Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible degenerative neurologic condition that is progressive in nature and is characterized by disturbances in affect and behavior as well as a gradual loss of cognitive functions. It was Aloysius Alzheimer, a German neuropathologist and psychiatrist, who first published a case of “pre-senile dementia” in 1906. But it was Kraeplin, his colleague, who identified the disease. Kraeplin, nonetheless, named the disease after Aloysius.
What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease?
The most common early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease involve confusion, disturbances in short-term memory recall, problems with spatial orientation and attention. Changes in personality, trouble with language and inexplicable swings in mood. Generally, forgetting something would be very disappointing, much more frustrating to the one who is experiencing it. But the negative feeling presented by frustration is double to the people that surround the sufferer, especially during the undiagnosed phase. Alzheimer’s have three hallmark features in the brain: amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and granulovascular degeneration.
The certain cure for Alzheimer’s disease is not available up to this day. But ample numbers of scientific research from across the globe is active and is driven to continually engineer possible cure from this dreadful disease. And one of the best ventures science has imparted to people is that all hope for healing is not lost and we still have the bounty of Mother Nature. Researchers have presented relevance of natural elements in preventing and delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Looking for natural remedies that could be used as natural combating agents in managing Alzheimer’s disease? The following are some of the popular raw alternatives in fighting the aforementioned disease:
Research have taken into account that a racy diet with almonds, coupled with daily runs and an environment that is stimulating, can aid in keeping brain aging at bay. So what is it in almond that constitutes management relevance to Alzheimer’s disease? Well, this edible seed contain a substance that work like cholinesterase inhibitors, which is a same component in drugs used in treating Alzheimer’s disease. It is also perceived that it has a high content of vitamin E, a vitamin that is very beneficial because it neutralizes free radicals in the body, acting as an anti-oxidant and enhances brain function.
Given the fact, there is no harm (at least when you are not allergic to nuts) in adding almonds to your diet from time to time.
Latest studies demonstrate that consuming a daily dose of wild blueberry juice ameliorated the memory of older adults with memory problems related to age. Blueberries are rich in phytochemicals that acts as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. When tested upon animal subjects, it was found out that anthocyanin, a polyphenol content in blueberries, have enhanced the signal mechanism in the brain, which is related to memory, and improved the action of the brain in eliminating glucose. Together they are essential in preventing memory deficiencies.
A new study points that the wealthy amount of docosahexaenoic acid or DHA, one of the omega-3 fatty acids commonly found in mackerel, salmon and herring, may manage memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It was indicated that even if the brain lesion is already in its advance stage, there is still relevance in consuming fish to prohibit progression of the disease. According to research, DHA may defend the brain from cell damage, the same as that seen in Alzheimer’s disease.
A one or two times a week consumption of fish proves to be very beneficial to aid in managing Alzhemier’s disease.
Ginkgo Biloba
This herb may really sound weird for some people. But weird and unique as it is, the fact that its endless benefits are highly recognized should be enough to convince us to take this herb seriously. Utilized as food and as an herbal remedy, Ginkgo Biloba was cultivated since the early period in human history. It is one of the most popular traditional medicines used in the Unites States and in Europe. Research depicts that this wonderful herb has managing powers when it comes to improving brain function, which, primarily, is the goal in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
Ginkgo Biloba, in some evidence, demonstrate inhibition in the formation of beta-amyloid, as mentioned above, one of the hallmark signs in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. The herb is also thought to increase cerebral circulation and blood flow to the brain.
Green Tea
Aside from the slimming and other beneficial effects of green tea, regular consumption may provide protection against the terrible features of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. It even shows correlation to slowing the growth of cancer cells.
An ancient herbal Chinese remedy, green tea contains defensive properties when consumed in the form of undigested and freshly brewed tea. But the research found out that when green tea is digested on the gut, the ensuing chemicals are more effective in fighting off the fundamental activity that is involved in Alzheimer’s disease than those in the form of undigested tea.
Like blueberries, green and black tea contains polyphenols, which have neuroprotective components that binds toxins together thus protecting cells in the brain.
Grape Seed Extract
Studies shows that grape seed extract contains a compound that prevents formation of beta-amyloids in the cells of the brain thus preventing toxic amyloid plaques build up. An antioxidant in red wine called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has a powerful ability to prevent binding beta-amyloid thus preventing plaques by blocking the establishment of filament-forming protein.
Therefore, moderate consumption of red wine — about one glass for women and two glasses for men — have indicated health benefits. Take note: moderation is the key.
Noticed the bright yellow color in your mustard? That is turmeric, a peppery, warm and bitter spice flavor. Recently, evidences point towards turmeric as a natural means of warding off Alzheimer’s disease. Epidemiological research have indicated that among those elderly Indians with a turmeric diet, their level of acquiring neurological disease such as Alzheimer’s disease is very low.
Curcumin, a biological component of turmeric, fights against Alzheimer’s disease by turning on a gene that inscribes for the production of antioxidant proteins. Curcumin also acts as an anti-inflammatory and it has a lipophilic property that improves the cognition function of patients with Alzheimer’s by reducing beta-amyloid plaques, delays the degradation of the neurons and decreasing microglia formation.
All these natural remedies that can work wonders in the management of Alzheimer’s disease – and most of these are found in your kitchen and in the local market. Better start living healthy and preserve your memory.
Sources usatoday.com medicinenet.com cbsnews.com alzheimers.about.com washingtonpost.com sciencedaily.com whfoods.com