies have tested this theory out only on laboratory mice, which were saved from a diet high in calories and the obesity it brings due to the ingestion of resveratrol. The researchers at the German University of Ulm wanted to see if these results could be mimicked in human fat cells. Their study included the use of a strain of preadiopocytes, pre-human fat cells which would eventually develop into mature fat cells inside the body. By adding resveratrol to these cells, the team was able to observe the prevention of the cells from increasing, transforming into mature fat cells or storing any fat inside. "Resveratrol has anti-obesity properties by exerting its effects directly on the fat cells," says Pamela Fischer-Posovszky, PhD and endocrinology research fellow for pediatrics in the Diabetes and Obesity Unit. "Thus, resveratrol might help to prevent development of obesity or might be suited to treating obesity." The resveratrol was able to hinder the production of certain substances known to develop diabetes and clogged arteries, which can be caused by obesity. It also encouraged the forming of a protein called adiponectin that obesity is inclined to decrease, which helps in the prevention of heart attacks. These findings are very promising and help support the French paradox, which has the French consuming diets high in fat, but still having a low death toll in regards to heart disease due to their red wine intake. Although this research is set to be presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society in San Francisco, there is still doubt about resveratrol’s long-term treatment effects, if any, and the safety in amounts ingested. Thus far it was found that five grams of resveratrol causes no severe harm to those of good health. Five grams is a much higher amount than is found in red wine. However, due to another small study that suggests it may stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells, more research will have to be conducted. Resveratrol is also known for its antioxidant properties, clearing out free radicals from within the body the can lead to cancer and killing cancer cells that have already formed. It protects the central nervous system and thins the blood. Research also pinpoints resveratrol as an Alzheimer’s prevention method, especially if taken with Vitamins C and E. Finally, it may also expand life expectancies, so drink up to your health and the possibility of many more years!
