High blood pressure, or hypertension, means putting on unnecessary added pressure on the arteries. This is because the blood is pushing towards the wall of the blood vessel as the heart pumps out blood. If the pressure stays high, and it keeps on rising over time, this can lead to a lot of damages in many parts of the body. The dangers of hypertension include conditions such as heart failure, embolism, thrombosis, heart attack, and stroke.
However, the dangers of hypertension won’t happen if we all take extra precautionary measures to avoid high blood pressure. If you are already diagnosed with one, it is important that you implement ways on how to lower your blood pressure. Some are as follows:
Avoid animal fats
Although some fat is required by the body, many studies have shown that it can even raise high blood pressure and increase the risk of stroke, depending on the type of fat that is consumed.
In the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, a study showed that fats, specifically saturated animal fats, significantly increase blood pressure. When fats taken from marine sources were consumed, such as fish oils and plant oils, there was no significant increase in blood pressure. Saturated animal fats that can be found on chicken, pork and beef should be clearly avoided when trying to fight high blood pressure.
Avoid tobacco and alcohol
When trying to lower your blood pressure, it is best to avoid tobacco and alcohol. Nicotine found in cigarette or tobacco products can raise your blood pressure. In addition, the chemicals can also damage the arteries. Too much alcohol consumption can also lead to the same effect, although drinking it at the right amount can sometimes help. You should also look out for caffeine since recent studies show that regular consumption can increase blood pressure. This may appear difficult since tobacco, alcohol and caffeine are mostly a part of some people’s daily routine, so intake must at least be limited.
Buy a home monitor
Buying your own blood pressure monitor will help you keep track of your blood pressure levels regularly, especially if you are continuously experiencing high blood pressures. This will help you find out how your blood pressure changes during the day. It will also help your doctor find out how your treatment regimen is working in order to stabilize your blood pressure.
Getting regular exercise makes the heart stronger. Less effort will be needed to pump the blood out with a strong heart. The force on the arteries decreases and the blood pressure is lowered when the heart exerts less effort in pumping. Being active makes the systolic blood pressure – the first number in blood pressure reading – lower.
However, it is essential to remember that, in order to achieve the health benefits that exercise promises, sticking to a regular exercise regimen is needed. It would take about three months for exercise to create an impact on your blood pressure, so continued action is advised.
Consuming garlic, and garlic supplements, is of good use to people with mild high blood pressure, according to recent studies. It can thin the blood and prevent it to clot, like aspirin – minus the side effects. Kyolic® Aged Garlic Extract™ is a totally balanced garlic supplement that gives the full benefits of garlic, without the odor and aftertaste of other garlic supplements. Garlic is widely known as a hypertensive medication. Even researchers at the University of Mississippi proved the potential of garlic to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Get enough sleep
A study by Dr. Kristen L. Knutson published in the June 8 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine linked the insufficiency of sleep to increasing levels of blood pressure. Results showed that subjects who had shorter and lower quality of sleep had increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings. It was suggested that insufficient sleep affects the way the body responds to stress that may lead to increased blood pressure.
Increase magnesium intake
Studies suggest that there is a certain link between magnesium and blood pressure. Diets that include numerous fruits and vegetables, widely known to contain potassium and magnesium, is consistently said to be associated with lowered the blood pressure. It was said that consuming and sticking to a diet plan that is rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium and low in fat and sodium can significantly lower blood pressure according to the DASH study (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). Another study also proved this case when they tested the effect of nutritional factors on 30,000 US male health professionals. The results of the study showed that lower risk of blood pressure was seen in those with greater magnesium intake.
Lose the Excess Weight
Reducing or controlling your weight can significantly lower your blood pressure. It will help you feel better. It is advised that you should engage in more exercise to keep your heart healthy. It’s best to do it slowly, eating fewer calories than you burn. For example, replace a chocolate bar with small apple for lunch; have baked chicken instead of fried chicken during dinner; and take a 15 minute brisk walk after meals instead of sitting aimlessly.
Meditation is considered by doctors worldwide to lower blood pressure levels. Stress is one of the major factors which cause high blood pressure, and meditating could help reduce stress. Transcendental Meditation (TM) is by far one of the easiest meditating techniques one could learn to lower high blood pressure at the same time reducing the need for blood pressure-lowering medications. This should be done daily. Research has also proven that TM can reduce high blood pressure without the need for medication.
Start Juicing
There are many fruits and vegetables that can aid in lowering blood pressure. Aside from directly eating them, you can also juice them. Some of my favorites include juicing carrot, apple, beet and celery because of their blood pressure-lowering activities. You can drink celery juice alone, or mix it with carrot. Beet root juice clearly helps in lowering and normalizing blood pressure. You can mix it with celery-carrot juice occasionally.
Sources content4reprint.com healthmad.com mayoclinic.com livestrong.com