Exercise Blog
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# Web Link Hits
1 Study Identifies Link Between Smoking and Urinary Health 1639
2 An Hour’s Worth of Benefits with 10 Minutes of Exercise 1575
3 Beating Cancer Back With Exercise 1574
4 Just Five Minutes of Exercise Outdoors Boosts Mental Health, Researchers Say 1392
5 How Exercise Can Awaken Your Creative Genius Within 1379
6 People with Runner’s Knee Report Greater Improvements with Light Exercise over Rest 1368
7 Moderate Bouts of Exercise Reduces Cigarette Cravings, Study Finds 1291
8 Exercise Improves Brain Function in Rats Treated with Radiation, Say Duke Researchers 1424
9 The Impact of Music on Exercise Performance 1399
10 Despite Age, Weight Training Slows Muscle Loss 1366
11 Study: Chocoholics Reduce Cravings with 15-Minute Walk 1444
12 UNC Study: Cardio Activity Keeps Brains Younger 1404
13 Untangling Misleading Headline that Says Exercise Doesn’t Rev Metabolism 1311
14 Study: Park Populated Places Breed Active Kids 1441
15 Exercise Benefits Even the Critically Ill 1377
16 Researchers: Exercise Adds Size to Brain, Improves Spatial Memory 1371
17 Cherry Juice and What You Can Do to Hasten Exercise Recovery 1307
18 Tai Chi Promotes Heart Health: Study Says 1346